One of the best hunting dogs is the West Siberian husky. It has long become a national treasure and enjoys great success not only in Russia but also abroad. Having a dog of this breed, it is necessary to understand all its advantages, features of content and needs.

Origin history

The history of husky breeding began in Russia long before the advent of Soviet power. The indigenous peoples of the North bred these dogs to hunt animals in the forest and tundra. Fur was highly valued all over the world, so huskies were also priced.

However, for a long time no one was professionally involved in the breed. It was first described only at the end of the 19th century. In 1908, F.F. Krestnikov, who himself was engaged in breeding, singled out these dogs in a separate group.

In the USSR, huskies began to be bred in the 30s of the last century. Of the 70 nurseries of the Soviet Union created for breeding pedigree commercial dogs, 25 were exclusively engaged in huskies. Thanks to this, the gene pool was preserved during the war.

N. B. Poluzadov led the breeding work. By order of Stalin himself, the best producers were selected from the Ural dogs. New standards were approved in 1954 and as a result, this breed was ideally suited for hunting, combining high intelligence and a wolf hunting instinct.

West Siberian huskies were most popular in the 60s and 70s of the last century. Hunters appreciated the excellent scent of dogs, their quick wits, stamina and loyalty to the owner.

Hundreds of West Siberian huskies were shown at exhibitions, thousands of puppies sold abroad. In 1980, the breed received recognition from the IFF.

Description and characteristics of the breed

West Siberian huskies are divided into two large groups - Mansi and Khanty. They are slightly different in appearance.

  • Mansi dogs are taller than average at the withers, with large ears, an elongated head, a pointed muzzle, and round eyes.
  • Khanty huskies are a little shorter, stronger, neck set on a wolf, ears are small, incision is oblique.

Recently, many city dwellers have started West Siberian huskies and kept them like companion dogs.

This is not entirely correct, because these dogs live much better in an aviary than in an apartment. They are born hunters.

A characteristic feature of huskies is a sonorous voice. They find the beast in the taiga, and then notify the owner about it. A hunter can be several kilometers away, and the dog must notify him of his whereabouts by barking while he is walking.

West Siberian huskies have a fun character, but they are calmer compared to other huskies. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of wolves, you can distinguish them from a distance by a tail twisted on their backs.

West Siberian Laika Life Span

The life expectancy of West Siberian huskies is from 10 to 12 years.

She is able to survive in the most severe conditions. The breed has no hereditary diseases, weak individuals were rejected during natural selection. The dog quickly heals wounds received during the hunt, although other animals from them could die.

The purpose and nature of the dog

The dog breed West Siberian Laika is closer to the natural, wolf type than the others, it was formed due to centuries of tough selection. People selected dogs with excellent hunting qualities, and nature rejected weak and sick individuals.

The main purpose of huskies is hunting. They are universal assistants with whom they forage, pursue a large beast - an elk, a wild boar, a bear.

Khanty type Laika is suitable for hunting in harsh cold conditions of the tundra and the Arctic. Long-legged huskies are good for chasing a beast in the dense taiga. Dogs possess the upper and lower instincts, can lead the beast in the wake, call the owner with the help of a loud bark. Some dogs are able to dive, helping in the hunt for wild waterfowl. The wild hunting instinct of the wolf is wonderfully combined with friendliness to people and devotion to the owner.

Dogs are most often kept in enclosures. They calmly relate to humans, but are aggressive towards unfamiliar animals. Huskies have good security qualities, they are often used in private homes to guard the yard. They can live in apartment conditions, are undemanding to care and sociable.

Breed standard and puppy selection

Outwardly, the dog is like a wolf; it is often used in feature films to portray this beast. If it weren’t for a donut-twisted tail, the match turned out to be complete.

Description of the West Siberian Laika breed and standard requirements:

  • growth - up to 60 cm;
  • weight - up to 22 kg;
  • wedge-shaped head from above;
  • the muzzle is sharp and long;
  • smooth transition from forehead to muzzle;
  • black or brown nose;
  • high ears;
  • deep set brown eyes with an oblique incision;
  • the coat is stiff, with a thick undercoat;
  • the tail is bent to the side or to the back.

The coat color is zonal gray, white, black, brown or red with white spots. During the hunt, the dog runs at a trot or gallop.

Puppies are born blind and deaf, their ears open on day 7, and animals begin to see on the 10th or 12th day. Little puppies have dark hair from birth, and then it brightens. The final color in dogs is set by 8 months.

You need to choose a puppy, a small, three-month-old, so that he is used to the new owner, learned to understand.It is difficult to make a mistake, almost all purebred representatives of the breed have good health, good working qualities and a friendly character. The breeder needs to ask whether vaccinations have been given, ask for documents about the health of the puppy's parents.

Maintenance, care and feeding

The animal is well adapted to cold winters and hot summers, needs big loads and freedom of movement, therefore it is better to keep it in the aviary. If necessary, the dog adapts to the city apartment, but will actively express dissatisfaction if you do not walk with it in the morning and evening for at least 1 hour.

The dog molts abundantly twice a year. At this time, it needs to be combed daily with a special comb or slicker. Often you should not bathe your pet, because of the thick undercoat the dog dries for a long time.

The physiology of husky is close to the wolf, so it requires special nutrition. It is advisable to give daily raw meat frozen in the freezer.

In addition to meat, give boiled cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese or dry food. During the hunt, the dog can do without food for a long time due to its effective metabolism, and after finishing work, it quickly regains strength if fed.

Training and education Likes

Laika has an independent character, but is always devoted to only one owner. With a dog up to a year, it is advisable to go to the forest 1 time per week or even more often.

This breed is unique in that it no longer needs training, like service dogs, but in education. During forest walks, the dog is taught to distinguish between teams using gestures and voice.

She must understand the direction - right and left. The dog has a hunting instinct in nature. During a walk, she searches for mice, looks at the trees. The owner’s task is to develop hunting qualities by training a like for himself, depending on what game he goes to.

You need to train your dog a team: “Voice!”, “Stand!” And other basic ones before she goes on a normal hunt. With a gesture, the “Stand!” Command is given out with a raised hand or finger. The dog should not be afraid of shots.

Pros and cons of the breed

Laika is hard to imagine without hunting animals in the forest. She is ideally suited for this - her independent character, strength and endurance, seething energy and a sharp sense of smell came from her ancestors. It’s impossible not to admire, this dog is so beautiful and energetic, however, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of the West Siberian husky before buying.

The main advantages include the following qualities:

  • lack of aggression towards a person;
  • energy and tirelessness;
  • quick wits;
  • the ability to hard and grueling work for several days;
  • quick adaptability to any living conditions;
  • friendliness to all family members, children and adults;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • poise of character;
  • activity;
  • complaisance;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • rapid assimilation of the commands needed in the hunt;
  • excellent eyesight, hearing, instinct, developed hunting instinct and good orientation in space.

If you want to get a dog, you need to take into account the peculiarities of its behavior. The independence of character inherent in all hunting breeds must not be broken by abuse. It makes no sense to memorize teams mechanically day by day, likes quickly grab everything and execute only what they see the point.

Huskies, like other dog breeds, have their drawbacks:

  1. Strongly molt. The coat is thick, and during shedding it takes a lot of time to comb out dead hair, there are so many that you can make yarn and knit socks.
  2. During the hunt, the dog is threatened with injuries, infection with fleas, ticks, helminths. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of wool, and to do deworming at least twice a year. Annual rabies vaccinations are required, as wild animals are often carriers of this terrible virus.
  3. Huskies can lose teeth due to the development of plaque and stone.The veterinarian’s doctor does the cleaning once a year or independently carries out the procedure with a special toothpaste for animals with liver taste and treats the oral cavity with a special spray.

The West Siberian husky has a love of hunting in his blood; you should not turn this dog into a decorative animal for exhibitions or a sofa favorite. Only in pursuit of the beast along the forest paths can she feel her dog's happiness.