A universal drink - green tea with milk - if used correctly, it can positively affect all organs. Often it is included in various diets, it is recommended to drink on fasting days, the drink is not contraindicated even during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
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Useful properties of green tea with milk
Euphorbia has a lot of positive properties:
- Like any green tea, a drink with milk gives vigor.
- The drink has a calorie content of 80 kcal, which guarantees a quick feeling of fullness. Therefore, tea with the addition of milk is almost always part of diets.
- Tea helps to be absorbed by the nutrients that make up milk.
- Everyone knows that tea contains caffeine and tannin, milk can soften their effect.
- The drink helps strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system.
- It is a good prevention of caries, and also strengthens tooth enamel.
- Tea has diuretic properties, which helps to remove kidney stones.
In addition to all of the listed properties, the drink has excellent taste characteristics. To get a truly delicious tea you will need natural (non-powdered) milk and high-quality tea leaves.
What is the drink useful for women, men
In addition to the general tonic and restorative effect, green tea is useful for both the female and male body.
For men:
- Tea - a source of zinc, which is simply necessary for strong potency, is able to increase libido.
- Even a cup of a drink can protect at least a little from the radiation that we receive daily from the surrounding electrical appliances.
- Included in the catechins are the prevention of cancer cells in the prostate gland.
For women:
- The composition of green tea has epigallocatechin, which in turn leads to the synthesis of folic acid and blocks the development of oncology in the mammary gland.
- During menopause, it can have a sedative effect.
- With anti-inflammatory properties, the drink is a good prophylaxis of diseases of the genitourinary system and preserves youthful skin integument.
How to use green tea with milk
In order for the body to receive all the beneficial substances contained in drinks, it must be drunk based on the following rules:
- The daily rate of green tea should vary within 700 ml.
- You need to drink it 10 minutes before meals or after a meal, after 30-40 minutes.
- Due to the pronounced tonic properties, you should not drink tea and milk shake before bedtime.
- It is best to drink the drink in a warm form.
- Choose high-quality tea leaves with pronounced taste.
People's advice:peppermint
Recipes for making green tea with milk
To get a great taste, you need to brew green tea with milk according to all the rules.
There are several popular recipes for making a drink:
- 1 teaspoon of large-leaf tea leaves pour 0.1 liters of boiling water. After 5 minutes, after the drink is a little infused, add the same amount of milk, preheating it to 50 degrees.
- A liter of milk must be heated to 80 degrees. Then add about 2 teaspoons of tea leaves to this volume and let it brew for half an hour. It is drunk during the day. On an unloading day, such tea is simply necessary.
- Another interesting and delicious recipe relates to Indian cuisine: in boiled milk, you need to add tea leaves, a little sea salt, pepper, cardamom, a little caraway seeds are allowed. Even such an unusual drink can not leave indifferent true gourmets.
How to drink for weight loss
Recently, more and more often used green tea with milk for weight loss. It is recommended that you follow a strict diet based on this drink for no more than 2 consecutive days, as the human body can lose up to one and a half kilograms of weight per day.
It is believed that to reduce weight, green tea with the addition of milk can be drunk daily in the morning and evening, thus replacing an easy meal.
Milk eater for weight loss is prepared very simply. Brew tea in the usual way and add some milk to it. You can do the opposite, for example, first pour milk into a cup, and only then add the tea itself to taste.
Adhering to a strict diet, it is also necessary to drink water without gas. A glass of milkweed gives a feeling of satiety to the body for about 2 hours, so drinking a regular drink, you can temporarily forget about the feeling of hunger. To enhance or diversify the taste, it is allowed to add honey, mint or other favorite herbs to the drink.
In order to lose weight, tea must be diluted with low-fat milk. By itself, it will not lead to weight loss, you will need to reduce the calorie intake of the daily diet and give the body moderate exercise.
The benefits of green tea with milk during pregnancy
Many experts came to the conclusion that while carrying a child, green tea with milk is considered the most useful, since caffeine is contained in minimal quantities.
What is the benefit of milkweed for pregnant women:
- Blood cholesterol levels are minimized.
- Excellent cancer prevention.
- Reliable UV protection.
- Promotes good condition of the skin, hair and nails.
- Thrombosis prophylaxis.
- Bringing blood pressure back to normal.
- Saturates the blood with oxygen, which is extremely important during the bearing of the child.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Quenches thirst.
Due to the large number of vitamins, the drink gives vitality and energy.
Please note that you should not abuse green tea in the initial stages of pregnancy. It prevents the absorption of folic acid, which is extremely necessary for the baby in the first months of development. The absence of this component can lead to various pathologies.
What are the benefits of breastfeeding: truth and myths
Green tea for nursing mothers is allowed in moderation. It is able to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, allows you to fight excess weight, preserves the natural beauty, gives a charge of vivacity, and at the same time has a calming effect.
There are several myths regarding the use of green tea with milk during lactation:
- Does green tea help increase milk production? Green tea, like any other warm drink, accompanies the relaxation of the walls of milk flows. But it does not have special milk-producing properties.
- It is said that during breastfeeding, a young mother can drink green tea in the same amount as during pregnancy. This is not entirely true. After all, the main drink when breastfeeding should be water, and teas are a supplement to the diet. It is allowed to drink 2-3 cups of green tea a day, this will not have a negative effect on the body of crumbs. If the child is anxious and does not sleep well in the daytime, then it is better to refuse tea altogether.
- Is green tea contraindicated during lactation? The drink contains caffeine, which can cause excitement and nervousness. In rare cases, it can lead to allergic reactions. But, as practice shows, all the negative reviews from drinking green tea are associated with poor product quality or improper brewing.
Contraindications and possible harm
Contraindications to the use of green tea are minimal and are as follows:
- You should not drink the drink in the evening, and especially before bedtime, as it excites the nervous system, which subsequently can cause problems with night rest.
- They do not recommend drinking the drink on an empty stomach, since it is able to irritate the mucous membrane of internal organs.
- Green tea with milk should not be drunk after drinking alcohol. This combination can cause irreparable harm to your health, especially kidneys and liver.