The union of these two zodiac signs is considered one of the most harmonious. In most cases, their representatives are comfortable and interested in being together. Read about the features of relations and how to behave better with a woman Aquarius to a man Aries in our article.

General characteristics of the zodiac signs

Before turning to the issue of compatibility of the girl Aquarius and the guy Aries, you should familiarize yourself with the general characteristics of their personalities.

Characteristics of Aquarius women

Aquarians belong to the air element. Such ladies are smart, erudite, sociable, sometimes shocking. One they may seem very strange, the other - brilliant and creative. Girls Aquarius like a magnet attract people to themselves, many of whom are hoping for a long friendship with them. Here are just friends such persons are chosen very carefully. Having disappointed Aquarius only once, one can not count on close communication and frequent meetings with him. Representatives of the sign are critical of the actions of others, do not give anyone a second chance.

Women Aquarius are born diplomats. They are able to easily reconcile the two warring parties and prevent conflict, timely translating everything into a joke. The representatives of this sign are tactful and polite, rarely interfere in someone else's life and do not try to correct any shortcomings in people.

Even being in a difficult life situation, Aquarius will certainly listen to anyone and give him valuable advice that will help solve the problem in the best way.They are real psychologists, subtly feeling the slightest changes in the mood of a loved one, so hiding anything from them is useless.

Women Aquarius, as a rule, are not deprived of attention of the opposite sex. Thanks to innate charm, they can charm almost any man. At the same time, such women are windy and frivolous, often and rapidly falling in love, but also quickly cool off to their partner if he did not live up to their expectations. Aquarians do not like scandals, therefore, if they are not satisfied with anything, they simply leave without explaining anything.

Despite the outward sexuality, the Aquarius woman extremely rarely experiences true desire. From intimacy, she receives more moral than physical pleasure. In her rules, arouse a passionate passion in a partner, and then with curiosity observe his behavior, amusing himself with pride. However, if a lady is truly in love, she will try very hard to become ideal for the chosen one in everything so that he does not even want to look at others.

Girls Aquarius painfully endure injustice and criticism. Despite the outward cheerfulness (true feelings can only be shown to a very close person), they are prone to prolonged depression and despondency. At the same time, the reason may be insignificant, for example, a minor quarrel with a colleague or a short separation from a lover.

Aquarians are quite wasteful: they make many unnecessary purchases and absolutely do not know how to save money. Representatives of this sign weakly value material wealth.

Most women of Aquarius are creative personalities. They make good musicians, singers, artists, writers. Often find a vocation in journalism, pedagogy, psychology and medicine.

Characteristics of Aries men

Aries are representatives of the fire element. They are persistent by nature and try to achieve their goal, no matter what. Such men rarely change their point of view, reacting to a particular situation, it is difficult to convince them of anything. If Aries has driven something into his head, then it is practically impossible to prove the opposite to him. They openly neglect other people's advice, trying to solve everything on their own. Excessive stubbornness and hot temper often act repulsively, therefore, representatives of this sign can not boast of special popularity among others.

Aries men are neat and pedantic. They will not postpone a visit to the hairdresser, will not allow themselves to wear crumpled clothes or go outside in unclean shoes. Bachelors also keep their homes clean, and with the beginning of family life they carefully monitor that the spouse conscientiously fulfills her household duties.

Aries value true friends, for which they are willing to sacrifice a lot. No matter what happens, a man born under this sign will rush to a friend for help at the first call.

The quick-tempered, decisive and strong-willed guy Aries is very demanding on his partner. The reputation and appearance of the chosen one is extremely important to him. Appearing with her in society, Aries should see that his half is the most well-groomed, beautiful and charming. Representatives of this sign are attracted by smart and mysterious women with a great sense of humor.

Aries men are always straightforward, so falling in love, he will not give subtle hints, but will certainly open to the chosen one, will begin to persistently seek sympathy on her part. They will behave similarly when it cools down to a partner. It is not in their rules to deceive and pretend. If he stopped loving, he would leave, and no persuasion or promise could return him.

Impulsive and energetic Aries are great lovers. It is extremely important for them that the partner is satisfied, so in the intimate life they give all the best. Natural aggressiveness is transformed into sexual energy, which helps men make intimacy incredibly passionate, vibrant and memorable.

Money for Aries men plays an important role in life. Representatives of this sign persistently strive for material well-being, and most often they manage to achieve it. A few narcissistic and confident Aries do not allow anyone to command them, which quite often can provoke conflicts with superiors. Therefore, striving for independence, they often open their own business, which, thanks to their natural mind and creativity, becomes quite successful.

Most Aries men have outstanding creative abilities, so they often choose professions related to art. Due to the nature, they make excellent athletes and researchers. Many representatives of this sign become defenders of public order, military or rescuers.

Aquarius woman and Aries man: compatibility

The representative of the Aquarius sign is one of the few women with whom the Aries man will feel comfortable. This couple easily achieves harmony in all kinds of relationships.

In a love relationship

The girl Aquarius will certainly appreciate the perseverance and ingenuity of the Aries who is seeking her boyfriend. He will also like her originality and ability to present himself. Unused to give up immediately, the Aquarius woman will awaken in Aries the excitement that she can support for a very long time. From these relationships, each of them will constantly get what they want: he is an opportunity to show his persistence, she is a feeling of her own seduction and necessity.


Aquarius and Aries married to each other will begin to feel quite comfortable, supporting passion in a relationship for quite some time. Even deciding on a stamp in a passport, a woman who is thirsty for romance, Aquarius will not allow her husband to lose interest in her. Sometimes, showing a certain coldness to him, she will let her husband know that he still has not completely conquered her and is too early to relax. But Aries with enthusiasm will again seek her location, doing things that are pleasant for his wife.

From a woman of Aquarius does not turn out a fanatical mistress and a very caring mother. They do not pay too much attention to household chores, but try to be friends for their children. Aries man has a slightly different position, therefore, such married couples may have minor domestic conflicts.

In friendship

The compatibility of zodiac signs in friendship is also quite high. Partners are always interested in each other. She will surely find a fascinating way to spend time together, warm her with warmth, and he will undoubtedly substitute his strong shoulder in difficult times.

In sex

Aries man - a rare representative of the type of partners who can rekindle a true passion in a woman Aquarius. Thanks to his perseverance, impulsiveness and ingenuity, he will help to become a girlfriend more sensual. She, having appreciated his efforts, will bring tenderness and new ideas into their intimate life, which the Aries man will pick up with great enthusiasm.

Psychological compatibility

Noticing how quick-tempered and sometimes aggressive is the man Aries, the woman Aquarius, the temperament compatibility with which the representatives of this sign is very high, skillfully apply his natural diplomatic abilities. She will quickly learn to avoid conflicts with him, and quarrels in such an alliance will occur quite rarely. Both representatives of such a sign value independence and do not limit each other's freedom. Neither the Aries man nor the Aquarius woman are trying to re-educate the partner and do not impose their point of view on him. They do not experience any moral discomfort in communicating with each other.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The union of the Aries man and the Aquarius woman has many advantages, the most significant of which are the following:

  • high psychological compatibility;
  • Aquarius and Aries in a love relationship are able to retain passion for a long time;
  • mitigating the explosive nature of men in the process of communicating with a friendly and sympathetic woman;
  • the inexhaustible life energy of the Aries man helps the woman Aquarius to get out of the state of despondency that is characteristic of her at times;
  • the spirit of the conqueror, living in a man, allows a woman to feel desirable and attractive, significantly increasing her self-esteem;
  • The original and attractive woman Aquarius will not let the Aries man get bored and will undoubtedly win the approval of his friends, which is important for him.

Under certain circumstances, the union of representatives of these zodiac signs may have negative sides:

  • the sociability and friendliness shown by the Aquarius woman to the representatives of the opposite sex can make Aries man jealous and suspicious by nature;
  • too different attitudes towards life and finances can cause conflicts;
  • neither he nor she will try to save the union if the partner disappoints in anything.

It may seem to many from the side that the pair of the woman of Aquarius and the man of Aries lack stability and mutual understanding. But as a rule, in such a union the atmosphere of psychological harmony actually reigns, and life in the style of slight inconstancy quite suits both of them.

How a man Aries conquer a woman Aquarius

Not all representatives of the opposite sex manage to conquer the woman of Aquarius. However, the Aries man in this case has several advantages. Firstly, representatives of such a sign are vivid and memorable personalities, namely, such manifestations are primarily appreciated by the Aquarius woman in her partner.

The second advantage of Aries-men is his determination. Long and persistent courtship will make the woman of Aquarius feel her significance for him.

Girl Aquarius is romantic and original. Achieving her location, the Aries man should make the most of his imagination, which is rich in nature, because banal courtship and standard gifts can disappoint the representative of this air sign, and she will lose all interest in the fan.

The horoscope of compatibility presented in this article reflects only the general features of the union of a woman of Aquarius and a man of Aries. The leading role in the success of such relations is played by the individual characteristics of the character of the representatives of these zodiac signs and the feelings they feel for each other.