If you decide to get rid of extra pounds, then green tea for weight loss is a very effective tool. To achieve the desired result, you need to learn how to brew a drink.
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What is useful green tea for weight loss
Many of those who drink it are not aware of its beneficial effects on humans.
- Useful if you have problems with the digestive system. It helps the intestines and gastrointestinal tract to function properly.
- Strengthens teeth and gums. Systematic consumption cures stomatitis.
- Thanks to the presence of antioxidants in the composition, the skin will improve, the hair will begin to shine, and the nails will become much stronger.
- A drink will help women restore hormonal levels.
- The ideal vitamin composition will make the immune system stronger.
- With regular use, digestion processes are accelerated. The drink helps to suppress appetite, remove toxins, burn fat. Removes excess fluid. All these facts contribute to weight loss.
Choosing a Weight Loss Drink
A very important point is the right choice of green tea. If you purchase a low-quality product, then the desired effect cannot be achieved. On this basis, you should not save. Get tea leaves in special departments where tea is sold by weight or in factory packaging, but only in bulk. You can apply not only clean tea leaves, but also with various additives.
How to brew and drink
In order for the drink to fully reveal its taste and bring the desired benefit, you need to know how to brew it correctly.
- The first thing you should pay attention to is water. Use better spring fluid. You can buy bottled in the store, but the choice to stop at well-known manufacturers. It is also permitted to use good quality filtered water.
- Boil water first. Then the liquid must be cooled. The ideal temperature is 80 degrees.
- The next step is heating the dishes with boiling water.
- Brewing tea leaves is allowed repeatedly. The amount depends on the type of tea leaves you have.
- As soon as you fill the tea leaves with water, immediately pour into the cups. Moreover, the first water must be drained. Only the second and subsequent infusions are suitable for consumption.
- The liquid from the tea leaves must be drained completely.
- Drink drink is recommended hot.
Recipes for a Healthy Slimming Drink
To cleanse the body and burn excess calories, you need to drink a drink daily. We offer various brewing options that will diversify your diet.
With milk
Green tea with milk helps vitamins to be better absorbed and positively affects the working processes of the whole body.
- sugar;
- green tea - 1 teaspoon;
- milk - 110 ml;
- boiling water - 110 ml.
- Pour a cup of hot water. Pour tea leaves. Pour the indicated amount of boiling water. Set aside for eight minutes.
- Warm up the milk. Do not boil. Pour into a drink. Sweeten as desired.
With ginger
Green tea with ginger will help not only remove excess weight, but also have a tonic effect on the body as a whole, improve brain nutrition with oxygen, and restore intestinal microflora.
- ginger - 20 g of root;
- water - 240 ml;
- green tea - 1 teaspoon;
- orange - 0.5 pcs.
- Chop the root. To fill with water. Cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain.
- Cool the liquid. It will take a temperature of 80 degrees.
- Put the tea leaves in the cup. Pour in welded liquid. Insist for five minutes.
- Squeeze juice from an orange and pour into tea.
Lemon drink
Another effective variation for effective weight loss.
- ginger - 25 g;
- water - 240 ml;
- chamomile flowers - 1 teaspoon;
- green tea - 1 teaspoon;
- lemon - 0.5 pcs.
- Chop the root. Put in water. Boil for half an hour.
- Add chamomile and pour tea leaves. Grate lemon zest and squeeze the juice. Put in a drink.
- Pour the mixture into a thermos. Insist hour. Strain.
All nutritional options for the drink must be consumed in a dosed manner so as not to harm health. Permissible volume per day - 3 circles.
If you want to diversify the taste of the drink, we recommend making tea with a little cinnamon.
- green tea - 1 teaspoon;
- boiling water - 200 ml;
- ginger - 10 g of root;
- cinnamon - 0.2 tsp;
- cloves - 2 pcs.
- Leaves pour boiling water. Insist for five minutes. Strain.
- Grate the root. Pour tea. Add cinnamon and cloves. Mix. To shelter. Insist a quarter of an hour. Warm up to 70 degrees.
Green Tea Extract Pills: Weight Loss Benefits
The tablets dissolve perfectly in water and have an incomparable aroma of fresh tea. The extract has gained popularity due to its amazing chemical composition and ability to influence the burning of calories.
- normalize metabolism;
- lower cholesterol;
- help slow down the body's absorption of lipids and carbohydrates, so the calories consumed with food are significantly reduced;
- remove unnecessary fats and get rid of subcutaneous deposits;
- remove cellulite from the skin;
- normalize glucose in the blood;
- enhance the effect of ascorbic acid;
- inhibit some and activate other nerve impulses.Due to which the desire to sleep is suppressed, and forces appear for mental and physical activity.
In addition to all of the above, a drink will help saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and perfectly quench your thirst.
In order to achieve the desired results and keep them forever, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the drinking regime and proper nutrition. At least minimal physical activity is also necessary.
Milk milk diet
Great discharge for the body. For a day it is possible to get rid of three extra pounds. During the diet you need to drink only the prepared drink. The diuretic effect that tea has on the body will remove all excess fluid. The drink will saturate the stomach, so you will not experience hunger. Adhere to such a diet is allowed only two days.
- milk - 240 ml of low fat content;
- green tea - 1 tbsp. spoon with a large slide.
- It is not permissible to add any additives to the tea leaves. Pour in milk. Boil for seven minutes.
- Cover with a lid. The drink should be soaked well.
- Drink only in the form of heat.
- During the day you have to drink six cups of fresh drink. You can’t cook for the future. The interval between receptions is two hours. If after the first day of use you feel unwell or weak, then the second day you can’t follow a diet.
No need to strive to lose the maximum number of kilograms in a short period of time. This will cause severe damage to health. Set a goal to achieve the result gradually and keep it for many years.
To whom such a drink is contraindicated
The drink brings invaluable benefits to the body and helps to lose weight, but not everyone is allowed to drink it.
Do not use:
- with gastrointestinal ailments;
- with exacerbation of an ulcer, otherwise complications will arise.