The origin and meaning of the name Marianne has undergone a deep study for a long time, but to this day attracts anthroponymonists. Personalities, the so-called, have many faces that are interesting to discover and unravel. To understand more about all of their features, you need to subtly feel and have good intuition.
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The origin of the female name Marianne
The origin of the name Marianne is not known for certain. Different sources may interpret similar, but still different versions. The most likely of them is the merger of two separate names "Anna" and "Mary", which in ancient times were very popular among Jews. If translated literally, then Marianne - "sad beauty ”, which very accurately characterizes her as a person. This name is also translated as "outrage" or "bitter grace." Such a formulation also takes place.
The second, also quite interesting opinion, is about the origin of this name from the nickname of the Romans “marianus”. Having gone deep into history, it is possible to find out that so called people "belonged to god Mars". At that time, various deities were worshiped quite deeply, so proximity to one of them, even in name, became a real privilege.
Well, the third, less popular version speaks of the kinship of two female names - Marianna and Marina, as well as their male form - Marinus. All three words have a common root, which in Latin is interpreted as “marine”.
Value for the girl
The name Marianne for the girl is very successful and harmonious. As a rule, such children are inquisitive, active and friendly. This sets them apart from their peers.Marianne is the pride of her parents, she strives to be the first in school, in various circles. A girl always likes a cheerful company and creative atmosphere, so she often reveals talents in drawing, singing, playing musical instruments.
Such a child has many friends; both adults and children love him. That is why, from an early age, envious people may appear in Marianne who will try to put the wheels in the wheel. But it will not be able to overshadow the bright image of the girl. Growing up, Marian with the help of his colossal energy and charm, will learn to cope with any difficulties and will succeed in many areas.
Moving from adolescence to youth, this girl will have many fans. But here its negative side will manifest itself - Marianne can easily play with hearts, not respect other people's feelings and sometimes even be cruel.
Character and personality trait
In order for Marianne’s character and fate to be positive, she needs to learn how to cope with her excessive pride. Having drawn so many friends to herself, she can lose them just as easily. Many who do not want to give in all the time in all matters and quarrel over trifles.
Strength and ambition Marianne is better to direct to the field of self-improvement and work. Most importantly, the occupation was to her liking. It is very important for her to receive aesthetic pleasure from what she has done. Often women with this name become masters of their craft in the creative field, and can become wise leaders.
Professions that are suitable for Marianne are:
- designer;
- singer;
- artist;
- stylist;
- architect;
- visagiste.
Given all the pros and cons, Marianne’s life cannot be called complicated. Despite everything, in a difficult moment she will find people ready to help. Good comes from Maryana herself. She is close to nature, loves animals, prefers to relax in the forest or near the river.
Angel Day and patron saints
Marianne’s Angel Day should be celebrated twice a year - in early spring - March 2 (according to the old calendar it is February 17) and in the middle of autumn - October 13. The spring name day is designated in honor of her holy patron saint - St. Marianne, who was the sister of St. Philip. In the city of Lycaonia, this saint preached the gospel after her brother died. She died there too. The second patroness is the Holy Martyr Maryana from Armenia. She and her friends suffered from the persecution of Diocletian in ΙⅤ century AD.
In Orthodoxy, it is considered very important to celebrate the day of the angel. Honoring the memory of the saint, whose name was given to the child at birth and baptism, gives inner strength for life and carries a deep meaning. On a name day, it is advisable to go to church, to pray, to thank God for everything. For spiritual cleansing, it is good to confess and receive communion on the day of the angel.
Patronymic Compatibility
Marianne’s compatibility with patronymics can be seen in two planes: from the side of aesthetics and from the side of esotericism. If in the first case compatibility is determined by ear, then in the second it requires a thorough approach and qualitative study.
Given the fact that the name itself is selected as a middle name, and not vice versa, we can conclude that the following men should call their daughter Marianna (Maryana):
- Anatoly - Marianna Anatolyevna;
- Nikolay - Marianna Nikolaevna;
- Stepan - Maryana Stepanovna;
- Victor - Maryana Viktorovna;
- Vladimir - Marianna Vladimirovna.
The name belonging to the girl is memorable and vivid, so the selection of a patronymic pleasing to the ear is not complicated. But a more in-depth study of the interaction of Marianne with her father suggests that this man should be much stronger than her morally. He must guide her, teach, be strict, but not cruel. A dictator can break her subtle mental organization and hurt pride.
Such criteria are suitable for such people:
- Artem - Marianna Artemovna;
- Ivan - Maryana Ivanovna;
- Alexander - Maryana Alexandrovna.
Marriage and family
There is no lack of love in Marianne's life. This person has an incredible charm bordering on magic. Fans spoil their sweetheart with good gifts all their lives. But because of the high demands, the girl does not quickly find her true love. She attracts people, studies, even checks. If at least once the partner disappointed Marianne - painful pride and pride will not allow her back to him. But over the years, she lowers the bar and seeks emotional relationships.
She enters into marriage early only if her parents taught her to hide their flaws well. Unrestrained and harsh Marianne is less likely to create a strong family. Despite all the difficulties, divorces among the owners of this name are very rare. Perhaps because of her dislike of change, a woman remains a faithful wife and understanding companion.
Mariyana is not pedantic, but loves when she is warm and comfortable at home. Thanks to her creative abilities, she brings a piece of soul to the interior and does everything with love. She has a good relationship with children and mother-in-law, but is not always good with her own parents. Marianne harbors childish resentment for trying to curb her temper and make her more compliant.
Mascots for the name of Marianne
Maryana looks after her appearance and loves jewelry. She can give jewelry with amethyst, amber, green jasper, aventurine, sapphire and topaz. They will become for her not just a beautiful thing, but also real talismans. Of the Marianne metals, zinc and tin are suitable. Of the animals significant for the owners of this name is the peacock. By collecting three attributes into one, you can get a powerful protective amulet against the evil eye and disease.
The female name Marianne became famous in the early 90s due to the popular film. But to this day, it does not lose its relevance. Calling a girl like that, you predict her a pleasant appearance and a light life.