A common problem is constipation in adults. The causes and treatment of such an ailment are described below. It is possible to cope with constipation with the help of folk remedies at home.
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Adult constipation: causes
Constipation is a situation in which an adult has no stool for more than a day or after an act of defecation there is still a feeling of fullness of the intestine.
Several causes of this problem are known at once:
- Inadequate fluid intake.
- Long-term use of antibiotics.
- Bowel surgery.
- Constant intoxication of the patient's body with nicotine.
- Chronic gastrointestinal ailments, as well as scars, tumors and other obstructions in the colon.
- Depression, stress, various neurological diseases.
- Endocrine disorders that lead to a decrease in the function of the secretory glands.
If a person often sits, lies, or in general leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he may simply not feel the urge to empty his intestines. When fecal masses appear in the rectum, it stretches and the corresponding signals enter the brain of a man or woman. The older the patient, the lower the sensitivity of the receptors responsible for the urge to visit the toilet. Such signals are amplified in an upright position, since the lower part of the rectum is most sensitive. This explains chronic constipation in bedridden patients and those sitting at work.
Treatment of the disease with folk remedies:
You can treat constipation in adults yourself at home. In this patient, folk remedies will help, as well as a properly composed diet.
Fruits, berries and vegetables
If the situation with constipation is not started, then fresh fruits, berries and vegetables can become real lifesavers for the patient. In people with the problem under discussion, these products should make up about 80% of the total diet. Fibers from fresh vegetables and fruits actively “drive” undigested food from the patient’s body.
But you need to carefully select products for your diet. So, apples, kiwi, watermelons, apricots, plums, beets, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, carrots, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries are considered laxatives. And you have to exclude from the menu: beans, cabbage, pears, dates, potatoes, bananas, persimmons.
Grass and seeds
A popular herb with a mild laxative effect is dandelion. His tea is regularly recommended for older people and bedridden patients. Preparing a tool of 1 tsp the root of the plant and a glass of boiling water. The ingredients combine and boil for 6-7 minutes. Further, the remedy is infused for a couple of hours, filtered and used for 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.
An effective medicine is also prepared from senna grass. At 2 tbsp. tablespoons of raw materials is taken a full glass of water. In a water bath, the remedy languishes for half an hour. Then it is cooled, filtered and drunk before bedtime in half a glass.
Flax and plantain seeds are also often used to combat constipation. The first have no contraindications. Seeds are used in whole 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day. It is important to drink them with plenty of water.
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Plantain seeds swell in the intestine and stimulate it to empty. They are accepted in the amount of 2 tbsp. tablespoons and also washed down with plenty of water. It is forbidden for asthmatics.
Vegetable oils
Ordinary sunflower oil can help cope with constipation. For this, it is taken according to 1 tbsp. spoon at night or after breakfast. Over time, the dosage can be increased to 40 ml. Immediately after drinking the oil, a glass of warm water is drunk with a few drops of lemon juice.
It is also allowed to add oil to coffee, orange juice, kefir or fermented baked milk. In addition to sunflower for medicinal purposes, the olive component is suitable.
Water treatment
The simplest and most cost-effective remedy for constipation is ordinary water. If there is a problem in the morning, you will need to drink immediately 2-3 glasses of slightly boiled liquid. 2 cups of warm water and 1 cup of hot water.
Such a tool will help to establish the process of bowel movement in a couple of days. Drinking water before breakfast.
Sea salt
To eliminate constipation, using sea salt, you need to put a pinch of it under your tongue in the morning on an empty stomach. Next, you need to wait until the product has completely melted. Only after this is drunk a full glass of warm water.
A similar effect can be achieved simply by drinking a glass of non-cold liquid with 0.5 teaspoon of sea salt. Drinking liquid on an empty stomach in small sips.
Laxative food
If laxatives are added to your diet, then you can completely forget about problems with bowel movements.
Their list includes the following:
- Oatmeal. Not only in the form of porridge, but also a decoction and jelly from this cereal.
- Bran. Any of their options. All bran contains coarse fiber, which helps to improve bowel function.
- Onions, beets, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, apples, peaches, watermelon.
- Prunes in raw and boiled form. And also some other dried fruits: dried apricots, figs.
- Peas. It is dry peas that relieve constipation, which must be crushed to a powder and consumed 1 teaspoon every day before lunch or dinner.
Treatment with folk remedies during pregnancy
So that the expectant mother is not bothered by problems with bowel movements, first of all, you need to properly draw up your diet, including sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried fruits, a sufficient amount of clean drinking water, bran bread.
An active lifestyle is important for a future mother. For example, daily special exercises for pregnant women.
If the problem has already arisen, folk remedies will help to cope with it without harm to the woman and the baby. For example, you can take potato juice diluted with boiled water (in proportions 1/1), before each meal. A serving of 50-60 ml is enough.
During pregnancy, decoctions of rowan flowers, linden leaves and dill are allowed. To prepare such a medicine, 10 g of raw material is taken per full glass of boiling water. The product languishes in a water bath for 12-15 minutes, after which it is infused for at least an hour. A decoction is taken 3 times a day immediately before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.
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Features of the treatment of atonic, spastic, chronic constipation
Atonic constipation occurs as a result of the weakening of the smooth muscles of the intestines and because of the love of fast food, flour products and other "harmful". Therefore, they need to be treated in a special way. First of all, adjust the diet by adding a lot of plant foods to it.
It is especially important to add exercise to your daily routine. In sedentary work, try to do warm-up regularly, walk and stand more. Do not abuse enemas, as well as drugs with a laxative effect. Of the pharmaceutical preparations with this form of constipation, patients are often prescribed Senade tablets. They cope well with constipation caused by impaired muscle tone of the intestines.
Spastic constipation is triggered by muscle spasm. The latter arise as a result of increased intestinal tone. This usually occurs against a background of various ailments. For example, with diabetes, with irritable bowel syndrome, after poisoning, with neurogenic colitis and other diseases. Therefore, therapy should be started with the elimination of the main cause of constipation. A comprehensive treatment of an existing ailment will be required.
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In addition to the main drug treatment of the disease that caused spastic constipation, you can use suitable folk remedies to facilitate bowel movements. You will also need to follow a special diet, which will not provoke increased gas formation in the intestine.
Chronic constipation is a disorder of the motor activity of the large intestine. Atonic constipation passes into this stage if its treatment is not started in time.
The therapy of the chronic disease under discussion must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. First, the specialist must find out the cause of the development of the disease and eliminate it. Also used are enemas, laxatives, suppositories, prebiotics to restore intestinal microflora, a special diet and physiotherapy treatment.
Exercise and massage for ailment
You can improve your condition with constipation with the help of special physical exercises and massage. The main thing is to carry them out correctly.
Of the exercises, it is best to choose a "bicycle" or an institution of the legs behind the head in the supine position. It is also useful in a sitting position on your knees to take a deep breath / exhale, and then sharply retract the stomach. The exercise is repeated 60 times.
The simplest massage for constipation is to stroke the abdomen from the ribs (lower) to the pubis clockwise. It is advisable to wrap a cloth dampened with cold water on your hand. The procedure is carried out for 1-2 minutes twice a day.
Diet for the disease
A proper diet for constipation normalizes the digestive tract. First of all, a healing nutritional system is aimed at increasing the diet of a patient with plant foods, fluids, vitamins and minerals.
To eat with such a diet will be required 5-6 times a day in small portions. Products need to be boiled, steamed or baked. It is important to grind them into tiny pieces to enhance intestinal motility. Pure water per day will need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters.
Be sure to eat a large number of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. Useful cereals and dairy products, as well as lean meat, fish, poultry. But baking, spicy seasonings, strong tea, fatty meat and fish, strong broths, mayonnaise, chocolate, mushrooms, jelly and spirits will have to be abandoned.
Prevention of constipation at home
In order to never return to the problem after completing treatment, care must be taken to prevent constipation properly. To do this, you will first need to correctly compose a diet, adding to it many sources of fiber and a sufficient amount of fluid. The menu must include dishes from whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
A great way to prevent constipation is to get a glass of warm water before breakfast. You can add a little lemon juice or honey to the liquid. This procedure is replaced with a glass of milk before bedtime. 3 teaspoons of oil from plantain seeds dissolve in the drink.
Be sure to take care of daily physical activity. For example, refuse to use the elevator or try after work to go a couple of stops to the house on foot. Morning exercises are also helpful.