The name Mary can safely be called one of the most popular at all times. Today, many parents also choose it for their daughters. To be sure of the correct choice, they should carefully study the meaning of the name Mary, as well as its detailed description.
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Origin of the female name Maria
The history of the origin of the name Maria was very interesting. It appeared from another version (also female) - Mariam. And translated from Hebrew, the second name meant "bitterness." There is other evidence that the name “Mary” was originally used only as an addition to compound male names (like Erich Maria Remarque) and only eventually became independent and passed on to women. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to unravel the secret of the name today.
Name meaning for a girl
The name Maria for the girl has several variants of meanings: “bitterness”, “sad”, “mistress”. Some parents confuse the names Maria and Marina. In doing so, they make a big mistake. It must be remembered that these are two completely different meanings.
The nature and fate associated with the name
A person’s name even influences his character and destiny. So, Mashenki from very early childhood is very calm, reasonable, gentle and caring girls. Their love for babies begins to manifest itself in the first games. Masha loves to play with dolls - download them, feed, dress up, put them to bed. It is worth giving an outfit for your favorite toy or accessories for caring for it, there will be no end to the joy of the child.
Parents need to know that Masha is a very vulnerable girl.They are sensitive to even minor criticisms from others. They are especially worried if words that hurt the soul come from the lips of close and dear people.
From early childhood, the baby begins to form and manifest such character traits as self-confidence, firmness, determination, pride. Masha has self-esteem and will never begin to humiliate herself in front of another person. All these qualities become protection for the girl from rude and cruel peers. Little Maria can easily repulse hooligans and stand up for herself, without turning to her parents for help.
Friends love Masha for her honesty, responsibility, justice, and also because she is not prone to betrayal. If the bearer of the name under discussion has taken up some business, she will definitely bring it to the end. Maria knows how to make friends with people of different sex, age and social status. With many friends from childhood, she manages to maintain relationships for many years.
Sometimes Mashenka can suddenly become moody. But parents need to know that this never happens just like that - for no apparent reason.
If the girl suddenly became capricious, maybe she had some problems or she lacks attention, care from mom and dad.
The growing Masha becomes the protector and patroness of the "orphans and the wretched." The girl literally radiates warmth and tenderness. She is ready to help those in need at any time of the day or night. Maria’s parents and close friends should make sure that at this stage she does not meet evil people who want to use the kindness of the young lady for their own selfish purposes. Often, a natural sense of justice and the ability to think carefully before making an important decision helps not to fall into the clutches of scammers.
Already at a young age, it can be replaced that one of the main features of Mary is industriousness, responsibility and discipline. Thanks to them, the girl will always be appreciated by bosses and colleagues. It is also interesting that Masha often does her job perfectly, as she is afraid of criticism from the leadership. But others have a completely different opinion about the industriousness of the girl. However, she knows how to reliably hide her internal fears from strangers.
Masha's parents can not worry about the problems of adolescence in the life of her daughter. Such girls are able to control themselves even in unstable and difficult periods. Marys are rational, logical, consistent, lacking impulsiveness and rudeness. Therefore, they do not cause parents much trouble at any age.
Masha is always cute, fun. It seems that this girl is never discouraged and is an "avid" optimist. Mary really knows how to truly enjoy life. But at the same time, she is emotional and often sad. Just trying to keep his emotions within himself.
Adult Masha is an interesting, mysterious, active and very enterprising lady. Such a woman loves freedom, adventure, fun and bright pastime. She appreciates herself and is even too proud. For Maria, it is very important what people around her think. If the representative of the fair sex suddenly falls into the men's company, she begins to do everything possible to attract the attention of those present to herself.
Masha is always an excellent hostess. It becomes a real pleasure for a man to just watch how a woman is busy in the kitchen, trying to feed him not only tasty, but also beautiful. Family for Mary always comes first. Even successfully building a career, such a girl will have time to pay attention to children and her spouse. A man should not try to "put" Masha at home. For complete happiness, she needs to take place also in her career.
Masha's intuition is well developed. But she does not always use it. A sharp mind and well-developed logic help the girl make the right decisions with ease.
All Mary are strict, fair, decent.They will not step over their moral principles even for a very large sum of money. Such qualities help a woman to be respected in society. Masha realizes that she is smart. But at the same time, the girl is not trying to expose her intelligence to everyone.
The main “bridges” to professional success for Mary are hard work, the ability to find a common language with a variety of people, and natural leadership qualities. Such a lady can easily prove herself in a variety of fields - from design and other creative professions, to politics and law.
Masha knows how to live within her means. Money is not the most important thing for her. Therefore, the bearers of this name cannot be called self-serving. They choose a soul mate solely in their hearts, not thinking about the income of a man, whether he has a car or an apartment.
Mary is surprisingly self-contained. From an early age they get used to solve all problems on their own. Usually Masha spends a lot of time getting an excellent education and choosing a profession suitable for all parameters. Only after these two “ticks” the girls go in search of a spouse. Mashenka’s husband is likely to be an honest, fair, kind and non-conflict person. It is next to such a representative of the stronger sex that a woman will be able to feel happy. Maria hates family conflicts. Any quarrels literally “suck out” internal energy from it.
Masha becomes the most loving and caring mother. Even in case of urgent need to leave the maternity leave early for work, she will do everything possible not to give her beloved son or baby daughter a nanny. Rather, Maria will begin to master the profession, which you can earn in without leaving your home. Masha are understanding mother-in-law, good-natured, cheerful mother-in-law. Around them, all the members of a large family “bunch”. A woman knows how to smooth out acute angles in communication with relatives and to quickly resolve conflicts that arise between close people.
Masha has average health. Most often, problems arise “in a feminine way”. There are difficulties when trying to get pregnant.
When Masha celebrates a birthday
If Masha celebrates her Angel Day every time, then all her friends will definitely be tired of such celebrations. The fact is that their number is 41 per year.
So, according to the Orthodox Church calendar, Mary celebrates her name day both in winter (December 15, December 8, 12 and 31, February 8, 19 and 25), and in spring (March 2, 20, April 2, 14, 17 and 25, May 10 and 17 ), and in the summer (June 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, June 2, 17, 25, August 4, 18, 22, 24, 28), and in the fall (September 8, 21, 28, 2 , October 11, 21, November 11). A girl can simply choose one of the listed days for herself to celebrate her Angel Day.
Patronymic Compatibility
The female name Maria is very tender and sonorous. If we talk about compatibility with patronymics, then in this matter it can be called universal. Maria Ivanovna and Maria Svyatoslavovna sound equally beautiful. So the success of the combination does not depend on its length and other characteristics.
What masculine names will have a happy family life
So that Maria could definitely become happy in love and family life, she should study the most successful combinations of her name with men. It is believed that the perfect marriage of the bearer of the name under discussion is obtained with Alexander, Vladimir, Roman, Valentine, Arseny, Anatoly, Andrey.
But to stay away Masha stands from Victor, Valery, Anton, Boris, Alexei and Yegor. With Peter, Taras, Nikita and Anton, Masha will have long-lasting harmonious relations only with great efforts on both sides.
Mascots for the name Maria
Masha has several talismans at once.
- stone - sapphire and diamond;
- blue color;
- number four;
- the animal is a dove;
- plant - cornflower and birch.
Having studied the list of mascots of Mary, it will be possible to easily and simply pick up a good gift for her. For example, a bouquet of cornflowers, jewelry with diamonds or a pigeon figurine.
The beautiful name Maria goes well with any middle name. It is easy and pleasant to pronounce. A bearer of this name can be called Mashenka, Marusey, Mari, Mashuny, to come up with other interesting variations.