This name gained extraordinary popularity after the release of the film "Angelica and the King" in the 60s of the last century. Many parents today give him preference. However, before making a final decision, you should find out the meaning of the name Angelica: how it will affect the nature and fate.
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The history of the origin of the name Angelica
The origin of the name Angelica (or Angelica, Angelina) takes its roots in the deep past. Some researchers believe that it has Sanskrit roots. Others prefer Ancient Greece and Rome. It is not in vain that it is consonant with the Latin word "angelicus". Its ancient Greek form is “angelos”, which in translation means “messenger angel”.
If you recall the mythology, then the main Olympic gods - Zeus and Hera - had a daughter named Angela, her divine hypostasis was dedicated to the afterlife.
Name meaning for a girl
In childhood, Angelica has a great charm and appeal to her peers. She loves to be in the spotlight. People around us are usually fascinated by communication with this easy, restless and sweet child. She, indeed, like an angel, is in a hurry to bestow all those around her with her light and inexhaustible optimism.
The girl has a wonderful memory, curiosity and curiosity. She is attracted by everything new and unusual - from toys and dresses to knowledge. At the same time, Angelica cannot be called diligent. She with great pleasure and speed learns the skills and knowledge that are of interest to her. Since her mobility borders on restraint, it will be difficult for her to be given at school those subjects for the assimilation of which she will have to make significant efforts.However, this can be dealt with if the girl is instilled with love for the corresponding topic and subject.
The name Angelica for the girl can be chosen if the parents want their baby to achieve their goals in life.
Character and fate
Angelica, becoming an adult, will continue to attract surrounding people with her appearance and charm. She is sensual, emotional and at the same time knows how to be cold-blooded when necessary.
This amazing woman has an analytical mind, is well versed in people and circumstances. She is always aimed at success, she tries to be independent both financially and personally. Angelica will never ask for help when she has difficulties or problems. He shows independence in everything, tries to protect his inner world from the awkward attempts of others to "fit into the soul." Her sense of responsibility is aggravated.
She thinks and acts outside the box, always looking for her own, special way. Tries to be restrained in conflict situations, does not stoop to banal scandals. At the same time, she can very well stand up for herself, avoiding familiarity and insults.
This sweet woman is often the soul of the company, as she has a great sense of humor. She likes to be in the circle of cheerful friends, she has many wonderful friends and girlfriends. She can be patient, selfless, sympathize and help others. Never alone.
Angelica is especially distinguished by the impeccable taste both in clothes and in any other creative manifestations. She loves to do needlework, decoration, design.
The character of this woman cannot be called angelic. It has negative properties. The main shortcomings are vanity, pride. In combination with natural obstinacy, these traits can manifest themselves in communication with other people openly, even rudely. She often depends on her own mood. And being a strong personality, he infects others with his emotions.
Lika always strives for self-improvement. She has been trying all her life to acquire new knowledge, enrich her inner world with new cultural experiences. In particular, knowing about the shortcomings of his character, he tries to fight them and improve himself.
The profession of Angelica is always trying to choose a creative, related to art - musical, visual, theatrical. She especially succeeds in revealing her inner essence when this woman directs her spiritual strength to the artistic field.
However, if such a profession does not bring wealth to Angelica, she is ready to use her powers in another area. Because she believes that she should live securely and safely, which is what she does great.
In her youth, she has many admirers whom she loves to provoke to bright actions. Possessing a powerful temperament, this girl, at times, inflicts emotional wounds on herself. If a guy does not correspond to her far-fetched idea of an ideal partner, then despite her own feelings for him, Angelica will part with him. Although it will suffer with all this soul.
Having acquired life experience, Angelica calms down and begins to understand that not all of the world revolves around her person. Gradually, she becomes a sensible woman. Therefore, she marries consciously, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. This occurs at a slightly later age.
Marriage for Angelica is also creativity. She loves to decorate her home, cook deliciously, invite guests, take care of loved ones. Children for her - the main thing in life. The husband becomes the closest person with whom she is ready to share her inner world. The main thing in the relationship with him is trust, honesty, loyalty.
Lika does not accept callousness, condescension, nit-picking from her husband. However, her own emotionality sometimes erupts in a fountain of negativity, which she directs to her household.If the husband shows wisdom, can calmly and gently calm her, then trust and peace in the family will be restored.
The nature and fate of a person are interconnected. Since personality traits are fundamental when making vital decisions, choosing fateful paths.
Middle Name Compatibility
Patronymic of Angelica should be harmonious and combine well in articulation. Otherwise, the name of this lovely woman will be difficult to pronounce and will be poorly remembered. In addition, the name of the father creates a certain phantom sound image, which has a certain effect on the perception of a person by others.
For example, Angelica Nikolaevna is easy to climb, quickly lights up with a new idea, has an ardent reaction. Patronymic Borisovna slightly smoothes out the bright character traits of Angelica and gives her tenderness, pliability, and the ability to sympathize. Vladimirovna is a sound vibration that tunes one to calmness, some detachment and even composure, the ability to think clearly, reason and make the right decisions.
In general, such a middle name is suitable for a girl with an angelic name:
- Alexandrovna;
- Victorovna;
- Georgievna;
- Dmitrievna;
- Pavlovna;
- Ruslanovna.
Absolutely not suitable:
- Vasilevna;
- Valentinovna;
- Yakovlevna;
- Fedorovna;
- Bogdanovna.
What masculine names reveal the secret of family life
The sound of the name is a vibration that, one way or another, but affects the harmony of the relationship. The combination of two names of different people gives a peculiar ripple effect, imprinted on their life together.
Angelica will be happy with Alexander, Valeria and Vadim. She will create a wonderful family union with Daniel, Stanislav and Mark. Romantic and long-lasting will be a couple with Peter, Zakhar, Timothy and even Vladlen, although this is a rare name today.
Men with the names Alexey, Artyom, Andrey, Andrey, Vladimir, Dmitry, Victor are quite admissible in her life. Good relations will develop Sergei, Eugene, Yaroslav and Maxim.
If Nikolai, Oleg or Roman meet on the path of life, then not everything will be smooth. Relationship problems should be expected with Rodion, Tikhon and Matthew. It is difficult and completely unpredictable to develop a love story with Eric and Nathan.
Season effect
The elements of the time of year at the time of birth seriously affect the character traits of a person and his life. If we combine their energies with the name Angelica, we will get additional information about personality traits and life opportunities.
Here is a description of the name depending on the time of year:
- Winter. A girl named Angelica is quite pragmatic, she is not inclined to trust the first comer. Keeps with others a little alienated, but kindly. Her cordial well-being and especially trust will have to be earned by honest deeds and sincerity.
- Spring. This is a witty optimist who will find positive aspects even in the most unpleasant situation. She knows what she wants from life and achieves this. The girl is attractive not only externally. She has great charm, which is so easy to fall under. If she pays attention to this side of her personality, she can succeed in the acting field. She is also suitable for journalism and teaching.
- Summer. Emotional and romantic, naive and beautiful. This Angelica is somewhat secretive and mysterious, causes genuine interest. The ease of her character, unconventionality, surprise are unusually attractive.
- Autumn. A woman who knows what she wants from life. She is on her mind, knows how to hide thoughts, feelings, likes to play a business lady. She has a concrete plan for how to succeed, and she will methodically fulfill it. From such an Angelica always turns out a wonderful leader. Not devoid of craving for art, so the stylist will be excellent.
There are times when a woman named Angelica is completely different from the above typical personality characteristics. This is wonderful, because the manifestation of individuality cannot be programmed, limited to some kind of framework. Especially when a person tries to work on himself and change himself for the better.