Jujube, also known as Chinese date and Unisaby jujube, is a plant that grows mainly in Asian countries, as well as Australia and some parts of European countries. Its fruits are used most often in cooking, but they have also found use in traditional medicine and home cosmetology.
Material Content:
Jujube - what is, a description
The Chinese date is a tree with a height of 5 m to 10 m, fruiting in fleshy ovoid fruits. The size of the berries is small, up to 3-4 cm. The fruits are brown, their peel is smooth and slightly dense, and the flesh is juicy and very sweet, with a delicate taste.
Mankind has learned to use this plant almost completely - not only the fruits have valuable properties, but also the seeds, leaves, roots and even tree bark. The plant has many varieties, and Crimean jujube is most often found in our latitudes.
Detailed chemical composition
Jujube fruits contain such valuable substances:
- vitamin C;
- vitamins A, B, C, b-carotene;
- amino acids;
- organic acids;
- thiamine;
- proteins and fats.
Of the known minerals in dates there are the following:
- zinc;
- copper;
- manganese;
- iron;
- phosphorus;
- sodium;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- potassium.
The seeds of the plant contain a lot of sugar and to a lesser extent other components.But the bark of jujube is rich in tannins, routine and saponins, which makes this part of the plant very valuable in medicine.
Interesting fact. Chinese date leaves are valuable for their anesthetic property. In ancient times, this feature was used for temporary paralysis of taste buds, which after chewing leaflets for some time did not distinguish between sweet and bitter tastes. Oddly enough, a person could still identify acid and salt.
Useful properties of jujube for humans
Useful properties of the plant are the following effects on the human body:
- Sedative. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system.
- Antihypertensive. The plant is able to lower blood pressure.
- Tonic. Fruits saturate the body with a lot of energy.
- Diuretic. It has a powerful diuretic effect.
- Restorative. The effect of a high content of vitamin C.
- Cleansing. Thanks to fiber, accumulated toxins, metals, cholesterol are removed from the body.
- Improving digestion. Fruits activate the intestines, so the product is recommended for people suffering from constipation.
Periodic consumption of Chinese dates will significantly improve the general condition of the body. It is recommended to make dates one of the options for healthy snacks, replacing them with the usual sweets, rolls and bars.
Application in traditional medicine
In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used. Of these, tinctures and decoctions are most often prepared. An infusion of leaves, bark or root is used to treat skin injuries - cuts, ulcers, inflammation. They wash the wounds and make lotions out of it, which need to be changed every 2 - 3 hours. For external use, ointment can also be prepared.
Jujube leaf ointment
Such an ointment is used to treat ulcers and various inflamed swelling. To prepare it, you will need to mix fresh washed and dried leaves of the plant with olive oil. You can use dry leaves of jujube, but they do not contain essential oils of fresh herbs. The proportions should be 1: 5.
- The mixture needs to be heated in a steam bath to 90 ° C.
- After that, tightly close and leave to infuse for 10 days.
- Then you should grind everything thoroughly in a mortar and strain.
A thick mass needs to lubricate the affected areas - the medicine stops the inflammatory process and destroys the microbes. But before use, be sure to rinse the wound well with herbal decoction.
The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator and used for 1.5 weeks. The longer the product is stored, the less healing properties remain in it.
The cure for diarrhea
To eliminate digestive problems and to normalize the intestines, the following remedy is recommended:
- 20 g of crushed root is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for half an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.
- The broth is allowed to cool a little, then filtered and diluted with water so that the volume is 500 ml.
- Prepare the broth in the morning and drink in parts during the day, one hour before eating.
The medicine must be used during the day, and the next day to prepare a new portion.
Underwire tincture
The following medicine is recommended for the treatment of dizziness, tachycardia and various problems with the nervous system:
- Boil 100 g of chopped seeds in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes.
- Dilute the broth with stones with 20 ml of alcohol 96% and leave to insist overnight.
- Strain the resulting mixture.
The dosage regimen is as follows: drink 1 tablespoon of the infusion 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is a week. Then it is important to take a break in a month, after which, you can repeat the therapy if necessary.
The benefits of bark, leaves, fruits, jujube seeds
From the fruits of Chinese dates, you can prepare a decoction for breast-feeding women who have problems with milk production.
Also unabi jujube seeds will be useful:
- to improve digestion;
- to calm the nervous system.
In ancient times, the fruits of the date were used as a therapy for jaundice in children. In addition, they are recommended for diseases or impaired liver function, as well as during sore throat.
Soothing tea can also be made from fruits if anxiety attacks and insomnia are disturbing.
After a few days of regular tea consumption, a permanent effect will appear - sleep will become stronger, anxiety will pass, a person will calmly respond to external irritants.
- Decoctions and infusions from leaves have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, eliminate inflammation on the skin by calming the cells and destroying bacteria in the wounds.
- Decoction from any part of the plant will be useful for lung diseases. For treatment, they not only drink the tea obtained, but also breathe the steam rising from the pot with a hot broth. You can also use a decoction for colds, sore throat, laryngitis and other diseases of the throat.
The use of unabi in cosmetology
For cosmetic purposes, the plant is used to improve hair and skin. Decoctions from the root and leaves of jujube, prepared at home, help to cure weakened curls, prone to loss. After several rinses with broth, they become stronger, fall out less, look more shiny and silky.
Important! Hair should be pre-washed. After rinsing the hair, the broth does not need to be washed off.
Also, an infusion of leaves is used to wipe the skin. The tool helps well against inflammation of the skin and excessive secretion of sebum.
Cooked jujube
In cooking, only the fruits of jujube are used.
- Most often they are eaten fresh.
- They can also be stored for a long time by canning, drying and drying.
- Dried jujube - a tasty and healthy snack, along with prunes and dried apricots.
- From canned unabi, you can make savory snacks to the table or serve as an independent dish.
- Very tasty, sweet and fragrant jam is the most common option for making Chinese dates.
- Jujube fruits are used to make compotes.
Medicines based on this plant are contraindicated for people with low blood pressure and pregnant women. Also a contraindication is considered to be children's age.
Eating jujube fruits may be contraindicated for those who are allergic to the substances they contain.