Green coffee - these are ordinary coffee beans before roasting, they go on sale whole, ground or in tablet form. This product has become widespread due to the fact that, according to manufacturers, it helps to lose weight quickly. How useful is green coffee and how to use it? We will analyze the topic in more detail.
Material Content:
Benefits for the human body
This drink has gained popularity recently, and the sensation around it is more like a publicity stunt. According to manufacturers, green coffee has a lot of chlorogenic acid, which contributes to the rapid burning of fats, improves metabolism in the body and rejuvenates cells.
Chlorogenic acid is actually found in green coffee beans, apples, blueberries, cranberries, peaches - this is an antioxidant that is good for the body. The content of this substance in green coffee is only 4 to 8%, while in apples it is about 50%. Chlorogenic acid is destroyed by heat treatment, which is needed to prepare green coffee, ground grains are brewed with boiling water.
The second argument in favor of green coffee - its regular consumption prevents the absorption of fats, leads to weight loss. The alkaloids, purine substances and caffeine contained in it simulate physical and mental activity.
Caffeine successfully fights headaches caused by vasospasm.It is useful for the body in small quantities - it improves the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens memory, stimulates lymphatic drainage, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and reduces appetite. But the fried grains have more caffeine than the green ones, and the taste of the drink is much better.
Varieties and producers of the drink
Green coffee is not roasted coffee beans. It is divided into varieties depending on the quality of the grains, place of cultivation and producer. The best variety is considered arabica. Robusta is inferior to her in taste and aroma.
The most popular manufacturers of green coffee include:
- The Leovit company makes green coffee which does not contain stabilizers, dyes, fragrances. It is sold in the form of dietary supplements, which, in addition to coffee beans, includes cinnamon and garcinia. The action is manifested in dulling appetite and improving intestinal motility.
- The company "Evalar" produces green coffee "Tropicanka Slim" for weight loss. It has a convenient tablet form.
- Nescafe produces a product called Nescafe Green Blend. This is instant coffee in granules, which is made from a mixture of green and roasted beans. The product is touted as a tasty and healthy alternative to regular coffee.
What is the use of green coffee with goji berries
The benefits of green coffee with Goji berries are a combination of two ingredients that help you lose weight effectively. The finished coffee comes under two brands - Love Godji Coffee and Wolfberri Coffee. Ordinary green coffee with goji berries is also known for sale, it is sold under the name Godji Coffee.
Ginger use
They use green coffee with ginger, like other varieties, before eating. Ginger Green Ginger coffee is on sale. According to gourmets, connoisseurs of this drink, it resembles Chinese ginger tea. Features: effectively reduces appetite, increases immunity, but can cause allergies if there is intolerance to ginger.
Green Coffee Extract and Oil
Green coffee extract is used for the needs of cosmetologists and aesthetic doctors. It is used to strengthen hair follicles, nourish, restore and shine hair, and skin health. The extract in tablets and capsules is taken in the doses recommended by the nutritionist.
Green coffee oil helps in the prevention of wrinkles. It is effectively used for dry skin, requiring protection and moisture, for the treatment of scars, stretch marks, scars and cellulite.
Oil is used only externally, adding to masks and creams, it includes phytosterols, vitamins, mineral salts, caffeine. A quality product has a silk texture, a yellow or greenish tint, a pleasant herbal smell.
How to brew and drink for weight loss
Green coffee can be roasted before use. To do this, pour in a dry frying pan, and fry for 5-15 minutes with moderate heating, stirring constantly, until a brown tint appears. It is even better to do this in a special coffee machine.
Frying time depends on personal preference. This coffee has a rather specific taste - grassy and astringent.
The classic way to make green coffee
The process takes 5-10 minutes. From the dishes you will need a coffee grinder, Turk, strainer, coffee cup.
Product Composition:
10-15 grams of coffee beans (2 tbsp.) Per 100 or 150 ml of water are poured per serving of the drink.
- The grains are ground in a coffee grinder (carefully, it can break). 3-4 short grindings are enough to get the right mass. The grains look crushed, but not crushed. This gives the finished drink an interesting taste, and there will be no small particles that the sieve will not hold.
- 150 ml of water is poured into a turku, it is heated a little, but not boiled, the coffee mixture is poured, and they continue to be heated.
- The fire is made medium, the coffee is stirred and monitored so that it does not boil away.
- When boiling on the surface of the water in the Turk, a small foam will appear, which means that coffee beans have reacted with water, giving it useful substances.
- Soon the drink will turn green.
- Boiling should not last longer than 2-3 minutes, but also can not be too short.
Before drinking, filter coffee through a sieve with small cells. To taste, green coffee differs from roasted coffee, it is somewhat reminiscent of pea infusion, grass or straw.
Green coffee for weight loss is recommended to drink 20-30 minutes before the first meal or before sports. It improves metabolism.
Low-quality green coffee contains mycotoxins and ochratoxins. All harmful substances are killed during roasting, but green coffee is not roasted, so you need to buy it only from trusted manufacturers.
Ochratoxin A is also called the "silent killer." This is the most dangerous mycotoxin that molds produce. It affects the liver, kidneys, brain, genitourinary system, heart, damages DNA. This mycotoxin provokes the development of cancer, can withstand temperatures up to 300 ° C.
Green coffee has side effects that become apparent when non-compliance is observed. These include insomnia, headache, and digestive upset.
Drink is contraindicated:
- cores;
- diabetics;
- pregnant women
- children under 16 years old;
- with glaucoma and osteoporosis.
Product popularity is growing, sales are increasing despite prices. But green coffee, the benefits of which are greatly exaggerated, may not live up to your expectations.