Itching in the vagina is not so rare as many female representatives might think. However, it is worth noting that the mechanism of its occurrence has a different degree of manifestation depending on the pathologies. Vaginal itching occurs in most cases with impaired secretion of the vaginal glands. But do not panic at that hour, it is necessary to exclude all the reasons for its appearance.
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Causes of itching in the vagina
The secretion of the uterine glands, a mixture of normal microbes with dead epithelial cells, belongs to the main functions of the vagina. Allocations must be transparent, slightly sticky, of uniform consistency, without a pungent odor, a milky hue may be present, but there should be no impurity of blood.
Normally, the number of lactic acid bacteria corresponds to normal values, pathogenic microbes are absent or not in a significant amount, there are no leukocytes at all. The first sign that certain types of pathogenic flora began to prevail over “good” microorganisms is precisely the itching of the vagina.
Gradually, if the cause is not eliminated, the acid-base balance changes towards the alkaline environment. In addition to simple microorganisms, streptococci, trichomonads, and other bacteria that can cause not only severe itching of the genitals, cervix, but also burning sensation during urination, pulling pains in the lower abdomen can be detected in mucus.
According to the intensity of the manifestation, itching is divided into the following degrees:
- Weak - unpleasant, but tolerable itchy sensations. Appear due to violation of banal rules in intimate hygiene, are easily eliminated by washing with warm water and soap.A weak manifestation of itching can be caused by the contact of the external labia with tight-fitting underwear (for example, thongs), wearing synthetic panties, as well as unsuitable intimate cosmetics.
- Moderate - scratching appears from time to time, but is still bearable. Sometimes allergic reactions to the bathroom and personal hygiene products are manifested in this way. Moderate irritation is a consequence of the appearance of pathogenic microbes in the vaginal environment in a small amount (for example, with thrush, Escherichia coli).
- Strong - unbearable itching, more like burning. The flow of blood gives the sensation that the internal organs are swollen. It is impossible to think of anything else but to get rid of the negative symptoms. May be accompanied by profuse modified mucus (from cream to brown, with a pungent and unpleasant odor). Such signals indicate the excessive development of pathogenic microbes in the vagina, the transformation of the acidic environment into an alkaline one, and the presence of genital infections.
Note. Itching after sexual intercourse is manifested against the background of dry intimate contact “without lubrication”. Such sexual intercourse causes vaginal trauma, mucosal injury occurs. In order to avoid such unpleasant sensations in the future, it is worth using intimate lubrication or not to neglect preliminary caresses.
Every month, before critical days, a woman can constantly experience itchy sensations. This indicates hormonal disorders, the vaginal microflora undergoes changes in the direction of the alkaline environment and becomes more sensitive than before. After menstruation, it is restored, the balance returns to normal. Sometimes, having experienced a strip of stress, you can feel the itching of the genitals. Recovery in this case occurs after the end of the period of nervous exhaustion.
Burning somatic diseases
Severe itching in the vagina is not a disease, but a clear unpleasant symptom that indicates the presence of diseases of the genitals. By the nature of the itching sensations, by the frequency of their manifestation, by the mucus secreted in parallel with this mucus, we can assume the presence of pathologies for which this condition is characteristic.
Causes of itching:
- Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) - itching of the cervix and genitals is accompanied by characteristic discharge of a cheesy appearance, from white to cream. Often it appears against the background of a weakening of the body, after taking antibiotics.
- Vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the vulva and vagina against the background of microorganisms introduced into the vaginal environment, for example, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, chlamydia. The presence of pathogenic microbes is determined using microbiological culture, after which treatment is prescribed.
- Atrophic vaginitis caused by menopause is a pathology associated with menopause. Mucus is no longer produced in the right amount, so a characteristic itching of the walls of the vagina appears.
- Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by the unicellular protozoan Trichomonas. It is transmitted sexually and everyday, it is worth treating two partners at once. The man does not feel any discomfort, the disease proceeds in a latent form, and the woman not only feels itching and burning in the vagina, but also suffers from pain during urination. Untimely treatment can lead to complete infertility.
- Vaginal cancer - a malignant formation, mainly in older women, causes itching on an ongoing basis.
- Vaginal warts - candilomas that grow on the walls of the genitals, secrete mucus, which irritates the skin.
- Diabetes mellitus - manifested by dry vagina and corresponding itching without discharge.
- General anxiety disorder - against the background of constant stresses, a change in the acid-base environment of the vagina occurs.
- Genital herpes is a viral lesion of the vulva against a background of reduced immunity. First bubbles appear, then eczema.
Diagnostic measures
Diagnostics must be carried out immediately. Itching can signal severe infectious diseases, which are best managed in the initial stages. Do not neglect your health, citing a lack of time. Conducted on-time seeding, cytological analysis will reveal a number of hidden symptoms or, conversely, weed out terrible assumptions.
Note. With the appearance of mild itching, a woman should pay attention to discharge.
The survey looks like this:
- gynecological smear;
- hidden infection analysis;
- blood for sugar, for hormones;
- Ultrasound of the genitals.
The collected history, complaints, tests will help get rid of an unwanted illness, reveal a hidden inflammatory process. If the patient’s complaints are still present, but the female doctor does not see pathologies of a gynecological nature, then he unequivocally writes out a referral for a consultation with another doctor, for example, an endocrinologist, immunologist, and oncologist.
Treatment methods
Very often, women began to experience genital itching after applying new hygiene products - pads, powder, soap, etc. To eliminate the symptoms, you should abandon them. Return to old, proven products that will not cause allergies.
Unpleasant sensations during menstruation can be removed by a frequent change of pads, washing. When itching occurs after sex, it’s worth mentioning to a partner who did not try hard to arouse the woman and did his job prematurely, causing a vaginal injury, or take care of intimate lubrication by buying it in a pharmacy.
Decoctions of calendula, chamomile have antiseptic and bactericidal action. They can be used both for washing the genitals, and for douching, if the itching is not severe. Home treatment is valid for no more than 3-4 days. If the itching does not subside, you should certainly consult a gynecologist, having acquired a viewing kit in advance. Against the background of the tests performed, the doctor may prescribe medication.
With thrush you can not do without antifungal drugs, for example, Livarol or Futsis. At home, you can try washing with warm water and baking soda diluted in it –1 tsp. on 1 liter of water. If thrush appears from 2-3 times a year, its symptoms are eliminated only with medication.
The use of Herpevir ointment and Acyclovir tablets inside facilitates the course of herpes. With hormonal imbalance, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Treatment of more severe genital infections requires an individually selected regimen.
Itching in the vagina during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman. The hormonal background changes, so a pregnant woman can feel itchy sensations in the vagina. Similarly, allergic reactions to hygiene products or to food products may occur. It is urgent to notify your local gynecologist about such symptoms, in order to avoid interruption of childbearing. It is important to know that the vaginal itch in some women is a pathology of the pregnancy itself and will continue until the baby is born.
Preventative measures
Caring for your own health will help a woman not get hung up on vaginal problems.
Preventive measures include:
- Morning and evening washings with warm boiled water. Water is pre-prepared (you can add a little soda), poured into a container. Then using soap or gel, washing is performed. It is important to rinse the external genitals well with water to remove the remnants of soap. Get wet with a dry cloth.
- Annual preventive examination by a gynecologist.
- A permanent partner is the guarantee of women's health by 90%.
- Random sexual intercourse must be protected by condoms.
Itching can be a real test for a woman, so you should not neglect personal hygiene and contraception.