Among other heat-relieving agents, Paracetamol Syrup can be called one of the most effective. It contains a reduced dose of the active substance, and therefore it can be given even to the smallest patients who are only 3 months old. "Paracetamol" has a powerful analgesic effect - relieves headaches, is used after vaccination and eliminates the symptoms of teething. Syrup is a children's form of release, and people over 12 years of age are prescribed, as a rule, a medication in tablets.

Release form, composition

Syrup "Paracetamol" for children - a concentrated, thick liquid of a yellowish tint, which has a characteristic fruity-berry aroma. Pharmacies sell bottles of 50 or 100 ml, placed in a cardboard box. Detailed instructions are attached.

Paracetamol is an effective antipyretic.

The composition of the drug includes such components:

  • paracetamol (120 ml / 5 ml, 1.2 g / 50 ml, 2.4 g / 100 ml);
  • purified water;
  • flavoring additives;
  • lemon acid;
  • sweetener, etc.

You can buy the drug without any problems at any pharmacy. The recipe is not needed. Shelf life of the drug is 2 years. The open bottle should be stored in a dry, dark place, away from children. Do not use syrup after the expiration date.

Pharmacological action and indications for use

The drug has pronounced antipyretic and anesthetic properties. Active components are rapidly absorbed by the intestinal tissues, after which they are distributed throughout the body. The metabolic process takes place in the liver, where the drug remains break down into paracetamol sulfate and glucorangide. Metabolites are excreted by the kidneys.


The toxicity of the drug is due to the fact that when it breaks down, an insignificant amount of paraaminophenol is formed, which has a negative effect on the condition of the liver.

The tool under discussion can be prescribed for such purposes:

  • relief of pain;
  • elimination of pulling pains in the back and lower back;
  • lowering the temperature with infectious pathologies and inflammations;
  • relief of symptoms associated with teething of the first teeth.

When conducting therapy, remember that this medication has a hepatotoxic effect, manifested with prolonged use.

Do not exceed recommended doses and consume syrup for longer than 5 to 7 days. If there is a need for a longer relief of pain, consult your doctor and he will prescribe another anesthetic.

At what age can children be given

Paracetamol baby syrup is usually prescribed for children older than 3 months. Giving babies at an earlier age is not recommended, although this is possible.

When taking syrup, age restrictions must be observed.

If the drug is used to treat a child who is not yet 3 months old, the dosage is determined by the doctor individually. In addition, the specialist is required to monitor the condition of the patient throughout the duration of therapy.

How long does the antipyretic begin to act?

The syrup begins to act instantly.

The maximum therapeutic effect of taking a syrup or suspension of “Paracetamol” is achieved almost immediately (up to 5 minutes). If you can wait, you can use suppositories or tablets. Their action begins 15 to 30 minutes after administration.

Paracetamol: instructions for use for adults and children

Syrup for children (120 mg per 5 ml) is indicated for small patients. For adults, the manufacturer produces the same medication in the form of tablets. The pharmacy sells adult syrup containing a higher concentration of the active substance (250 mg per 5 ml). Suspension and suppositories are also available for purchase.

Read the instructions in detail.

A single dose for a patient older than 16 years old is 200 - 400 mg, daily - 3000 mg. During therapy with this medication, keep in mind that its active components have a detrimental effect on the liver.

Dosage and administration

Paracetamol in the form of a sweet, tasty syrup can be given to babies who are 3 months old.

The dose of the drug depends on the age of the baby.

For each age, its own dose is calculated:

  • up to 2 years - 5 ml;
  • 2-6 years - 5-10 ml;
  • 6 - 12 years old - 10 - 20 ml;
  • over 12 years old - 20 - 40 ml.

Before giving a remedy to a child, be sure to read the instructions. Better yet, consult your pediatrician. He will accurately determine which medicines the baby can and which are contraindicated.

Special instructions for taking syrup

Paracetamol syrup is best taken after eating with a small amount of water.

If the drug is used to reduce the temperature, you can drink it for a maximum of 3 days, if as a painkiller - 5 days.
  • The maximum number of receptions per day is 4.
  • The interval between them is at least 4 hours.
  • The drug is ready for use, it is not bred.

It is convenient to measure the volume of the medicine with a special syringe or a teaspoon. In 1 tsp. fits 5 ml of syrup or 120 mg of paracetamol.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

The active components of Paracetamol syrup have the property of decreasing or enhancing the effect of some other drugs. If you plan to use this medicine or give it to your baby, while taking other drugs, be sure to consult a specialist.

With caution, paracetamol should be taken in combination with other medicines.
  • The antipyretic properties of Paracetamol are reduced when taking drugs with antiepileptic effect.
  • The drug increases the activity of drugs, which contain codeine, caffeine, coumarin derivatives.
  • The tool enhances the effectiveness of antispasmodic drugs.

If you plan to use such a medication to fight hyperthermia or eliminate pain, you need to take into account another important rule: you can not drink Paracetamol and other medications containing the same active component at the same time. Otherwise, an overdose may occur, accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

"Paracetamol" in the form of a syrup is different in that it has a limited list of contraindications.

There are very few contraindications to use.
  • Do not use this medicine in patients with hepatic impairment and impaired renal function. A syrup with a reduced concentration of paracetamol is sometimes prescribed to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • It contains sucrose, so syrup should be used with caution in patients diagnosed with diabetes.

Side effects can occur from the hemopoietic system, excretion, organs of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Among the most common reactions are:

  • nausea;
  • drowsiness or irritability;
  • renal colic;
  • anemia.

Often, with the use of Paracetamol, an allergy occurs, which is manifested by itching, small rashes, and reddening of the skin.

An overdose is accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, blanching of the skin and mucous membranes, drowsiness, and apathy. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek qualified help. The patient is urgently hospitalized, symptomatic treatment is carried out, the antidote Ν-acetylcysteine ​​is prescribed intravenously.

Analogs of antipyretic syrup

Other drugs are also made on the basis of paracetamol. They differ from the presented syrup in composition, form of release and, of course, cost.

The table shows the most popular drugs.

No. p / pA drugRelease formActive substanceVolume (amount)Price
1Panadolsyrupparacetamol100, 300 mlfrom 50 rub.
2Kalpolsuspensionparacetamol70, 100 mlfrom 120 rub.
3Mexalensyrupparacetamol100 mlfrom 130 rub.
4"Passage"suspensionparacetamol100 mlfrom 110 rub.
5Sanidol pillsparacetamol24 pcs.150 rub
6Flutabseffervescent tabletsparacetamol4, 8 12 pcs.from 80 rub.
7Efferalgansyrupparacetamol90, 100 mlfrom 98 rub.

Syrup "Paracetamol" has proven itself in the fight against high fever and pain. The medicine has a powerful therapeutic effect, shows its activity within a few minutes after administration. Nevertheless, you should not start using the drug, and even more so give it to the child without consulting a doctor. Before starting the use of the drug, it is absolutely necessary to exclude contraindications and calculate the dosage correctly to minimize the risk of side effects.