The benefits and harms of green buckwheat are vague and mysterious categories. Brown cereal is a frequent product in use, the value of which is undeniable. Let's try to figure out what its green counterpart is, and is it so useful, as it is described everywhere?
Material Content:
Composition and calorie content
Green is the natural color of buckwheat. This is how it looks after being harvested from the fields and peeled.
But to destroy pests, lower humidity and extend the shelf life, the cereal is calcined, as a result of which it acquires a familiar brown hue.
Brown buckwheat lies well, boils quickly and turns into a delicious crumbly porridge. But as a result of heat treatment, it loses some of the useful compounds. Green buckwheat is saturated with natural elements. It is a real storehouse of minerals, including: iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, molybdenum, selenium, cobalt, iodine, sodium, copper.
- The cereal contains about 18 amino acids. Among them, irreplaceable lysine. This substance is responsible for the growth and development, tissue repair, and immune activity of the blood. Buckwheat surpasses all known cereals in the lysine content.
- It is rich in methionine, an amino acid involved in lipid metabolism. The substance cleanses the liver, improves its function, has a moderate antidepressant effect.
- There is a lot of folic acid (B9) in sin, which is important for the formation of the circulatory and immune systems. It also contains other vitamins important for cellular metabolism: B1, B2, B5, B6.
- Green cereal is saturated with flavonoids, the antioxidant activity of some of them is higher than that of vitamin E and ascorbic acid.
- The composition of cereals includes 13% protein, 3.5% fat and 10% indigestible fiber. In green sin 70% of carbohydrates, most of which are slow. They are not put off in extra centimeters at the waist and for a long time give a feeling of fullness.
Calorie content of the product is 340 Kcal per 100 g of dry cereal.
How to eat?
Buckwheat can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To cook porridge, cereals need to be presoaked for a day, but if there is no way to wait, then at least half an hour. Green core gives a lot of mucus.
- It must be washed thoroughly.
- Pour clean water in a ratio of 1: 2 and put on fire.
- After boiling water, remove the foam.
- Cover the grits and let simmer on the cooker turned off for 20 minutes.
- Porridge can be served when it absorbs all the moisture.
Buckwheat goes well with various types of oils. It is served as a side dish for meat and vegetables. You can cook porridge directly in a thermos. To do this, pour the cereal with boiling water, close and leave to stir for several hours.
Green buckwheat - health benefits
Consuming buckwheat regularly, you will saturate your body with all the missing substances.
- Cereal contains proanthocyanidin. Antioxidant reduces the random division of cancer cells. It prevents the appearance of tumors in healthy people.
- Buckwheat is useful to everyone who is predisposed to cardiovascular pathologies. It increases the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels. Normalizes heart rate. Strengthens the power of contractions. Lowers cholesterol. Prevents the development of inflammation and the formation of blood clots. Reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction.
- People suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance) can safely replace buckwheat with wheat, oats, rye and barley - the kernel does not contain a protein that is dangerous to them. Unlike the cereals mentioned, buckwheat is not so rich in starch, and therefore patients with diabetes can replace potatoes and ordinary bread with it.
- The core is rich in lecithin. It is not only a hepatoprotector, but also turns into choline in the body. And the latter, in turn, regulates the level of insulin in the blood.
- Croup stimulates the intestines. Improves peristalsis, helps to establish regular stools, heals a stomach ulcer. It also cleanses the liver and positively affects the functioning of the pancreas.
- Greek contains easily absorbed calcium, which is useful for the musculoskeletal system. Croup is eaten for joint diseases and brittle bones.
And besides that core:
- corrects immunity;
- good effect on brain function;
- improves memory and sleep;
- eliminates the effects of depression and nervous disorders;
- improves the condition of the skin and nails;
- helps to stabilize weight;
- increases physical stamina.
For men
Buckwheat is able to improve potency. Therefore, to prolong sexual youth and activity, men are recommended to use green core dishes at least three times a week.
For women
Buckwheat inhibits the aging process. Due to its antioxidant properties, it improves the condition of the skin and hair.
The kernel is useful for varicose veins. Women of age who regularly consume buckwheat suffer less from brittle bones. In addition, cereal amino acids normalize the reproductive system, and therefore, green buckwheat is indicated for hormonal disorders.
It is interesting:sprouted wheat
During pregnancy
A woman needs a core in the most critical period. It increases the body's resistance to various infections, supports the health of the mother and takes care of the future of the baby.
- Folic acid helps form the vessels of the heart and brain of the fetus. Strengthens the nervous system of the unborn child.
- Buckwheat restores the level of iron in the blood, preventing the development of anemia. It is a prophylactic against intrauterine hypoxia due to a drop in hemoglobin levels.
- It is useful for pregnant women to eat not only ready-made cereals, but also just chew them raw instead of seeds or nuts.
For children
Croup children need to develop mental activity. It contains the well-known omega-3 acids, helps to cope with viral diseases, strengthens bones and teeth. In addition, it is necessary for normal growth.
The benefits of sprouted green buckwheat
Green kernel is a living product, so it can be germinated. Young sprouts concentrate nutrients.
- Krupa provides energy to those involved in intense physical exertion.
- Helps deal with stress.
- Helps strengthen immunity.
- Saturates tissues with antioxidants.
- Discharges waste substances.
- Eliminates toxins.
Sprouted green buckwheat is a dietary product.
Enzymes that break down nutrients wake up in it, so it is very easily absorbed.
The components necessary for the body are in it in the most digestible form.
From green sprouted buckwheat, delicious breakfasts are obtained. It can be salted, mixed with unrefined oil, add honey, yogurt, herbs, spices, seeds, nuts. Sprouts are ground into sauces delicate and unusual in taste.
Getting a healthy treat is easy at home:
- thoroughly rinse the grains;
- pour them with clean water at room temperature for 7-8 hours;
- rinse them 2-3 times from mucus throughout the entire time;
- drain the water, lay the seeds on a paper towel, get wet;
- put green buckwheat on wet gauze;
- cover with a lid on top (convenient to germinate in a plastic container);
- put in a dark place for 2 days.
After 12 hours, the first sprouts will begin to appear. Every 24 hours, the seeds need to be moistened by spraying with clean water.
This unique product has found application not only in the kitchen, but also in traditional medicine, in cosmetology and even in nutrition.
In cooking
Buckwheat is a frequent guest on the tables of residents of the post-Soviet space. But because of its dietary characteristics, it is becoming more and more prevalent in Western countries. We are familiar with fried kernel. Green living buckwheat can be used for the same purpose.
- Due to the lack of gluten, it is not suitable for baking bread, but it is good for frying pancakes, pancakes, meatballs, dumplings, cutlets.
- Buckwheat is added to soups.
- From it cook cereals, puddings.
- It is used to make japanese noodles.
- Groats are suitable as a side dish for mushrooms, meat, baked vegetables.
When losing weight
Buckwheat cleanses the body, speeds up the metabolism. Stimulates the intestines. Replenishes energy costs, helps the breakdown of fats.
Green cereal is used in diets for weight loss. She insists on kefir or water and is used instead of one or more meals. Soaked raw green buckwheat makes a wholesome diet breakfast.
In folk medicine
Decoctions of cereals are used as an expectorant. Buckwheat is recommended for blood loss and for recovery after childbirth. It improves blood formation processes and boosts immunity.
Grains exhibit adaptogen properties. They reduce the impact on the body of environmental factors, reduce susceptibility to radiation and ionizing radiation.
Buckwheat flour is used to make ointments for boils and skin irritations. The tool heals wounds and abscesses. Powdered leaves of the plant are used to relieve redness on the skin of infants.
The aerial part of buckwheat is used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins, arthritis, radiculitis and the prevention of sclerosis.
In China, cereals are brewed as tea and drunk to reduce pressure.
In cosmetology
Buckwheat flour makes cleansing masks that help fight redness, acne and excessive sebum production.
Contraindications and possible harm
Croup has no particular contraindications. It is impossible to get harm from it, if you just eat it, but overeating can cause increased gas formation.
It is interesting:spelled
Potential problems can only be obtained from a mono diet on buckwheat. Like all diets of this plan, this negatively affects the state of the body. With an excess of some substances, others do not arrive at all, which upsets the balance. Any mono-diet should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
The health benefits of green buckwheat are obvious. From it you can cook rich in composition dishes. This cereal is a real living food that can fill the body with vitamins and energy.