The wire-haired fox-terrier is a compact, bold and energetic animal belonging to the hunting breeds. He has a lively and active temperament, requiring a lot of attention from the owner. This is a good dog for people with a moving lifestyle.
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Description, varieties of breed
Fox translated from Latin - fox, terra - land. The fox terrier looks a little ridiculous - its face is a suitcase, its eyes and paws are funny with businkaki, on which it is ready to jump and run all the time, having fun playing. In fact, it is a storm of foxes and badgers. In the forest, animals show amazing courage. Due to its compact size not exceeding 40 cm, the fox terrier is an ideal burrow hunter. He has a long muzzle, strong teeth and an iron grip. Often on the city streets, cats and other dogs become the target of persecution.
Today distinguish between wire-haired and smooth-haired foxes. The wire-haired variety appeared at the end of the 19th century and was initially valued less than a smooth-hair. These two species do not cross between themselves. Dogs are very powerful for relatively short stature. Strong hind legs allow them to make high jumps.
The history of the Wire Fox Terrier
Fox terriers are known from around the 1st century BC. e. The first information about them came from Roman legionnaires who landed on the British Isles. A detailed description of the breed was made in the 16th century by the English physician John Cayus.
Later, to improve the exterior and working qualities, the British carried out interbreeding. The blood of such breeds as a beagle, foxhound, an old white terrier and even a spaniel flows in the veins of the fox terriers. After successful breeding in 1876, the first breed standard was registered.
The nature and behavior of a hunting dog
Terriers are very attentive to everything that happens around them; they have a cheerful and restless character. On the hunt, they act adroitly and quickly, lightning movements save them from the teeth of predators, and the battle becomes fatal for the enemy. Terriers are very brave and have a lot of anger towards the beast. They are faithful helpers of hunters for many centuries.
It is curious that before the foxes were brought to the hunting ground in backpacks, now they are brought by cars. Even those dogs that are kept as pets, retained the instinct of hunters. They have a well-developed sense of smell, they have good eyesight and hearing.
Fox terriers are very active, they do not let their owners get bored. They can fight with other people's dogs, but they will never harm a person, they love children, are loyal to the owner and his family.
Breed standard and puppy selection
Externally, the fox terrier is well balanced, with a powerful skeleton. He is active and energetic, very dexterous. The character is friendly, bold.
Description of the breed and requirements of the standard:
- the skull gradually narrows to the eyes;
- stop is hardly noticeable;
- the muzzle is slightly different in length from the skull, but should not be much shorter than it;
- strong jaws with scissor bite;
- dark small round eyes;
- neat ears hanging forward, tight to the temples;
- the neck is muscular, with a graceful bend, rather long;
- strong short back and deep chest;
- tail set high, does not twist (previously stopped);
- limbs straight, with strong bones;
- growth at the withers up to 39 cm, weight up to 8.2 kg.
The fox terrier may have a three-color coat color - the head is red, the body and legs are white with black spots adorning. There are two-color red-white breeds. Light shade in all cases should prevail.
Before choosing a puppy in the kennel, it is advisable to visit several shows, look at the winners and determine the promising line of the breed. The institution in which it is worth acquiring an animal should have a friendly atmosphere and a good reputation. Conscientious breeders are always ready to explain to the future owner of the dog all incomprehensible moments, they are always interested in the fate of the animal after its sale.
The appearance and working quality are greatly influenced by the puppy's pedigree. When buying, you need to study his documents, get to know his parents. Only healthy dogs, prize-winners of exhibitions, can give good offspring.
When choosing a puppy for hunting, it is advisable to give preference to the one who behaves most actively, occupies a dominant position among brothers and sisters. He should look healthy outwardly - be moderately well-fed, with clean hair, eyes, ears. If you need a pet for exhibitions, but you do not have enough experience, it is advisable to bring an expert with you who will help you make the right choice.
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The main thing in the maintenance of the Fox Terrier is regular walks with physical exercises and games. They will significantly reduce the number of problems with raising a dog. Fox, walking for a long time with the owner, will always have a good mood and excellent health.
In cold weather, you can wear a jumpsuit for the dog. In the city it is better not to let the pet go from the leash - it can easily run away, chasing the cat, and get lost.
Care, health and nutrition
With good nutrition and care, the lifespan of the fox terriers reaches 15 years. From the first days of the puppy's appearance, it is necessary to accustom it to order, so that it allows itself to be washed, combed and trimmed when it grows up.
Smooth-haired Fox Terriers do not need special hair care; they fade naturally.But trimming of the wire-haired fox-terrier should be carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn. Trimming is a manual pinch that helps rid the animal of dead hair.
In addition, twice a week the dogs are combed with a brush, bathed once a month with mild shampoo, and wiped their ears. Due to the thick undercoat, foxes dry for a long time, which must be taken into account in the winter. There is no need to trim the claws, as they grind during long walks. Several times a month you need to brush your teeth.
Fox terriers have a good appetite, but they should not be allowed to overeat. For food, ready-made dry feeds of super-premium class and natural food are suitable.
Just do not give food from your table, exclude prohibited foods:
- fatty, smoked, salted meat;
- chocolate;
- mushrooms;
- sweets;
- flour.
The feeding regimen changes with age. Two-month-old Fox Terrier puppies eat 6 times a day, and adult dogs 2 times.
From natural products, the terrier must be given meat that has undergone low-temperature or heat treatment, cottage cheese, and sea fish. One third of the diet is cereal and vegetables. Experts do not recommend mixing ready-made dry feed and natural products, it is better to choose one type of food.
Raising and training a fox terrier
Dogs of this breed are desirable to hunters. They can be great hosts for foxes. Animals need a big load and the ability to realize the potential of a hunting dog.
A puppy is brought up immediately after appearing in the house - they are accustomed to cleanliness and walks on a leash. Parenting should be consistent, you cannot forbid and allow the same action, guided by your mood or whim. The pet must fully trust the owner and understand the boundaries of what is permitted.
Initial training is often, but not for long. It is enough to spend 15 minutes on 1 puppy training. It is better to do this on an empty stomach before eating, so that the dog does not have an inversion of the intestines. Training in an artificial hole is carried out with a grown fox terrier.
So that the hunting dog does not run far on a walk, it must be trained. A delicacy is put in the left pocket. During the walk, when the dog comes to his pocket, they feed him, and she has a desire to stay close to the owner’s foot on the left side.
Pros and cons of the breed
Fox terriers require a lot of time and attention, they need long walks, combined with physical activity. For a person who is too busy working or leading a sedentary lifestyle, this characteristic of the breed can be a significant minus. Foxes cannot stand loneliness. The animal has good immunity, they almost do not get sick, they are not afraid of anyone, but they often fight.
This dog has many positive character traits:
- endurance;
- activity and cheerfulness;
- quick wits;
- devotion to the owner.
Fox terriers are great helpers on the hunt; they are easy to learn. For many lovers of four-legged friends, this breed has become decorative companion dogs. They easily get along in a city apartment, require very simple care and great human love.