Aries is one of the most energetic and emotional signs of the zodiac. The characterization of Aries woman can be described in one word - passion. It is she who best conveys the essence of this strong and impetuous personality - a real iron lady.

General characterization

This lady from childhood used to get only the first roles. Therefore, she does not like rivalry. Even in a family, an Aries girl can try to move her siblings so that only her gets her parental love. She cannot stand empty dreams, always setting real goals. In difficult situations, she goes ahead: argues, quarrels, takes risky steps - all to get a result. Often demonstrates rudeness and stubbornness, because of which it can get into big trouble.

The representative of the Aries sign does not have special talents, but is hardworking and ambitious. Among colleagues is always on top, one of the best, for which he often receives praise from his superiors. It does not show weakness and fatigue even in the most difficult life periods and does not accept nagging and complaints from other people.

Such women often become heads of large firms or open their own business. They are not afraid of competition and emerging problems, solving them quickly and assertively. As a result, they often act in a rage.

The characteristic of the zodiac sign is due to the influence of the planet Mars, which gives these strong women raging energy and a belligerent mood.

  • Despite the huge supply of vitality, Aries girls still need a strong male shoulder. Sometimes even more than the rest of the signs. From a young age, they are looking for a "hero of their novel": the same strong, wise, understanding.But because of the difficult nature, they often suffer love failures. Not every man is able to withstand a relationship with such a woman.
  • A lady under the sign of Aries never compromises and does not tolerate criticism, wanting only to be admired. She can only be happy with a strong man whom she herself wants to obey.
  • Aries should always be in the spotlight, bathing in admiring glances and listening to constant flattery.
  • For these women, mood swings are not uncommon. They can be regulars in noisy parties, and after some time they will turn into supporters of a relaxing holiday in a cozy home environment. There is little stability in their lives. Basically, these ladies are as bright as Fire - the element of this sign.

However, despite their character, they are very insecure. Therefore, they are looking for someone who would constantly remind about their positive qualities. Often in friendship and love they choose one who can speak beautifully. But later they will be disappointed, because besides words, such a person has nothing to offer.


  • Conflict
  • short temper;
  • aggressiveness;
  • selfishness;
  • vulgarity;
  • permanent cognitive dissonance.


  • strong will;
  • initiative;
  • quick search for solutions;
  • enthusiasm;
  • hard work;
  • cheerful character;
  • patience;
  • endurance.

The manifestation of certain qualities is determined not only by belonging to a particular zodiac sign, but also by many other factors, for example, name and specific date of birth. But the specified set of characteristics is the most typical for the representatives of this astrological sign.

Aries woman compatibility with other zodiac signs

Aries zodiac sign has a fiery head, burning everything in its path. Bypassing thousands of obstacles, these people take everything that they consider their rightfully. They favor luck.

It was under this star that such celebrities as Yekaterina Medici, Margarita Navarskaya, Irina Khakamada, Alla Pugacheva, Montserrat Caballe, Celine Dion were born.

In a love relationship

In love, Aries are passionate and emotional. Having met a beloved man, they become tender, vulnerable and supple. They treat the chosen one carefully, sometimes even motherly. But to win them over, you have to sweat. These girls will not meet with those who are not trusted one hundred percent. In addition, the chosen one needs to constantly give attention. After all, Aries will not tolerate neglect in relation to its own person.

In the case of treason or other betrayal, the representative of the elements of fire is ready to incinerate the partner. Angry and glowing with righteous anger, she is able to turn the life of a former lover into hell.

Aries woman in love is faithful and faithful, like the wife of the Decembrist will go after her man anywhere.

Many young people can find happiness with her. Indeed, under the mask of a formidable warrior lies a reliable partner, a skilled lover and a caring mother.

The best relationship will develop with Leo and Sagittarius.

It is not recommended to build general plans for life with Libra and Virgo.


Despite the enthusiasm for work and career growth, such ladies easily cope with everyday problems in family life. They skillfully housekeeping and raise beautiful children. Their energy potential is enough to fulfill different life roles. At the same time, most often Aries shows only excellent results: reports to the head were handed over, the apartment was cleaned, soup was cooked, lessons with the child were done, the husband was satisfied.

In the house of the representative of this sign is always noisy and fun. And without it, the household gets bored. After all, it is she who acts as the generator of ideas and the organizer of the most interesting family events that take place under her clear guidance.

Aries woman in marriage will be happy if the relationship is based on partnership.

In her family, there should be complete parity between husband and wife. Otherwise, quarrels cannot be avoided.

Such characters as Capricorn, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius are suitable for the role of a spouse.

Unwanted marriage with Cancer, Aries, Libra, Virgo.

In friendship

Aries woman in relationships, including friendships, is good as an equal partner. She knows how to value friends. Her mind, quick wit, cheerful disposition attract people. In addition, this lady is always ready to help, expecting in return the same support and participation.

Friends and friends love her for her ability to rejoice and embark on bold adventures. For example, Lady Aries does not suddenly cost anything to go on an unplanned trip.

In friendship, compatibility with other signs is due to the energetic nature of the Aries woman. Libra, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius are suitable for her.

With quiet and calm astrological characters (Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo), she will not even have anything to talk about.

In sex

Possessing a passionate temperament, Lady Aries will not let a man sleep at night. The fire raging in her will excite anyone in her bed.

But even here, preference is given to the main role. Therefore, often the choice falls on the tender and vulnerable partners, who sooner or later become uninteresting to her.

Such a woman needs male heroes who are just as bright sexually. By obeying them, she will be able to reveal her true feelings and experience real pleasure.

Ideal partners can be Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio.

Better not go to bed with Libra and Gemini.

Psychological compatibility

Aries Woman is a leader and perpetual motion machine. It is not easy for such individuals to communicate with other people. Therefore, girls of this sign are often looking for like-minded people who fully understand their complex nature.

The psychological compatibility of the zodiac signs is as follows:

  • The best understanding is distinguished by the same fire signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.
  • In the intellectual plan, Aquarius, Libra will do.
  • By level of fortitude: Scorpio.
  • In terms of hard work and a profitable partnership: Taurus, Capricorn.

Focusing on psychological compatibility, one can find happy relationships and good friends. Indeed, understanding the character and personality characteristics of another person is the main key to comfortable communication.

How to win a representative of this sign

To win the heart of a lady with such a complex disposition is not an easy task. Indeed, for this it is necessary to be at least several times stronger than her. Aries woman sets the bar high for her candidates. She does not agree to simple options. In terms of existing relations, everything should be on top as well.

However, if you set a goal, you can win the heart of even such a capricious and demanding lady.

The main thing to remember is several important conditions:

  • Decisiveness above all. The offer of the meeting should be made without hesitation and should not hesitate with the next meeting, otherwise it may not be.
  • Simple female joys. It is important to constantly give flowers, indulge petty weaknesses. It works flawlessly on such strong-willed girls. Soon she will melt with happiness in the arms of such a courageous gentleman.
  • Immediate action. Woman-fire prefers dynamically developing relationships. Sleepy, slow-moving guys don't like her.
  • Lack of criticism. A lady under the sign of Aries should always be on top. Therefore, she does not accept anything from the lips of her beloved, except praise.
  • Metered care. Of course, all women need protection and support, even fighters in skirts like Aries. But to show excessive care, taking care of her like a small child, should not be.

The representative of this sign is unlikely to let the weak man who is bustling and constantly changing his mind on friendly relations.

Aries are strong personalities with completely non-feminine qualities. But even these girls dream of a great bright feeling that will swirl them in a whirlpool of pleasant events. However, candidates for the role of a loved one should remember that these fragile creatures will give odds to any iron guy.