There are things that a woman can never refuse. And this information is used by men who want to win the girl’s heart. After all, now they are looking in guys for much more than just a good appearance and the presence of intelligence. So, before you are 10 things that a woman could not refuse.
Material Content:
- 1 1. Guys with an accent
- 2 2. Starbucks
- 3 3. Cosmetics
- 4 4. Romantic comedies
- 5 5. Boys bands
- 6 6. Spending the night with friends
- 7 7. TV shows
- 8 8. Flowers
- 9 9. Personal care
- 10 10. Sale
- 11 11. Animals
- 12 12. Selfie
- 13 13. High heels
- 14 14. Sweet
- 15 15. Travel
- 16 16. Massage
- 17 17. Holidays
- 18 18. Toys
- 19 19. Dresses
1. Guys with an accent
Since childhood, many girls have been taught a simple truth: you need to marry a rich man (preferably a foreigner). Since it is in this way that you can quickly climb the social ladder and become more successful. That is why women are ready to fall in love from the first meeting with a man who speaks with an accent.
2. Starbucks
In Russia, coffee is considered a cult. Especially after many coffee houses began to offer the service "Coffee with you." But what associations do you have from the word "Coffee"? For many, this is Starbucks. This is a brand that has long been sitting in our minds. And even though many did not visit this coffee shop, in any case they know that the best coffee can be found there.
3. Cosmetics
Women go crazy when a new cosmetic product hits store shelves. And they understand that men can never understand how wonderful this moment is. Girls will spend the last money, but buy a new (tenth) lipstick.
4. Romantic comedies
It may look like a cliche, but it is true. A woman cannot help but love good romantic comedies. And men need to adopt this fact. If they want to invite a lady of the heart to the movies, let it be a romantic film or drama, not horror or science fiction.
5. Boy bands
This is a tribute to childhood and, most likely, the first true love. Absolutely all the girls went through this. Falling in love with one of the group members, they lived in their fantasies and illusions, imagining how they walk with their chosen one by the handle, walk along the red carpet and take pictures of them with envy to all the same fans.
6. Spending the night with friends
No one will ever be able to replace best friends. And with whom else to discuss a new boy at the university or a handsome work colleague? With whom to talk about sales and discounts in stores? Who will advise a beautiful manicure? Only friends!
7. TV shows
For men it’s football, and for girls it’s TV shows. They are ready to watch new episodes for hours without breaking their work: manicure, cleaning, cooking, sports - absolutely everywhere and they always watch TV shows on their gadgets.
8. Flowers
Roses, tulips, peonies, daisies, lilies, chrysanthemums are crazy for girls. They are ready to receive them from their boyfriend literally every day. They will never refuse and will accept flowers even from strangers. After all, you must definitely brag about this gift by posting photos of flowers on social networks!
9. Personal care
What girl will refuse a spa, manicure, hairdresser and beauty salon? Women are ready to spend all their free time there. They very often change their style and image, wanting to change their hairstyle and hair color literally every day. That is why men love to pamper their girls with sessions in spas and beauty studios, as their chosen ones simply shine with happiness.
10. Sale
Women always know where and what you can buy cheaper. And they are incredibly happy if they buy fashion items at big discounts. Girls love to go shopping with friends, because they can tell what’s going on and what’s better not to take.
11. Animals
We love our animals more than people, so guys have to get used to the fact that pets occupy most of the girl’s bed. Women adore all living creatures, they will never pass by strollers without feeding or stroking. Always go to pet stores just to look at cute animals.
12. Selfie
This is what our girls cannot live without. Almost daily they post photos of themselves and nature on social networks, so that all friends put them Likes and leave comments. Now every woman (even aged) has at least one selfie. That says a lot.
13. High heels
Girls always love to go out in the chic queens. They will never go out without makeup or heels. Even winter and ice do not stop today's women from stilettos. They try to look as chic as possible at any time and in any season. Men, appreciate the efforts of the girls! You have no idea how difficult it is to walk in heels.
14. Sweet
How to impress a girl? Give her a cake or her favorite eclairs! Even if she refuses because she is following her figure, do not think to retreat. In the evening after your date, she will definitely drink tea along with your goodies!
15. Travel
Girls cannot be girls unless they travel! They really have a great craving for adventure, trains and airplanes. They will never complain of fatigue after an 8-hour flight. They will enjoy the atmosphere and anticipation even at the airport.
In addition, traveling through the air is a great opportunity to photograph planes and the view of the clouds from the porthole, which many girls also can’t refuse.
16. Massage
Girls love when their chosen ones offer them a massage. They love to relax, especially after a hard day at work. They really feel great pleasure during the massage, as the skin of women is much more sensitive and tender than men.
17. Holidays
Surprisingly, girls are more likely to celebrate various events than boys.Since it is women who more feel the atmosphere of the holidays, because even on the New Year they begin to prepare dishes for the festive table already in the morning.
In addition, it is the girls who remember all the significant dates in the relationship. The first meeting, the first kiss, intimacy - this is all women remember.
18. Toys
Girls can sleep with their favorite toys even at 30 and 40 years old. There is no age limit for them. That is why they hang for a long time at the windows of children's stores, looking at toys.
19. Dresses
That’s what girls can’t refuse - it’s from dresses. They wear them both in the heat and in the cold (let us pat!).
Women are not afraid of low temperatures, it is important for them that they look feminine even in winter. That is why girls are so beautiful.