Noise, whistling or other sounds in the ear and in the head are called tinnitus. This medical term refers to tinnitus that does not have an external source. Noises arise of a different nature and volume, and along with them headaches torment, problems with sleep and concentration of attention appear.
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Tinnitus: causes of discomfort
The term “tinnitus” has a Latin origin and in translation means “ringing”. Patients may hear hum, whistle, throbbing, or other unpleasant sounds. Ear noise usually does not have a real source, but exists only in the subjective perception of a particular person.
Many people hear very different sounds in the head or in the ears only temporarily. Noises more often arise only on one side, but can also be bilateral. Usually tinnitus is first felt after 50 years. Recently, pathology has become “younger” and is now found in adolescents and young people who prefer loud music, noisy parties, listening to recordings in headphones.
There are various causes of tinnitus:
- painful restrictions on the movement of the cervical spine;
- impact on the auditory nerve of certain drugs;
- constant stress, increased anxiety;
- explosion, loud noise, loud music;
- eardrum injuries;
- auditory nerve neuroma;
- inflammation of the ear canal;
- mental stress;
- foreign body in the ear;
- decompression sickness;
- Meniere's disease;
- otitis media;
- hearing loss
- otosclerosis;
- hypotension;
- depression;
- anemia.
Stress causes many negative reactions in the body. One of the consequences is the release of the hormone cortisol, which narrows the lumen of the blood vessels. As a result, blood circulation is impaired.The capillaries of the head are particularly susceptible to this effect.
Inadequate blood supply to the internal structures of the organ of hearing leads to ringing in the ears.
Side effects of a number of drugs can also cause tinnitus. Tinnitus temporarily appears when taking acetylsalicylic acid, antidepressants, drugs for high blood pressure, diuretics.
What diseases are manifested by tinnitus
Tinnitus is not an independent disease, but a symptom of many pathologies.
The most likely causes of ringing in the ears are:
- otitis media and labyrinthitis (inflammation of the middle and inner ear);
- hearing loss with otosclerosis;
- tumor of the auditory nerve.
Tinnitus can also appear with viral and bacterial infections (Lyme disease, sinusitis).
Colds, severe nasal congestion are also accompanied by tinnitus. If vasoconstrictive nasal drops are used, a runny nose passes and the patency of the Eustachian tube between the nose and tympanic cavity is restored. As a result, extraneous noise in the head disappears.
Tinnitus is very common as a symptom of a relatively rare pathology - Meniere's disease. For unknown reasons, there is an increase in volume and increase in pressure of the labyrinth liquid. There are dizzy spells with nausea and vomiting, noise appears from the affected ear. Progressing hearing loss.
Cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by tinnitus, but are a rarer cause of tinnitus compared with otitis media and labyrinthitis. With a decrease in blood pressure in a standing position, dizziness and tinnitus, palpitations occur. With anemia, ear noise is due to a lack of oxygen in the brain.
First of all, it is not tinnitus that is treated, but a causative disease.
Elimination of the pathological condition improves sleep, relieves anxiety and depression. Therapy is necessary if tinnitus is combined with impairment or loss of hearing. People who use hearing aids report a decrease in tinnitus.
Constant and passing tinnitus
Ear noises occur at different times of the day, but especially often complicate work and falling asleep. It happens that there is a constant ringing in the ears, or it appears at certain intervals. Subtle sounds can be amplified during stress, mental and physical exertion, after drinking alcohol.
Doctors distinguish between two main forms of tinnitus - acute and chronic. In the first case, the ear noise appears suddenly, the condition lasts less than 3 months. Typically, symptoms of an acute form of pathology occur after otitis media and spontaneously disappear even without therapy.
Chronic tinnitus lasts over 3 months. It is possible that permanent tinnitus will last for many years and will not pass, despite the treatment.
The longer a person has a pathological condition, the higher the risk of his chronicity.
Tinnitus interferes with everyday life, reduces self-confidence and limits the social contacts of the sufferer.
Ringing in the left or right ear
Almost all diseases in which tinnitus occurs are accompanied by noise only from the affected side. For example, the growth of a benign tumor - acoustic neuroma - leads to noise and hearing loss in one ear.
Acoustic injuries can cause unilateral tinnitus. They occur when the airbag is deployed, during a shot, fireworks, explosion, lightning discharge, a strong blow to the head. Symptoms usually go away in a few days.
Which doctor to go to and what examinations to go
A person who suddenly has a ringing in the ears and head, hypersensitivity to sounds, dizziness, is recommended to visit an ENT doctor. You should also consult a doctor of this specialization while maintaining tinnitus for longer than 2 to 3 days.
The doctor carefully examines the ear canal and eardrum using an otoscope, checks for visual acuity. The doctor will definitely ask about the circumstances of the ear noise in order to establish a possible cause of tinnitus.
Consultation with other specialists will be required:
- neurologist;
- chiropractor;
- Dentist
- surgeon.
More in-depth studies are prescribed to rule out an inflammatory disease or tumor of the auditory nerve. In case of suspected pathology, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are performed to detect diseases of the cranial bones surrounding the tympanic cavity and the labyrinth. Be sure to examine the state of the vessels of the head.
Therapy depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the symptoms. In acute tinnitus associated with purulent otitis media or labyrinthitis, antibiotic treatment will be required. In case of hearing loss, it is important to identify the root cause of the disorder, for example, damage to the eardrum, Meniere's disease. In such situations, hormonal drugs with a strong anti-inflammatory effect are used.
The chances of recovery are higher in the first three months, so it is so important to seek medical help in a timely manner.
Very often, organic causes of ear noise are not detected, and surgical intervention is not required. The goal of therapy in such cases is to improve blood circulation in the inner ear.
How to get rid of tinnitus with medication:
- glucocorticoids are prescribed;
- intravenous anesthetic "procaine";
- Pentoxifylline drug, stimulating blood circulation;
- Vitamin E
- magnesium.
Depending on the cause and strength of the ringing in the ears, medicines in the form of tablets or injections are used. With cervical osteochondrosis, the antispasmodic Midokalm and physiotherapeutic procedures help.
Folk remedies to combat the disease
Otitis, which often causes tinnitus, is treated by instilling 1 to 2 drops of onion or aloe juice in the ear canal on the affected side. Olive, camphor, chamomile oil have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Instill 1-2 drops of the selected fluid in the ear canal 2-3 times a day.
A tincture of lemon balm herb is also prepared (100 g of medicinal raw materials per 300 ml of vodka). The solution is infused in a dark room for a week, then filtered. Instill a few drops of tincture in the form of heat in the ear canal.
How to protect yourself from tinnitus
Prevention of tinnitus is to prevent stress, following the rules of a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to avoid loud noise, to dose listening to music with headphones. It is also necessary to stop taking medications that have a harmful effect on the organ of hearing. Useful exercises for relaxation, a balanced diet, rejection of alcohol and nicotine.