Female energy is an elusive substance that attracts men uncontrollably. The ability of a woman to preserve her energy and cleverly use it is the key to success in life and love relationships.
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What is female energy
Many have heard such a phrase “female energy” and know that the possession of this resource allows women to attract men and even manage them. But far from everyone knows what it consists of, how it differs fundamentally from the man’s, and how to properly maintain and use it.
In many cultures, women have long been compared with the natural elements and endowed with a magical connection with the energy of the earth. To an ancient man who was not yet familiar with psychology, the actions and motives of his companion's behavior were always understandable. And what turned out to be inaccessible to enlightenment, he attributed to the magical nature.
Otherworldly forces were sometimes attributed to women, seeing in them a witch or witchcraft beginning. Comparison with the natural elements is rooted in the mind and is still used. Despite the obvious mythologization of the female figure, it is difficult to deny the fact that the woman retained a connection with the living forces of nature to a somewhat greater extent than the man.
She feels the value of life, it is difficult for her to kill a living creature, her state of mind is aimed at preservation and creation. The man, who was excessively carried away by his power ambitions, ready to kill and destroy for the sake of developing new territories, lost sensitivity to the pain and suffering of other living beings. And in this sense, he lost his connection with nature, with the value of life itself as such.
There is no doubt that for a prosperous existence on Earth, humanity must restrain its aggressive impulses and female creative energy can provide it with invaluable help in this. It is she who is compared with the flow of water, soft and smooth, evasive, but strong. Mastering this gentle power of creation, a woman becomes a semantic factor in a man’s life.
Signs and Symptoms of Shortage
Strong energy in women is an obvious advantage. She glows from the inside, self-confident and calm, her eyes radiate inner radiance and kindness. The psychological attitude of such a woman is always even and positive, it is difficult to get her crazy and almost impossible to get off track.
But the lady, who has a lack of female energy, looks very different. She has a dull look, strictness, fatigue and excessive concentration are read on her face. She is abrupt and irritable, anxious and nervous. If this condition lasts for a long time, it affects the whole appearance - the hair becomes dull, the skin becomes dry, and the posture is stooped.
A sign of a lack of female energy is the lack of attention of men, as well as indifference to them from the partner. If a woman no longer wants to flirt with the opposite sex, attract and admire men's views, it is urgent to engage in practices to replenish her energy.
How to learn to replenish and restore it
Since a woman, of course, is closer than a man to the life-giving forces of nature, contact with natural elements will be the easiest way to awaken the inner potential. Useful walks in the fresh air, contemplation of beautiful landscapes, swimming in a river, lake, sea. Water procedures help relieve accumulated fatigue and release resentment, failure and disappointment. It is very useful to walk barefoot on grass, sand or sea pebbles. This practice makes up for the lack of communication with the most powerful principle - the energy of Mother Earth.
In addition to the life-giving forces of water, air and earth, a woman needs the power of fire. This element makes a woman sensual, emotional and passionate. You can restore communication with her by making a fire or, if the first is impossible, lighting candles. It is necessary to contemplate the fire for a long time, focusing on the flames. Like streams of water, the energy of fire cleanses of the accumulated negative, burning it without a trace.
It is also useful for a woman to take care of herself and her body. Such care allows the girl not to lose touch with the impulses and needs of her camp and to react more sensitively to men's touches. If the companion feels that the beloved no longer kindles the flame of passion in her, it's time to pay attention to yourself. You can visit the spa, take a bath with aromatic oils, go for a massage. All this will restore communication with the body and wake up female energy.
For the same purposes it is useful to use yoga, spiritual practices, meditation. Be sure to get enough sleep. Night rest should be at least 8 hours a day, while sleep has the greatest healing power from 21:00 pm to 4:00 in the morning. 1-2 days a month, you need to completely get rid of household chores and devote time to your beloved. These days, you can engage in creativity, meet friends, or simply retire in silence and sit back. Any classes that give a woman pleasure will do, they are the ones who work directly to strengthen energy.
Note! It is useful and just necessary to spoil yourself from time to time!
Methods and rules for energy transfer
Energy can be recharged not only independently, but also in contact with strangers. It is advisable for the girl to be in the circle of other representatives of her gender, including the older age. Such communication helps to recharge female energy and feel more confident.A woman who has little contact with relatives and friends often feels isolation and emotional devastation. Most often, energy is transmitted by itself during communication, but touches and hugs are especially powerful.
A woman can cuddle with friends or unfamiliar ladies, hold hands or do pair yoga. All this contributes to a more active flow of energy flows and, if a woman with a lack of subtlety practices the same with her friend, more prosperous in this regard, then her essence is quickly restored.
It is worth considering some security measures. You should not try to awaken your energy, being among women, whose society for some reason is perceived as unpleasant. If a lady chooses a yoga or spiritual practice instructor, spontaneous trust should be shown to the mentor in order to feel comfort and safety in his society.
Development for the attraction of men
A woman who does not neglect the advice given above quickly becomes attractive to a man. You can fix the result in tantra classes. These practices are aimed at an even greater manifestation of sensuality and the establishment of an emotional connection with a partner. It is useful to deal with the development of intimate muscles, as well as general recovery. A balanced diet, physical activity, and concern for one’s external and internal health reveal her true potential in a woman.
Do not forget about your psychological attitude. The development of self-confidence, the cultivation of positive emotions, the strengthening of confidence in the inner and outer world - this is what you need to constantly work on to achieve inner comfort and tranquility. A self-confident woman is unusually attractive to men.
It is important to remember that in a desire to please the opposite sex, a woman should not make too big sacrifices. You should avoid the dangerous procedures of the beauty industry, and in the pursuit of fashion do not rush to extremes. Men like ladies' variability, but no less they love naturalness and natural beauty.
Differences in female and male energy
Male energy differs from female energy in greater rigidity and pressure. She is more active, enterprising and active. A man is less flexible and his ego tends to change the surrounding space, energy often becomes destructive.
Female inner strength is characterized by flexibility, softness, fluidity, lack of desire to go ahead, less thirst for conquest and conquest. This energy is more sensual, it allows its owner to be receptive and impulsive, sensitive and compassionate.
Male and female energies balance each other in many ways. With careful and respectful contact between partners, the features that distinguish them are able to bring together as much as possible, give an unforgettable experience of sensual and emotional unity.