Venus hair, home ginseng, golden mustache - as soon as the people do not call fragrant Kallisia! The plant came to our country from the moist forests of southern Mexico at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to the founder of the Botanical Garden in Batumi, A. N. Krasnov. Despite the fact that the alternative medicine uses the qualities of this plant to treat almost 400 diseases and pathological conditions, there are no materials for the scientific study of the healing properties and contraindications of the golden mustache. Even Wikipedia says that the healing properties of Callisia fragrans Wood. not confirmed and "very doubtful."
Material Content:
Golden mustache - medicinal properties, composition
Today, in the wake of interest in medicines from natural raw materials, scientists began to research what heals and what the Golden mustache, popular among the people, but unnoticed by science, consists of.
At the end of the 20th century, the following were revealed in the juice of this plant:
- phospholipids represented by palmitic, linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids;
- carotenoids;
- chlorophylls (a and b, phytol);
- vitamin C;
- anthocyanins.
With the introduction of innovative chromatography methods into scientific research, new bioactive substances were discovered in the juice of leaves and mustaches of plants. The supplemented composition of Kallizia is presented in the table:
Bioactive substance group | Detected | Concentration (%) by weight of dry matter (100%) |
Amino acids | 3,3 | |
Carbohydrates | glucose polysaccharides | 27,7 |
Organic acids | salicylic, vanillin, chlorogenic, etc. | salicylic, vanillin, chlorogenic, etc. 37.0 |
Phenols | coumarins; anthraquinones; phenolic acids; flavonoids (campferol, quercetin) | 0,1 0,008 0,4 0,05 |
Lipids | carotenoids (neoxanthin, α- and β-carotene, anteraxanthin); Triterpene compounds (β-sitosterol) | total: 0, 21 |
Other | choline | + |
Experiments conducted on laboratory animals proved that the fragrant Kallizia juices possess the following properties:
- stress-resistant (protects against the effects of stress);
- immunomodulatory;
- regenerating and repairing;
- antimicrobial;
- painkillers;
- anti-inflammatory;
- hepatoprotective;
- actoprotective (substances increase the body's resistance to physical activity).
And in addition, the Golden mustache has an antioxidant effect and is able to neutralize:
- nitrogen monoxide (NO), which is involved in the formation of pain and inflammation;
- ferrous ions (Fe2 +) in the presence of which free radicals can enter into reactions, forming extremely “aggressive” hydroxy radicals;
- hydrogen peroxide (H2O2);
- superoxide radical O2-.
The industry produces cosmetic and therapeutic products based on Kallizia extract:
- body balms and gels with ant alcohol, with saber, with bee venom, with bodysuit;
- Esobel cream with Kallizia extract;
- ginkgo foot balm;
However, only recently have scientists conducted a study of the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of a plant. Callisia's alcohol and water infusion reduced body temperature by 1.1% (for comparison, Diclofenac lowered it by 0.8%).
At the beginning of the last century, American and Canadian researchers, as part of a study of the pharmacological properties of indigenous plants in Latin America, found that fragrant Kallisia has long been used by Indians to treat skin lesions.
Also, the plant was used in the treatment of inflammation and pain in the joints.
The amount of bioactive substances in different parts of the plant is not the same. According to the Academy of Chemical and Pharmaceuticals, most biologically active substances contain a "mustache". Therefore, their use in the preparation of traditional medicine recipes is more common. A plant is considered medicinal when 8-10 “nodules” or “joints” appear on its processes.
What diseases does it help?
Due to the immunomodulating properties, preparations with an extract of the plant in question are used in alternative medicine as a medicine for a large number of diseases from colds to cancer.
It has been reliably established that the extract of the Golden Mustache is able to restore liver cells with its toxic damage to any etiology.
The experiment was carried out on mice, but the result justifies scientifically the use of Callisia in alternative medicine for therapy:
- hepatitis A;
- toxic liver damage;
- diseases accompanied by bloating or constipation;
- jaundice.
Golden mustache in one form or another is used both as a single drug, and as part of complex products from other plants that enhance its effect.
Herbalists recommend Golden mustache in the treatment of diseases:
- digestive system: chronic pancreatitis, inflammation in the intestines and gall bladder, stones in the gall, acid-base gastrointestinal imbalance, dyspeptic disorders, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
- circulatory system: anemia, arrhythmia, varicose veins, hypo- or hypertension, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids;
- reproductive organs: prostate adenoma, prostatitis, endometritis, cervical erosion;
- respiratory system: asthma, chronic rhinitis, pneumonia, ARI / SARS, tuberculosis, bronchitis, sinusitis, influenza;
- organs of vision: leukoma (thorn), glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
- organs of hearing - otitis media;
- endocrine system: adrenal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus;
- musculoskeletal system: arthritis, lumbago, radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
- nervous system: stroke, depression;
- dental diseases: gingivitis, stomatitis, toothache.
Bioactive substances cause pronounced regenerative and healing properties of the plant.
And therefore, funds with Callisia extract are used for healing:
- dermatoses;
- boils of various etiologies;
- abscesses;
- wounds;
- thermal damage (burn, frostbite);
- herpes
- bruises and fractures;
- ulcerative lesions.
Golden mustache flavonoids exhibit antitumor and antioxidant properties, which is why the plant is recognized as effective in the concomitant therapy of cancer. In addition, Callizia is used in the treatment of alcoholism.
In gynecology
Phytosterols were found in the Golden Mustache, which have an effect similar to estrogen on target tissues. These properties have led to the use of home ginseng drugs in the treatment of diseases of the female and male reproductive systems.
Folk healer, homeopath V.N. Ogarkov gives in his book "Everything about the Golden Mustache from the first hand" detailed recipes for preparing preparations from the plant and schemes for the treatment of gynecological pathologies:
- infertility
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- salpingoophoritis - inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
- endometritis;
- erosive processes in the cervix;
- benign tumors in the chest and reproductive organs: uterine fibroids and polyps, cysts and fibroids of the ovaries;
- genital herpes.
The healer recommends using the plant for home cooking of decoctions, infusions and tinctures, oil balm.
Drugs for various gynecological pathologies use:
- orally (by mouth);
- for the manufacture of vaginal tampons;
- cooking sitz baths.
The property of Kallisia to stimulate the growth of lactobacilli causes its use in vaginal dysbiosis.
In men, Fragrant Callisia cures adenoma and prostate cancer, prostatitis and other diseases of the urogenital system.
In the treatment of joints
Fragrant callisia is part of many drugs that effectively fight inflammation and inhibit degenerative processes in the joints.
The plant has:
- painkiller;
- decongestant;
- anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition, the mustache stimulates blood circulation, tissue regeneration, normalizes trophic and metabolic processes in the joints. In tandem with bee products and some medicinal herbs, Golden Mustache preparations have a warming effect, remove toxins and metabolic products.
Herbalists use home ginseng to treat arthrosis and arthritis, as well as pathologies of the joints of the spine.
From the plant are prepared:
- vodka tinctures for oral use and grinding joints;
- decoctions for oral administration and preparation of therapeutic compresses;
- ointment for joints.
To increase the effectiveness of drugs, you should combine their intake with a special diet.
Application in traditional medicine
The components contained in the Golden Mustache are released differently in the preparation process.
- So, for example, decoctions are made from the dense parts of Kalisia - the processes of a plant. They are absorbed more slowly and last longer.
- Infusions help to isolate substances that decompose or evaporate when heated - glycosides, essential oils. The infusion of the Golden Mustache is prepared on an oil, alcohol or water basis. This is a cleaner dosage form that acts faster and more effective than others. Infusions are prepared in a cold, hot and warm way.
Golden mustache tincture on vodka
Tincture of a golden mustache on vodka is prepared from biostimulated parts of the "mustache". Take 30-40 internodes. Raw materials are crushed (particle size up to 3 mm). The resulting mass is poured into 1000 ml of medical 40% alcohol or good vodka and left to infuse without access to light for up to 20 days. The container is shaken periodically. The finished product is drained and stored on the refrigerator door.
The finished product has a lilac color, and over time its color changes to brown.
Take vodka tincture should be 1 tsp. thrice during the day. The therapeutic course is 2 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break of the same duration. Then, the treatment can be repeated.
Oil, ointment from Kalliziya
Golden mustache oil is prepared from the aerial parts of the plant. They are crushed with a knife to a particle size of 3-7 mm. The raw materials are placed in a bottle of dark glass and poured with olive oil at a rate of 1: 2, respectively. The container is placed in a dark place and incubated for 21 days. To stabilize the oil and extend its shelf life, pharmacy vitamin E is added to it.
Butter is cooked in a warm way. The prepared raw materials are placed in a refractory container and poured with slightly warmed olive oil. The oven is heated to 40 ° C. The container is placed in the oven, and kept there for 8 hours. The finished product is filtered.
Home ginseng ointment is prepared in two ways:
- The leaves and antennae of the plant are ground to a state of gruel. The resulting "puree" is added to the fat base (petroleum jelly, lanolin, melted animal fat) - take 2 parts of the slurry and 3 parts of the fat base.
- Squeeze juice from any parts of the plant, 1 part of which is mixed with 3 parts of the fat base.
The finished ointment is transferred to a clean, tightly closed container.
Golden Mustache Balm
Prescription balm V.N. Ogarkov is prepared from:
- 40 ml of sunflower oil (unrefined bazaar);
- 30 ml of vodka tincture of the plant.
The components are placed in a tightly closed container and shaken vigorously for 7 minutes. The balm is taken immediately to prevent separation of the mixture. For cancer, take the drug 3 times a day 20 minutes before eating. 2 hours before taking the balm, you can not eat. The medicine is not washed down or seized. The course of treatment is 5 days. The interval between courses is 10 days. After the third course, the interval is doubled.
When preparing the balm, it is unacceptable to measure the components “by eye”. Failure to comply with the formulation threatens with unpleasant consequences. It is forbidden to take balm for pathologies and liver cancer.
Balm is used not only orally. Applications are made from it for fistulas and ulcers, tampons for gynecological pathologies, and medical microclysters.
Juice Syrup
- Juice is made from freshly cut leaves of the plant. They are crushed with a blender and squeezed through a fabric. You can store juice no more than 1 day. To increase the shelf life, honey (1: 1) is introduced into freshly prepared juice and heated in a water bath for 0.5 hours.
- I also preserve the juice with alcohol (3: 2). Canned juice is stored for 1-1.5 weeks. Before use, the juice must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 or 1: 5.
- To prepare the syrup, take a leaf of Kallisia larger than a palm. The leaf is ground, poured with 100 ml of water, and boiled until 1 tbsp. l liquids. The broth is cooled and introduced into it 1 tbsp. l of vodka. Filter and add pre-prepared sugar syrup (boil 2 parts water to 1 part sugar). The resulting Golden Mustache Syrup should be ½ cup. It is sterilized by boiling. Store the finished product is recommended no longer than 3 weeks. It is used for coughing and colds, to facilitate sputum discharge.
All funds from Kallisia should be stored without access to light and at a temperature not exceeding + 8 ° C.
Diet for Golden Mustache
To increase the effectiveness of treatment with a Golden mustache, you must follow a diet. It should be excluded from the diet:
- salt and sugar;
- fast carbohydrates (muffins, pastries from white flour, sweets, potatoes);
- animal fats;
- dairy products and milk;
- alcohol;
- carbonated drinks;
- canned food.
But the number of vegetables, fruits, nuts and fish on the table should be increased.
Home ginseng is not recommended for use:
- during gestational and lactational periods;
- children under 14 years old.
If you are prone to allergic reactions, you need to start taking the drug with ¼-1/5 of the recommended dose. For liver and kidney pathologies, the use of Golden Mustache preparations should preferably be agreed with a doctor.
Despite the fact that the list of indications for the use of Kallizia fragrant is impressive, the plant is not a panacea.Therefore, therapy with this plant must be combined with official treatment. The drugs have a cumulative effect, which also needs to be taken into account, because sometimes side effects do not appear immediately. In case of an overdose, you should stop taking the drug and take the sorbent.