Violation of the production and outflow of bile from the gallbladder is a problem characteristic of a number of pathologies of the liver and bile duct (biliary) tract. Potentially, it can cause severe dysfunctions of other organs and systems - impaired twilight vision, osteoporosis, gallstone disease, cardiovascular changes, bowel obstruction. Cholagogue with stagnation of bile is one of the ways to correct this condition.

Indications for the use of bile stasis

Under the general term "choleretic drugs" several different groups of drugs are combined. All of them are designed to normalize the circulation of bile, but the indications for their use may vary slightly.

Drug groupMechanism of actionIndications
CholereticsIncrease the production of bile in the liver cells.•hepatitis;
• steatosis;
• dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
• cholangitis;
• constipation caused by stagnation of bile.
HydrocholeticsIncrease the volume of bile by diluting it with water.Indications are similar to choleretics.
CholekineticsThey tone the gall bladder, causing bile to penetrate the small intestine faster.• atony of the gallbladder;
• hypomotor dyskinesia;
• chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis;
• hypoacid gastritis.
CholespasmolyticsImprove the excretion of bile by relieving spasm of the bile ducts.• hyperkinetic form of dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
• pain and cramping in diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
GallstonesDissolve stones in the bile ducts and bladder and prevent the formation of new ones.•cholelithiasis;
• liver intoxication;
• acute hepatitis;
• primary cholangitis;
• biliary atresia;
• prevention of the appearance of stones with dyskinesia of the biliary tract;
• stagnation with parenteral (intravenous) nutrition.

Thus, before using any choleretic drugs, it is important to make the correct diagnosis.

For treatment often requires a combination of drugs of different groups and the additional intake of antibiotics, hepatoprotectors and other drugs. Competently develop therapeutic tactics can only be a specialist. In some cases, with stagnation of bile, a surgical operation is indicated.


To eliminate stagnation of bile, not only medications are used. Sometimes a good help can be herbal and folk remedies, as well as a special diet.

Food for stagnation of bile

To stimulate the production of bile and improve its circulation, a lipotropic-fat dietary table No. 5 L / F was developed. It includes low cholesterol choleretic products:

Food & DishesCan be consumedCan not be consumed
SoupsCereals, on vegetable broths, dairy.Dishes on strong broths of fish, mushrooms, meat.
Meat dishesSteam products from minced meat of lean varieties. Cooked meat.Sausage, fatty pork, any fried meat, smoked meats, canned food.
Fish mealsBoiled, baked fish of lean varieties. Souffle, knels, steaks.Fried, salted or smoked fish of any kind. Fatty fish (herring, mackerel, sturgeon).
Side dishesBoiled cereals. Baked or boiled vegetables.Canned peas, corn. Pickles, marinades, home preservation. Salads and slices of mushrooms, fresh cabbage, radish, rutabaga.
EggsProtein omelettes, mogul or boiled soft-boiled, not more than 1 egg per day.Fried or hard boiled.
Sweet dishesFresh ripe fruits and berries with a sweet taste, dried fruits, honey, mousses, jelly.Confectionery, ice cream, nuts, chocolate.
BeveragesTea, coffee, fruit drinks, fruit broths, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water.Alcohol, cocoa, carbonated drinks.
FatsGhee butter. Vegetable oils.Lard, margarine, fusion, lard.

Food in violation of the circulation of bile should be subject to the following rules:

  • fractional meals - 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • limited amounts of salt and sugar;
  • high fluid intake - up to 2 liters per day;
  • the inclusion of a large amount of fiber.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the individual reaction of the body. If a product causes nausea, vomiting, a taste of bitterness in the mouth or cramping in the right hypochondrium, it should be immediately excluded from the diet.

Cholagogue herbs and fees

Some herbs well stimulate the secretion and outflow of bile. Cholagogue herbs, as well as synthetic medications, can be divided into groups:

Group of choleretic herbsList of herbs
Choleretics• tansy flowers;
•dog-rose fruit;
• immortelle flowers;
• fruits of barberry;
•corn silk.
Cholekinetics• immortelle flowers;
•dog-rose fruit;
• leaves and roots of barberry.
Cholespasmolytics• mint and lemon balm leaves;
• calendula flowers;
• Hypericum flowers;
• elecampane root;
• valerian root.

Of the listed herbs, you can independently make fees that are useful for stagnation of bile and have an antispasmodic effect.

  • Dry flowers of hypericum and immortelle mix in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of the prepared collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and insist for a day. Take 1 cup after eating 0.5 cups.
  • Mix 50 grams of dried rose hips, 50 grams of corn stigmas, 100 grams of dry mint. 1 tablespoon of the collection pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, cool and strain. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink 0.5 cups 15 minutes before a meal.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of valerian root, 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers, 2 tablespoons of dried barberry or rose hips, 1 tablespoon of tansy flowers. Put the finished collection in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist a day, strain and take 0.5 cups 15 minutes before a meal.

There are also ready-made pharmacy herbal preparations recommended for stagnation of bile.

So, the composition of collection No. 1 includes mint, immortelle, coriander seeds and a three-leaf watch. Collection No. 2 includes yarrow, immortelle, mint and coriander. Collection No. 3 consists of chamomile, tansy, yarrow, calendula and mint leaves.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for diseases of the liver and biliary tract are based on the choleretic properties of bee products and vegetable juices. The following formulations show good effectiveness:

  • Bee honey is mixed with pollen (pollen pollen) in a 2: 1 ratio. The tool is taken 1 teaspoon 5 times a day after meals.
  • Juice is squeezed out of carrots, beets and cucumbers, mixed in a ratio of 4: 1: 4. Honey is added to the mixture to taste. 100 ml is taken 15 minutes before a meal.

In some cases, with stagnation of bile, it may be advisable to conduct a tube - cleansing of the biliary tract by increasing their peristalsis. The procedure is as follows:

  • the night before, take the No-Shpa preparation (2 tablets of 40 mg each) and pour the Essentuki or Borjomi mineral water from the bottle into the jug;
  • in the morning, warm the mineral water to 400C;
  • pour ordinary hot water into a rubber heating pad;
  • on an empty stomach drink 5 sips of mineral water, lie down, turn on your right side, press the heating pad to the right hypochondrium and cover yourself with a blanket;
  • lying down, drink a warm mineral water with an interval of 5 minutes in 5 sips;
  • after eating a total of 0.5 liters of mineral water, lie down with a heating pad for another 20 minutes.

After the procedure, a frequent stool with an admixture of bile usually appears, the pain passes and the taste of bitterness in the mouth disappears.

When treating stagnation of bile with herbs and folk remedies, it is necessary to observe table No. 5.

Herbal preparations

In pharmacy chains today it is not difficult to purchase ready-made choleretic drugs of plant origin. They are available in various forms - in the form of syrups, tinctures, tablets.

Drug nameGroup and form of releaseMode of applicationContraindications
"Holagol"Choleretic and cholespasmolytic in the form of drops10 drops per sugar slice 30 minutes before meals• acute inflammation of the liver;
• pregnancy and lactation;
• age up to 12 years.
HolosasSyrup cholekinetic1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals•cholelithiasis;
• pregnancy and lactation;
• age up to 12 years;
ConvaflavinPills cholespasmolytic2 tablets of 10 mg 3 times daily before meals• individual intolerance.
"Tanacehol"Pills choleretic2 tablets of 50 mg 3 times daily before meals• erosive gastroduodenitis;
• ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
HofitolCholeretic and cholekinetic in the form of tablets or suspensions1 tablet 200 mg 3 times daily before meals
1 teaspoon suspension 3 times daily before meals
• obstruction of the biliary tract;
• age up to 12 years.

As a light antispasmodic, a simple pharmacy tincture of valerian is also suitable. However, before using even the most harmless drugs, you need to undergo a medical examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Means for stagnation of bile for children, during pregnancy

To eliminate stagnation of bile in children under 12 years of age, it is not recommended to use herbal products. Such compounds often cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, for a child, a doctor can advise the following medication choleretic drugs:

  • "Allohol";
  • Nicodine
  • "Oxafenamide."

The dosage, regimen and duration of treatment with the listed means are individually determined by the doctor based on the weight of the child and the diagnosis.

Pregnant women are prescribed only drugs that are not able to provoke an increase in uterine tone or penetrate the placental barrier:

  • Berberis-Gommakord;
  • Hofitol;
  • "Febihol";
  • Flaming.

The use of these drugs is possible only as directed and after clarification of the diagnosis. From choleretic herbs and fees during pregnancy should be discarded.

Since stagnation of bile during pregnancy and in childhood is disregarded, it can lead to dangerous consequences, any signs should be immediately reported to the doctor.