The dream interpretation can be interpreted in different ways about what the earth is dreaming of. Most often, such a nightly story is favorable, although there are exceptions. To accurately decipher the vision, it is necessary to recall all the details of sleep, and look at various interpretations.
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Interpretation of dream books
Since night visions of the earth can be both positive and negative, you need to familiarize yourself with the interpretations of various dream books and choose the most suitable option for.
Miller's interpretation:
- Well-being in all areas of life promises a vision in which freshly-excavated earth was observed in their garden.
- The night picture of fertile land has the same meaning.
- Stony and barren soil comes in a dream as a warning sign about the dangers.
- Had a chance to see the land while swimming - for good. Soon you will have a chance to improve your financial condition.
- To smear with her clothes - to illness, shoes - to friction with the law.
- Soiled hands and hair indicate that in the near future you will have to leave your home, your previous place of work or even go to another country.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:
- Had to dig the earth - fast funeral.
- Seeing it in the green is a strong marriage.
- Digging with your hands is the successful completion of planned tasks.
- Happened to lie on the ground - expect small problems or quarrels.
- A sign of sudden wealth is a vision in which a sleeping person was presented or allocated a piece of land.
- To see how the soil is moving means to be on the verge of happy change.
Opinion Wangi:
- The fertile land is dreamed, according to the seer, as a sign of prosperity and a comfortable existence.
- Desert, on the contrary, indicate the imminent onset of famine or ruin.
- Natural disasters can promise a vision in which the soil was covered with ice or all consisted of cracks.
- Success, happiness and luck portend the dreamer to a plot in which he found fruitful land or discovered a new continent.
Modern dream book:
- Plowed soil - to wealth.
- Poverty promises overgrown with weeds.
- Losses and troubles portend vision with an abandoned site.
- It’s better not to venture a risky business, if at night you saw the loose earth on which you walked.
- Plowing or observing this process predicts an increase in the career ladder or a change of work.
- Material well-being portends a dream in which you looked after the earth.
- The cracks in it are quarrels and conflicts in the family.
- To see how someone else is cultivating a garden plot, erecting beds or an earthen moat, this is a waste of money that will greatly harm your financial condition.
- Fly in a dream above the earth - the discovery of new opportunities or talents.
Earth is getting out from under your feet, which means
Such a vision is a warning sign.
- Seeing the moment when the earth begins to fall beneath you, warns that in reality you need to listen to your intuition and not rely on the opinions of others regarding the plan.
- The earth has opened up, and you fell - shaky material stability.
- And the vision can also say that the sleeping person is to blame for all his troubles. It is necessary to learn to behave correctly, to do fair deeds, not to hurt others.
- To see how the earth falls, and you hang in the air, then there are health problems. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the skin and lungs.
- To see the disappearing moon surface underfoot - many dreams will soon come true, even the most unreal ones.
- If during a fall under the ground they saw how you are covered with soil, then in reality you need to look at your colleagues. Someone is probably weaving intrigues and plotting.
Important. It is worth considering that the land leaving from under the legs can talk about possible problems with the police or other authorities.
Plowed, unplowed soil
Most often, the land plowed in a dream promises prosperity, and uncultivated land - a series of failures. But this plot also has its own nuances:
- If the excavated soil was cold to the touch, then this is a harbinger of an imminent demise or a serious ailment.
- The black earth is dreaming (it is not so important whether it is plowed or not), this indicates the onset of severe mental disorders. Severe sadness, longing and despondency can bring the dreamer to negative consequences.
- I saw a plowed virgin soil, which seemed suspiciously even, which means that the sleeping person is waiting for a quick favorable change. But a dream warns that you should not stop working.
- A romantic relationship portends a vision in which one had to walk on freshly plowed land.
If you happened to observe a night scenario in which the soil was untouched by a person, you should also pay attention to some factors:
- Flat land with a little vegetation - to prosperity.
- Pits and cracks on the surface are obstacles.
- The black earth, on which tall thorns grow, is a disease or failure of all plans.
To dream in a black, loose earth
It is believed that the color of the earth is also of great importance in the interpretation of dreams. If the soil was not only saturated black, but also too loose, then the sleeping person should immediately take up his health. Such a vision can signal serious problems with the heart and brain.
What is the dream of walking, lying on it
The exact interpretation of the dream may also depend on the actions of the sleeping person.
- Lying on the ground - soon a new relationship will be established. If someone was nearby at this moment, this speaks of powerful support from outside.
- It was cold to lie - in reality there is a risk of becoming the object of an accident, warm - life will be long.
- Walking on a plowed land and not falling through is a new relationship and even a wedding. It happened to get bogged down in the ground - you can be embroiled in unpleasant things.
- Moving on pristine ground - in the near future, hard, but fruitful work is ahead. If you stumble while walking, expect interference.
- Work for the sake of charity promises a vision in which I had the opportunity to quickly run on the ground.
Dig, plant flowers
The fact that it is good to dig the earth in a dream is said by many dream books. But you need to remember all the details of the nightly plot.
- If such work did not cause difficulties, then only prosperity can be expected in life.
- Breaking a shovel during digging is a bad sign, indicating that, most likely, someone is building obstacles for you.
- In a dream, I planted flowers in the earth that we had just dug up - you can count on money profit or even an addition to the family.
See in a dream the lack of vegetation
Since the badlands dream of troubles and various difficulties, the absence of vegetation on it indicates the same.
But if in night dreams you began to water the soil, loosen it, plant seeds and do everything to make it come to life, such a story can become a favorable sign. The main thing is to make in reality maximum efforts in the work done.
Dreams about the earth should always be perceived positively, even if the night picture seemed depressing. After all, it is the earth that is the symbol of life, because all visions about it are considered prophetic.