Two very dissimilar people - Aries woman, Libra man - may well create a common field of interaction with the plus sign. They have a huge chance for a happy relationship in friendship, love, marriage.
Of course, ideal couples do not exist. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of this passionate and very creative union.
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General characteristics of the zodiac signs
Aries and Libra are two zodiac signs that are completely different in content, opposing one another, while possessing completely opposite features.
Libra man, characterization of the sign. He always wants to establish harmony both between people and with the surrounding space, he subtly feels everything, striving for beauty. Tactful and sensitive, a real diplomat. At the same time, she has a remarkable will and desire to gain the upper hand in the competitive confrontation. Here are its main features:
- Reliability and constancy.
- The habit of pondering and weighing everything before making a decision.
- The eternal search for the ideal, the perfection of everything and everything.
- A powerful force of creation, which captivates him, pushing him to realize his ideas.
- A philosophical mindset that helps to look at the problem from different points of view. However, sometimes others regard this desire as a flaw.
- Accuracy, tact, courtesy, pleasant manners and appearance.
- It can be truly irony and even aggressive when it comes to justice.
- Huge creative abilities, the desire to know this world as a physical and spiritual component.
Aries woman, characteristic of the sign.She is always a bright, ambitious personality, who fearlessly and optimistically rushes forward to any embrasure, while showing honesty, bordering on excessive straightforwardness. Here are the main features of her character:
- Independence, the constant pursuit of independence.
- High level of emotions, passion, vivid feelings.
- In an effort to achieve her goals, she displays an iron will.
- The undisputed leader is always and in everything.
- Amazing ability to "survival" in any team.
- The ability to act decisively and correctly in a critical situation.
- An increased sense of justice, which sometimes makes you commit unprofitable and even rash acts.
- Youthful maximalism to a very old age.
- A constant desire to change the imperfection of the world, to make it better.
Aries woman and man Libra: compatibility
These two complement each other superbly. They are like a continuation of one another, part of a single whole, because the compatibility of the Woman-Aries Man-Libra is almost perfect.
A lady is always bright, strong, easy to make decisions, able to constantly kindle the fire of passion. The partner tactfully protects her personal space, trying to maintain balance, to build complete harmony.
In a love relationship
At the very beginning, the relationship between the girl-Aries and the guy-Libra will be somewhat unusual, not always successful. They are very different, so sometimes it will not be so easy to find common ground. Since the characters are very dissimilar, the energies of these signs are opposite. However, Fire cannot exist without Air. To light a fire, to constantly feed the Fiery element, only Air can. True, he is also able to easily put out a candle with one awkward blow.
It’s important for a guy to think things over, to understand his feelings, because he will behave somewhat aloof. It will not be decided to take the first step towards, as it will take time to communicate. The Aries girl will be intrigued, she rarely shows patience, especially in love affairs.
Therefore, the desire to get to know better with an interesting man will push her to commit more active actions. It should be noted that such tactics will be successful in this case.
Aries and Libra in a love relationship are filled with tenderness, warmth. The romantic signs of attention that a girl gives to her boyfriend completely coincide with her lyrical mood. She so wants to feel fragile and vulnerable. She, like air, needs a sense of security, peace, which is quite capable of providing Aries to Libra.
In response, the woman will bestow her chosen one with the most tender care and sympathy. He will receive what he dreamed about. This is, indeed, a very romantic couple, perfectly compatible in love. Such a union is able to live and eat sincere feelings for many years. The family will turn out just perfect.
Aries women and Libra men married will be sure to be happy. They are always ready to meet each other, fulfill their desires, protect the wonderful feelings of a partner. However, in any family union there are certain disadvantages. This seemingly perfect pair also has them.
The woman of this sign is a quick-tempered and unstable nature, therefore she will always be the initiator of family quarrels. The man, on the contrary, is very patient, but if he is properly irritated, then he is unlikely to leave her overly active lunges without an answer.
The main lesson that Aries and Libra in marriage should learn from being together is the ability to concede, restrain bubbling emotions, and not pay attention to the little things in life.
Libra man will learn to be more decisive in everything, including often say the word "No." Aries woman, constantly striving for leadership, will receive her lessons - she will begin to ponder the spoken words or committed acts before doing something irreparable. Both will improve their best character traits and get rid of the negative.The desire for spiritual development will be fully rewarded.
When children appear in the family, both spouses will be able to become better parents. True, at first the Libra man will find it difficult even the very thought of fatherhood. He is afraid of responsibility for the child, because he is not sure that he will be able to give the baby everything that is necessary in life.
However, the difficult period with the help of the Aries woman will be overcome. After all, a girl is almost an ideal mother, therefore she will not abandon her career, will not turn into an untidy bruise, crushed by everyday problems. After all, the husband will actively help around the house. The spouse is well able to clean up and even bake pies.
This couple from time to time as if anew falls in love with each other. Their feelings are always fresh, over the years they become only deeper and brighter. They are able to convey their happiness to children.
In friendship
Aries woman - Libra man is a great friendly couple. She always inspires a man to take new heights in his career, gives an orientation to future achievements. A friend helps her in critical situations, supports her with wise instructions. A woman adds self-confidence to a man, and he learns to dream. Together, it is easy for them to realize any, even the most breathtaking ideas, which as a result will certainly be successful.
They are not bored together. Any stunning fantasy can be realized in the blink of an eye. Decisions are made quickly, obstacles for them simply do not exist.
They do not try to remake each other, perceive their partner with all the tricks, such as he really is. Such mutual communication affects them positively and extremely positively, helps to improve themselves both physically and spiritually.
In sex
Aries Woman - Libra Man in sex is also compatible and very harmonious. Explosive passion, fireworks of feelings allows this couple to strive for true pleasures and unforgettable sex. Desires and love impulses are so strong that even talking about politics cannot spoil the mood.
Often, it is a woman who initiates close relationships. Her sexuality and fervor of feelings cause a delighted response from the partner. He is ready to translate into reality any of her fantastic aspirations. A beautiful and bright woman will instantly make a man forget about the world around him, will try to give magnificent moments of intimacy.
They like experiments in sex, inspire ideas to make love in some unusual place. They are ready to embody in bed the most interesting, exciting desire postures. Moreover, such fantasies bring a curious variety into the relationship, only reinforcing their love.
Psychological compatibility
Although the couple seems truly flawless to strangers, there are still certain difficulties that will have to be overcome. And their main reason is a bright personal contrast. They are too dissimilar, hence all the problems.
Aries woman is a man of action. She wants to succeed everywhere and everywhere, leads an active lifestyle, even resting is not enough for her, lying on the seashore. Skydive, rock climbing or surf the high wave. Passive men despair her. Especially if a loved one after a hard day tends to lie down on his favorite sofa. And she is attracted to a walk or to a night club. Stars in the evening sky are important for a lady, and give him another series of her favorite “soap opera”.
Libra man does not show much zeal for updating his familiar circle of friends. A woman, on the contrary, loves new faces, interesting and noteworthy acquaintances. He prefers calm and measured, and she prefers social life, bright events.
A man likes to plan everything and put everything on the shelves, a girl likes surprises and sharp turns of events.Libra calmly plans a traditional dinner on Sunday, and Aries dreams that her beloved knight will suddenly come, wrap it in a burka and take it not to the ends of the world, but at least somewhere nearby - to a park or on a picnic at the height of the working day.
A woman is happy under the lights of a big city where life boils day and night. She is inspired by opportunities and perspectives. The man feels happy sitting with a fishing rod on the bank of a simple village river.
Only mutual respect, the ability to give in time, will help to overcome this crazy contrast. The lady will have to learn to compromise, and her partner to show herself more actively and decisively. However, they will tirelessly support each other's constant inspiration on the path to self-improvement. Together they will overcome all difficulties, becoming better and closer with each step. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Aries and Libra in such a situation will become almost ideal.
Positive and negative sides of the union
It is possible to achieve the ideal relationship for this couple if the partners are well aware of the positive and negative sides of their characters in advance. In this case, it is easier to find common ground and build a wonderful and strong family.
Positive features
- She will show all her nobility and determination in love. It will always be bold and active.
- He will show tolerance and tact. It turns out to be refined and balanced, constantly striving for harmony.
- He is dreamy, and she is optimistic.
- He is charming and charming, and she is proactive and enterprising.
- He is sociable, she is honest and sincere.
- She will inspire him with her confidence, strength and passion.
- He will cool down excessive emotions with philosophical prudence and a diplomatic approach, and will not pretend to be independent. She will never try to change him.
Negative traits
- He does not like her stubbornness, and to her - his indecision.
- She often allows herself aggressiveness and irritability. He is weak-willed and lazy.
- She does not like to be patient, often makes decisions in a hurry.
- He is insincere, hides his feelings. Therefore, it shows inconsistency and inconstancy.
- She is too impulsive and quick-tempered.
- He is distinguished by vanity and snobbery, he is not a stranger to falsehood, therefore he loves to throw dust in his eyes.
- She is too powerful and allows herself to criticize others.
- It is sometimes superficial and frivolous.
- She is a real stubborn egoist.
However, for such an alliance, everything is surmountable if its members simply listen to each other.
How Libra man conquer Aries woman
The compatibility horoscope will tell the Libra man how to act in order to win the heart of his beloved. A passionate and strong-willed woman-aries will require constant attention from her man to her person. However, the one who will beg for love in a kneeling pose, she will most likely refuse. Since he dreams of a strong man who has already taken place in this life, he has a remarkable experience.
A woman likes to be constantly in the center of events, she is the initiator of changes, her monotony depresses her. Therefore, the cavalier will have to try to surprise the beautiful lady and constantly amaze the lady of the heart with pleasant surprises. And the banal bouquet will not inspire a lady at all. Rather, she will be pleased with some exotic offering. At the same time, a gift can be a visit to an unusual exhibition, original and interesting, a trip to the premiere of a popular film or a very unusual theater performance. An unusual bar, where a special atmosphere reigns, and the interior is made in some exotic style, will not refuse to visit.
Aries woman loves traveling, if they are distinguished by beautiful, romantic and even mystical content. And also it is more attracted to the fabulous streets of Prague than the banal Turkish beach.
This stubborn person will demand the full attention of a man, will actively fight for him. Therefore, it is appropriate to recall the classics: "the less a woman we love, the easier she likes us."
Such tactics will be successful until the Aries woman completely gives her heart to the chosen one. However, in no case should you rest on your laurels. She still needs the attention of a male scales, she will be glad if the chosen one highly appreciates the professional achievements of her beloved. Subtle compliments puts above all.
Keeping up with the lady should still be a little detached, so that the passionate nature would raise doubts: "Does he really like me?"
For the Aries woman, the status of a man is very important. She will especially be impressed by the high position, scientific rank, and professionalism of the chosen one.
Aries woman is very romantic, loves walks in the rain, is able to admire the stars of the evening sky for hours, having opened the window. It is important for the girl that the gentleman do crazy things like performing a serenade under a window or armfuls of fresh wildflowers that appeared unexpectedly on a winter pillow in the winter morning.