Young parents, desiring the best share for their child, try to choose the right name, believing that it determines the future of the child. What do anthroponymy, astrology and other sciences tell about the meaning of the name Aurora, about its influence on the fate and character of the girl.

Origin of the name Aurora

The female name Aurora is of ancient origin. Its etymology means "dawn," the Latin literal translation of aurum and hora sounds like a "golden time", but it is interpreted differently - "morning dawn" or "predawn breeze."

The ancient Greek Goddess Dawn, named by world poets and captured by painters of different eras in numerous legends, legends, murals and canvases, was named after this name. Being the central character, Aurora appears as a light, blond and proud girl with a bright glowing gaze, bearing daylight and love, or impregnable and domineering, soaring through the sky in a harnessed chariot. She was also portrayed as a kneeling grieving woman. According to legend, the shed tears of Aurora over his son who died in the siege of Troy turned into cold morning dew.
In pre-revolutionary Russia, the name was practically never used. And only after the events connected with the cruiser Aurora, it became very popular, as it symbolized novelty. Then gradually the excitement decreased, and in the 80s and 90s there was again a surge in its prevalence.

Now infants are rarely called by that name, but as a pseudonym or in various names of communities and objects, it is quite common.

In other countries, the name Aurora is also not uncommon, for example, in France it sounds like Aurora, in Portugal, England or Poland - Aurora.

Value for the girl

The symbolism and mystery of Aurora is associated with sheer coldness, obstinacy, grandeur and inaccessibility, under which lies a subtle, loving and vulnerable soul.

The owner of the name is a contradictory nature, endowed with a complex character. Her incredible stubbornness confuses even those close to her, but helps to achieve her goals, because she is still assiduous and hardworking. Only the authority of the parents and personal example will help them find a common language with the child.
Aurora in childhood is hyperactive, irritable, therefore it is important to observe the daily routine in order to maintain the health of the child. Making the girl do something is an empty undertaking. In no case should you suppress the aspirations of Aurora, but you can agree with her. With age, problems go away, and a good and healthy tone remains for life.

Since childhood, the girl loves to read, is musical, flexible, has excellent imagination and draws well, although she is deprived of special talents, but this does not prevent her from having an excellent creative hobby in the future.

Young Aurora is engaged only in her favorite business, even in the school curriculum she selects those subjects that are of interest to her, however, she masters them with full dedication. In general, she studies well, thanks to the perseverance of her character and in the future she achieves success in the profession.
Excessive self-love, selfishness and straightforwardness do not allow the girl to have friends, but there are enough acquaintances who can be useful. With them she is affectionate and amiable, easily retaining her rebellious disposition, although she has a low opinion of them in her heart. But criticism against him will never tolerate.

At the same time, Aurora quite sincerely lends a helping hand to the needy, is not capable of meanness and betrayal. These qualities help in career advancement. The analytical mind allows you to calculate the situation far ahead.

The value of the name Aurora for the girl, as well as his Greek roots, affect the appearance of the owner. She is beautiful, elegant and behaves like a goddess - with indispensable dignity.

Fate and character

Undoubtedly, the letter code leaves an imprint on the character and fate of Aurora, but much depends on the zodiac constellation and the time of birth. For example, girls born in winter are talented and too narcissistic, not disdaining anything, ready to attract attention, which sometimes leads to loneliness. At the same time, the natures born in the fall are often complex and contradictory, but always patient. If you get married, then happy in family life. "Summer" ladies - sentimental, sensual, prone to lyrics, often write poetry themselves.

Auroras are even different among themselves, the character of each one is affected by the zodiac sign under which they were born. Individual features:

  • Aries: irritable, capable of unforeseen actions, emotional and amorous nature, prone to fleeting relationships;
  • Taurus: the absolute opposite - constructive, judicious, wise, gifted, creates a strong marital union;
  • twins: an optimist, but at the slightest failure prone to depression, skillfully fit into the team, but naivety in relationships contributes to deceived hopes;
  • cancer: a doubting, infantile, sensitive person, in need of constant care of others, but possessing incredible charm. Easily finds a strong and reliable shoulder;
  • Leo: the influence of the constellation on character is one hundred percent. People around cannot even assume that a smart, reasonable, delicate woman in a moment can insult, humiliate, or offend;
  • maiden: cynical, unsociable, narcissistic, considering herself a unique personality, in deep solitude defending the right to self-expression and self-affirmation, rarely succeeds;
  • scales: inconsistency of character does not contribute to career development and friendships. Attentive and affectionate with the people necessary for her, she is able to show aggression and firmness if something contradicts her judgments. Avoids difficulties, not wanting to take responsibility;
  • scorpion: a multi-attracted extraordinary person, grabbing at the same time for several things, but if something went wrong, immediately throws the hobby unfinished. Needs a strong patron in career growth, only with a domineering man will be happy;
  • Sagittarius: freedom-loving, selfish, active personality, with the makings of variability and unpredictability, which is negatively manifested in marriage;
  • Capricorn: a charming person, reasonable and at the same time sensual, responsive, always ready to help if you direct emotions in the right direction. Never create an alliance with an unkind and greedy partner;
  • Aquarius: prefers loneliness and a calm, stress-free measured life, secretive and non-talkative. It does not reach great heights in a career, a marriage is possible with a man of the same warehouse;
  • fish: good-natured, delicate, intelligent nature, capable of charming everyone, positive from all sides, she also sees in people only the good, therefore she is often a victim of deception.

Such different Aurors, but they are all very vulnerable and touchy, rarely forgive mistakes both to themselves and to others, but they are susceptible to flattery.

Name day celebration

In Orthodoxy there is no saint named Aurora, therefore at baptism the baby is called Anna. Name days are celebrated on the days of the celebration of saints with a similar name, closest to their birthday.
Aurora really has similar character traits with its patroness. Translated into Russian, the name Anna means “blessing”, “gracious”, “grace”, but all the guardian angels of Anna went a difficult way, because they had a strong character. Among them, as church books describe, there are many martyrs for the faith. And in real life, the Aurorams have a hard time to achieve happiness and harmony.

“Your name will be your life,” says the priest during the baptismal ceremony.

Patronymic Compatibility

Aurora is a beautiful, proud, sonorous name and it is very important that it is combined with the patronymic of the owner. In the spelling of a name, vowels and consonants are located harmoniously, therefore it is perceived easily and pleasantly by ear, it is desirable that the patronym fits the name, makes the combination advantageous also for pronunciation.
Consonant patronymics will be:

  1. Alexandrovna.
  2. Dmitrievna.
  3. Albertovna.
  4. Igorevna.
  5. Anatolievna.

It is important to understand that phonosemantic sound has a magical effect on the subconscious of people.

Love relationship and marriage

The meaning of the name Aurora is fully manifested in love relationships. This is not to say that Aurora is easy to create and maintain romantic ties. Her mysterious image both attracts and repels men. Not many are able to withstand such narcissism and the desire for absolute leadership. External manifestations of arrogance and inaccessibility scare worthy partners, dooming Aurora to loneliness.
If the young man has enough patience and tact, the ability to consider the sensual and vulnerable nature under the guise of the “Snow Queen”, then Aurora will open his tender heart to him, will be a faithful and devoted wife, a great friend and lover, a loving mother to children, however, leadership in relationships still remain with her.

Talismans and charms for Aurora

What objects can bring happiness and luck to Aurora, which will protect against negative influence? It is believed that talismans, amulets and charms not only affect the emotional state, but also on human health. The magical sciences offer the name Aurora individual signs:

  • stone - pink chalcedony;
  • amulet plant - flowering almonds;
  • planet - Mercury, Proserpine (star);
  • zodiac sign - Virgo;
  • animal totem - robin (bird);
  • day of week Wednesday;
  • time of year is summer;
  • color - purple, pink.

In fact, any objects dear to the heart of Aurora can have magical powers for her.

Abbreviated Name Forms

Great importance when choosing a personal name for a girl is given to its various forms. For Aurora there is no problem. Diminutive form: Avushka, Aurushka, Asya, Avosya, Avochka.
Abbreviated name will sound like Ava, Roarka, Ara.

Related names - Zarina, Zoryana.

Undoubtedly, the significance of the name Aurora for a girl may have a great influence on the future fate of the child, but nothing has a greater impact than the sensitivity, attention and care of parents.