This ancient name is already rarely chosen by parents for their daughters. It does not even fall into the 50 most popular options. If, nevertheless, someone looks closely at him, it is worthwhile to carefully study the meaning of the name Larisa. It promises the girl an interesting, albeit difficult, fate.
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The history of the origin of the name Larisa
Today, several versions of the origin of the name Larisa are known at once. So far, scientists have not been able to single out one among them. There is still heated debate on this subject.
For example, there is a version that the name came from the name of the ancient Greek city. It existed several centuries ago. It was Larissa. At first the girls were called that way, but over time the second “c” was gone, which made the name more harmonious and easy to pronounce.
And there is also an assumption that the name under discussion came from a word with Latin roots “larus”. The term has two meanings in the translation. This is a "seagull" and "fortress." It was believed that the harmonious pronunciation perfectly matched the appearance of the fairer sex, because the word gradually took shape in a beautiful female name. Initially, it was received only by girls from noble families, but gradually it spread among ordinary people.
Another interesting version of the origin of such a name is known. She touches the word laris. The latter is interpreted as a “guardian spirit." The word originates from the Latin language. If you take into account this version of the disclosure of the mystery of the name, then its meaning will be radically different.
Some scholars are convinced that the female name in question refers to Greek mythology.He received one of the granddaughters of Poseidon - a beautiful nymph.
Value for the girl
As already noted above, it is difficult to name the only true meaning of this wonderful female name. It may vary depending on the accounted version of origin. Most often, the "seagull" option is taken into account.
And also the name Larisa for a girl can mean “pleasant”, “sweet”. It is relevant if you take into account the variant of origin, which was not described earlier - from the popular epithet from the ancient Greek language “Laros”.
Character and fate
It is believed that the name chosen for the child has a great influence on his character and destiny. Many stories and examples confirm this. The name Larisa promises the girl a difficult, but interesting fate. If his carrier learns to deal with her main shortcomings, then she will certainly be very happy.
As a child, Lara is a very modest, quiet, calm and obedient girl. Parents often notice that she is closed and tries to be invisible. Many mothers and fathers are alarmed by the pet’s similar behavior. They try to liberate their daughter and make her more sociable. But this is completely unnecessary attempts. Little Larisa is quite comfortable to be alone with herself. No need to strive to change it and break it.
In kindergarten and school, Lara is often overshadowed by other girls - more active, vibrant, sociable. But the bearer of the name under discussion is unlikely to be bothered. She will slowly and steadily do her business and implement her plans.
Larisa from childhood has many advantages. For example, such girls have a great memory. As a result, they are doing very well without much work. The success of this contributes to the love of reading. The baby is ready to "swallow" all new books, plunging into reading literally for days on end. Her learning problems are extremely rare. Most often, Lara begins to "slip" in performance if she is concerned about something from the outside. For example, conflicts in the family.
From a very early age, the girl has her own habits, it will be extremely difficult for her to get rid of. For example, he hates it when they take her things. If someone unscrupulously assigns a book or Lara’s toy, he will come to an indescribable rage. Often it is for this reason that she has conflicts with friends, pals, classmates. Of the parents, Larisa is the closest mother. For many years, the girl has been in close contact with her.
As already noted above, the bearer of the name under discussion is always calm, capable of learning and very purposeful. She easily succeeds in mastering various sciences. But it should be noted that Lara’s academic performance may depend on her company and her idols. Therefore, parents must pay attention to the circle of communication of their daughter.
Over time, calm and a desire to be alone with Larisa is replaced by a desire for leadership. Such metamorphoses cause her many problems in difficult adolescence. The girl has a difficult relationship with friends and girlfriends. She seeks to lead everyone around, to control the actions of people, their thoughts, desires. Lara is very skeptical of others. She doesn’t forgive mistakes at all and rather harshly criticizes loved ones for their mistakes. If in childhood Larisa spends most of her time alone with herself, then, getting older, she suddenly begins to constantly look for society. She needs people nearby who can be taught, criticized, and given uninvited advice.
It is interesting that at the same time Larisa tries to surround herself with strong, courageous, purposeful personalities, who always have something to learn. But the girl diligently avoids the weak, too accommodating and compliant people. She does not have respect for such acquaintances and frankly demonstrates this.
In adolescence, the main qualities of Lara are:
- purposefulness;
- determination;
- perseverance;
- persistence and perseverance.
If she wants to learn something, then she will make every effort to this process. As a result, the maiden never leaves the work begun unfinished. She is a wonderful student who is endlessly praised by teachers. At the same time, he manifests himself as a compulsory, responsible, executive student. True, this is relevant only in relation to those disciplines that could at least somehow interest her. When the subject or direction of the future profession does not captivate the girl, she will master only the necessary minimum so that no one can make her remark about poor preparation.
And it is also necessary to remember that Lara at any age is extremely vulnerable and sincere.
However, she usually carefully conceals such qualities behind a mask of complete indifference and seriousness. The bearer of the name under discussion does not cope with loneliness. To make her comfortable, close to Larisa should always be close people who perfectly understand her and support her. The girl takes everything too close to her heart. Even some unpleasant little thing can permanently ruin her mood or even deprive her of interest in life. Again, it’s very difficult to make a girl happy. To do this, you have to put a lot of effort. Not every person close to Lara is willing to regularly spend personal time on this. For such a desire to appear, he must love and appreciate the girl very much.
Such a young lady is long and hard going through any failure or problem. At the same time, she rarely shares her state of mind with anyone. Larisa prefers to cope with any problems on her own, no matter how complex and confusing they are. She will dare to tell about troubles only to a very close person whom she fully trusts.
Adult Lara is smart, insightful, intelligent and even cunning. She is still intolerant of the shortcomings of others and does not forgive them even small weaknesses. The girl loudly and fiercely condemns any mistakes of others, but she often closes her eyes to her own. It can annoy and annoy others. Especially men. Representatives of the stronger sex are unlikely to tolerate such an attitude for a long time. Therefore often Larisa’s love affairs end too quickly. Interestingly, the owner of the name in question can immediately end the relationship due to dirty socks thrown in the wrong place or some other little thing. But with age, Lara changes her attitude to such issues. She gradually becomes more calm, tolerant, gentle, understanding. Therefore, often Larisa gets married quite late, but then in the future they carefully preserve their marriage.
Adult Larisa loves to lead everyone. In most cases, she becomes an excellent boss, organizer of various events. It is best if at the same time the girl chooses for herself some narrow specialty. Then she will be able to maximize her many abilities and become a true professional. Lara is very afraid to let down some acquaintance and even a stranger. Therefore, she tries to think through every business she has begun and the word uttered literally to the smallest detail. She is self-sufficient, decisive, sociable. As a result, Larisa succeeds in establishing excellent relations with various business partners.
By the way, in the work of Lara comes all the negative energy. Perhaps these girls are slightly lacking in initiative. But it is successfully replaced by laboriousness, responsibility, diligence. The scrupulousness of a woman even sometimes annoys bosses and colleagues.
Bearers of this name are extremely disliked to obey.
Therefore, they are definitely not team players. To work well, Lara needs to know that everything depends on her. In the team, the girl has a long look.Usually her colleagues are wary of her, but without negativity or hostility. Very important for Larisa and fast career growth. For the sake of the desired result, she may even lie or begin to plot.
Separately, you need to talk about the health of Lara. If a girl is not too keen on bad habits, then her body will work perfectly and harmoniously for most of her life. Being a little girl quickly learns to walk, talk, read. She does not have to be forced to study at school - she will do everything herself.
Already an adult Larisa needs to try to protect her teeth.
For example, eat less sweets and carefully monitor oral hygiene. Otherwise, problems of this kind will bother in the first place. To avoid back problems, from an early age such girls are recommended to play sports or at least not to refuse morning exercises.
Interestingly, despite her excellent health, Lara loves to be treated and go to hospitals. Using fictitious diseases, a woman can even try to manipulate her loved ones. By this behavior, she tries to get increased attention from friends and relatives.
Name day celebration
Having dealt with the secret name, it is worthwhile to clarify the significant dates of the name day. Interestingly, Larisa celebrates Angel Day only once a year - on April 8th. Therefore, they are able to turn this day into a full-fledged celebration, no less important and significant than a birthday.
At the celebration, it is customary to bake gourmet pies and invite godparents to visit. As gifts, those who come can hand her figurines of angels, textiles and various thematic books.
Middle Name Compatibility
The name Larisa sounds beautifully combined with a variety of middle names - both short and long. For example, such options as Larisa Egorovna or Aleksandrovna seem very consonant.
But the affiliate name can even influence the fate of the girl. Therefore, such combinations need to be chosen not only by this principle. Specialists note that the following middle names are best suited for Larisa: Borisovna, Antonovna, Kirillovna, Timofeevna, Iosifovna. But there is an alternative list, the list of which includes middle names that are poorly suited to the bearer of the name under discussion: Arturovna, Zinovievna, Artemovna, Andreevna.
Love relationship and marriage
As already noted, at an early age, Larisa is extremely difficult to build relationships with men. The girl can not boast of great intuition and is too irritable for the little things. Lara constantly seems that something is wrong with her chosen one - something lacks certain qualities in him and you need to look for the best option. At the same time, the reluctance to offend another fan does not allow the girl to simply break off relations, and despite discontent, she becomes a hostage of the ties that have arisen, so she waits for the man to take the first step to separation.
Lara is very dependent on care, compliments, signs of attention from the chosen one. She urgently needs support and sympathy. Larisa will never agree to engage in sex without love. In general, in intimacy she is sensual, tender, trying to fulfill all the desires of the second half, to please every whim of a young man. She is not a passionate lover, but will do everything to make a man feel good with her.
In a late marriage, when Lara calmed down a little, she becomes a wonderful wife. This is a faithful, caring, gentle and understanding wife. But betrayal will never forgive. Already an adult lady does not try to re-educate her husband, she always accepts her husband exactly as he really is.
Lara is unlikely to be the ideal hostess, because instead of cooking borsch, she would rather prefer classes to her chosen hobby. And he will also devote a lot of time to his work and career growth. Even if there is a lot of money in the family, the girl will not stop doing professional activities.
Maternity Consistency
From Laris excellent mothers turn out. True, they also have a significant drawback - such women show excessive concern for their beloved children. It often happens that the desire to take all the actions and actions of their own child under control leads to the fact that the heirs, surrounded by excessive mother care, grow up as independent, infantile people.
It is very important that a woman understands her lack and tries to give children more freedom. By the way, Lara herself is unlikely to devote all her personal time to the younger generation. Even a huge love for babies will not force her to abandon building her own career. To combine maternal responsibilities with professional, Lara can become a teacher. In this area, she will be able to achieve significant success.
Talismans and charms for Larisa
As for the planets, the patron and talisman for the name under discussion are the sun, among animals - the ram. And also linden, hawthorn is included in the list of amulets; orange flowers are preferable from flowers, the talisman is aventurine. All these characteristics should be taken into account when choosing a gift for a girl named with such a beautiful name.
Larisa is a girl with a difficult and very interesting character. She is always a bright and conspicuous person, therefore she is very extraordinary in building relationships with people around her. If at a young or adult age she will notice her own mistakes in time, take into account the main negative qualities, it will become much easier for her to plan her life and always feel happy.