Golden root - a plant with thick roots surrounded by thin additional rhizomes. It can grow in one place for decades, so many people know how Rhodiola rosea. It is widely used in the medical and cosmetic field, so it is important to know what are the healing properties of the golden root and its contraindications.
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The healing properties of the golden root
Pink radiola has strong fleshy rhizomes, stems, up to 40 cm high and light green foliage. On the upper part of the stems are small inflorescences of a green-yellow or pale yellow hue. In medicine, only the roots of the plant are used, because they have a high concentration of substances useful to humans. To use them, it is customary to dry the rhizomes, peel, and then grind. As a result, you can prepare tinctures or decoctions from the resulting powder.
A finished medicine has the following properties:
- Stimulates mental, intellectual, physical abilities.
- Improves memory and concentration.
- Restores muscle and brain energy metabolism.
In addition, pink radiol is used as an immunomodulating and sedative drug, because drugs made on the basis of this ingredient normalize the protective functions of the body and increase its resistance to stress.
When it is useful to use tinctures of golden root:
- With a chronic breakdown.
- Diabetes, joint diseases, hypotension and dystonia of a vegetative-vascular nature.
- Low resistance to stress, reduced hemoglobin and mental fatigue.
Golden root is considered a plant that reduces the load on the body. However, it is also useful for pain. For pains in the teeth and throat, it is customary to use tincture to rinse, and for skin injuries (scratches, cuts), you need to wipe the affected area and put lotions to anesthetize and accelerate wound healing.
The use of Rhodiola rosea
Rhodiola rosea is a cheap and indispensable ingredient in medicine. Besides the fact that it can be used as a first aid drug for minor injuries, to improve visual and auditory abilities, it is also used for serious diseases, such as diabetes, scurvy, menorrhagia, gout, etc. Consider how the plant is used more in detail.
Golden root for men
For men, the golden root is especially useful, because they are most often exposed to problems in the intimate life and diseases of the genitourinary system.
Golden root tincture for men helps with:
- Decreased sexual activity.
- Oncological diseases.
- Bacterial infections and infections of the urinary / reproductive system.
Despite the fact that the golden root was attributed to homeopathic medicines, it contains biologically active components that make the plant potent. The rational use of tinctures will additionally improve tone, immune activity, enhance overall health and will prevent diseases of the genitourinary system.
You can prepare tincture, guided by this recipe:
- Take 100 g of the rhizome of the radiola and 0.5 l. moonshine.
- Grind the peeled ingredients and pour them with alcohol. Insist, for 2 weeks in a closed container in the cellar, drain.
Ready liquid is required to be taken orally 3 r. per day for 20 minutes. 15 drops before eating. But, if the patient has chronically low blood pressure, you will need to consult a doctor and use the infusion for the first week of 5 drops, and then daily increase the dosage taken by 1 drop.
In folk medicine
In folk medicine, absolutely all parts of the plant are used: roots, stems, leaves, inflorescences. To eliminate various diseases, different recipes are used:
With reduced hemoglobin, they buy a pink pharmacy radiol and add it to tea in 1/8 of a teaspoon, twice a day.
Read also: the norm of hemoglobin in women by age in the table
Tired, pale skin
The color of the skin is restored if you use a pink radiola, in the form of a decoction, which can be prepared as follows:
- Pour a teaspoon of crushed Rhodiola with a glass of boiling water.
- Insist liquid for 60 minutes.
It is required to moisten a cotton pad in a filtered broth and wipe it with the skin of the face and neck.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
You can prepare the infusion yourself, using the recipe in the "Golden Root for Men" section, but it is better to purchase a ready-made tincture in a pharmacy. Drink it should be 1-2 times a day for 30-40 drops.
Inflammation of the mouth, eyes and wounds
50 gr chopped golden root pour 1 liter. water and boil for 10 minutes. The cooled and filtered tincture is applied to the affected areas for 30 minutes 1-2 times a day.
Pressure ulcers, purulent wounds
The crushed plant (a tablespoon) is poured with a glass of water, boiled for 5 minutes. The resulting liquid is used in the form of lotions.
Anti-aging agent
To rejuvenate the body, it is useful to drink tea with crushed pink radiola. For 1 tsp. the root will need 1 liter. boiling water. It is required to mix them and put on low heat for 7-8 minutes. Ready tea should be divided into 3 days and consumed by 0.5 tbsp. in 15 minutes. The treatment course is 3 weeks. After 10 days of a break, you will need to drink the broth again.
Rhodiola rosea in cosmetology
Based on the research of scientists, the golden root has properties that are beneficial to health and skin.
The plant contains such useful substances:
- Malic, succinic, grape acids. Perform peeling function.
- Rosavin, salidroside. Make the skin velvet, smooth, silky.
This ingredient is often added to creams, because it has a restorative effect, tones, smoothes small wrinkles. Additionally, cosmetics with rhodiola perform a protective, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antibacterial function.
Rhodiola rosea for children
The golden root is assigned only to inactive children, because otherwise they will sleep poorly and begin to feel anxiety!
You can give pink radol to children under 12 years of age, adolescents, subject to moderate activity and during high mental stress (for example, when passing exams). This will allow the child to calm down and increase concentration, which is important for getting a high mark. It is recommended to give tincture or decoction to children, in case of temperature, but only if it is the first sign of SARS.
Useful properties and application of tincture of golden root
The benefits of the pink radiola were known in antiquity, but then the plant was used exclusively as a cure for colds, insomnia, and stomach. After conducting research, it was revealed that the plant has a wider spectrum of action, so it is used to eliminate many diseases, consider the most basic of them:
- Due to its adaptogenic effect, rhodiola is widely used to enhance the functionality of the immune system.
- The golden root tones the vessels, due to which they become more elastic, and support / treatment of patients with hypotension is performed.
- Due to sedative properties, the plant is used as an antidepressant.
- Due to the ability of the radiolum to lower sugar levels, it is prescribed for patients with diabetes or people prone to it. This reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques affecting the functionality of the vascular system.
Therefore, thanks to this tool, it is possible to treat diseases and carry out their prevention, but it is recommended to coordinate treatment with a golden root with a doctor, because in some cases its healing effect may not be enough.
The benefits of tea, decoction, infusion of Rhodiola rosea
Studies by scientists have shown that pink radiol has a beneficial effect in any form (decoction, infusion, tea). However, to achieve maximum effect, you should use the medicine only freshly prepared.
In this case, it will have such useful properties:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Regenerating.
- Healing.
- Enveloping.
- Antibacterial.
- Protective.
- Immunostimulatory.
Morphological and biochemical studies have shown that infusions, teas, decoctions of the golden root can be a medicine for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system. That is why experts recommend giving medicine to children, starting from toddler.
Contraindications for use, possible harm
In general, the golden root is considered safe, because herbal medicines rarely cause side effects.
But in some cases, the reception of a pink radio is categorically contraindicated:
- With hypertension / hypertension, you should refuse to use infusions, tea or a decoction of the golden root, because the plant increases the intensity of hematopoiesis, which negatively affects the narrowing of blood vessels. A patient who ignores this contraindication may experience vascular tension, severe pain in the head, and heaviness in the chest. Typically, cardiologists categorically forbid patients to drink the golden root in the presence of heart or vascular diseases.
- With eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, you will need to consult a doctor about the use of the golden root.With these diagnoses, the patient may experience an exacerbation of dermatosis.
- With depression, accompanied by anxiety, overexcitation, insomnia, the use of the plant should be abandoned. It is used to treat neurotic disorders associated with decreased energy and loss of strength.
In addition, pink radiola, like any other medicine, can cause an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to start using decoctions with a minimum dose.
If such symptoms occur during treatment, you should refuse to take decoctions, infusions, tea or extract from the golden root:
- Runny nose.
- Shortness of breath.
- Skin rash.
- Rush of blood / heat to the face, chest.
- Tachycardia.
- Stitching / pulling chest pains.
When deciding to give children medications from the golden root, you should definitely get approval from the local pediatrician. This is due to the fact that the doctor should be aware of all the medicines the child takes, even if they are of herbal origin. Pregnant women are not prohibited from treating with a radiola, but it will be necessary to inform the attending physician about this so that in case of an inadequate reaction of the body to the plant, it can quickly remove side effects.
Pink radiola or golden root - a plant that is useful to every person, provided that he has no contraindications for use. However, treatment, even with herbal decoctions, should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, because excess dosage or individual characteristics of the body can provoke an allergy or drug rejection by the body.