Zamioculcas skillfully disguises itself as an ordinary houseplant, and it is impossible to believe that it is actually succulent. This group includes representatives of the flora, which can accumulate water and use it for a long time. Due to this, they do not need strong watering. External refinement and similarity with ordinary plants often ruins Zamioculcas. Leaves turn yellow with whole branches, the plant withers, it looks like it lacks moisture ... Needless to say, improper care can ruin an African guest.

Why do the leaves of the Zamioculcas flower turn yellow

Usually, the owners of this flower notice such symptoms:

  • leaves on each branch turn yellow and dry
  • small brown spots appear on the leaves
  • whole branches turn yellow sharply
  • imperfections in the form of holes appear on the leaves
  • leaves are covered with a spider web

Almost all of these are signs that the plant is unhealthy. If you eliminate the causes in time and adjust the care, then you can easily restore the flower's pep.

Natural causes

These include plant aging. In the case of Zamioculcas, there is nothing criminal in this: the plant does not so much age, it feels great, grows and develops. The lower leaves in this case turn yellow, but new ones appear at the end of the branch. The plant distributes energy for growth and development in such a way that it is enough for 16-17 leaves on each branch.

In this case, there is no need to worry: at some point, zamioculcas slows down its growth and rarely updates leaflets.

Do not confuse with mass yellowing those spots that are inherent in the variety. There are plant species that are supposed to have yellow spots on the surface of the leaf plate.

Incorrect plant conditions

The conditions include:

  • Illumination. An abundance of light, especially direct rays, leads to yellowing. Recall: zamioculcas - succulent. He does not need to organize special lighting, lengthen the daylight hours or search for the pot of the lightest window sill. What to do if there are spots on the leaves on one side? Rearrange the flower in a shaded place.
  • Watering. The stronger and more plentiful the moisturizing, the more yellow leaves. This is a signal that the roots rot. In Zamioculcas, it is they that accumulate moisture, and if there is waterlogged earth around, this contributes to the process of decay. The way to fight is to water less. Avoid permanently wet earthen coma. It is convenient to maintain a watering calendar so as not to overdry, but also not to water too often. And in winter, like with cacti, watering almost stops. Of course, pay attention to the behavior of the plant in the winter: Zamioculcas will let you know that it lacks moisture ... with the same yellow leaves!
  • Parasites. The indoor version of the African plant is sufficiently susceptible to a variety of small pests, ready to settle on the leaves and poison the life of the plant. Small black dots and a spider web are evidence that the Zamioculcas flower has found unwanted settlers on itself. To get rid of parasites, you can safely clean the leaves with a detergent (special antiparasitic or ordinary household soap) without fear of damaging the upper fluffy layer. Zamioculcas does not have it.

At this point, you need to cover the soil with foil to prevent the cleaning solution from getting on the ground. The alkaline environment that the soap solution creates will kill the plant literally in the vine.

Major Care Mistakes

There are two extremes that many owners of this wonderful plant fall into. Some do not know that this is succulent, and they look after it like an ordinary flower: water it abundantly, put it in the sunniest place. Others know that it is succulent. And they organize him care at home as a cactus. Reduce watering to an unacceptable minimum. Do not use fertilizers and do not spray. And then they are surprised: why do the leaves turn yellow in Zamioculcas? Not a single flower can do without a reverent and attentive attitude.

What to do to save the flower

Everything is extremely simple here. First you need to determine why zamioculcas turns yellow. And then eliminate these causes. Rearrange the plant if it is too dark or cold. Rid him of parasites. Stop watering it too much. Or finally pour it, it’s not a cactus!

By the way, overdried Zamioculcas cannot immediately be completely filled with water. Water is added to the tripod every three hours, so as not to damage the root system by a sharp drop in humidity.

Or maybe it's time to transplant a new pot into a new land? Transplanted young Zamioculcas usually once a year, an adult plant - as needed. If you want the flower to become more magnificent, healthier and stop dropping leaves - then it's time!

Important Care Tips

In fact, the plant Zamioculcas, although undemanding, still has some features in the content.

  • Soil is suitable for those used for succulents. Such land passes air enough, “breathes”, and for a long time does not hold water and does not allow roots to rot. The pot should not be very large, just a little more than the volume of the root system. If the plant begins to spend energy filling the pot with roots, the leaves may turn yellow. Do not forget to organize a good drainage.
  • Transplantation - in the spring, method - transshipment with a lump of land. It is not necessary to methodically clean the old earth, but damaged and diseased roots need to be removed.
  • Watering is very moderate when the earth dries about half. In winter - even less often.
  • Top dressing - with light vitamin fertilizers not more than once every 3 weeks.But it is necessary to do this, especially if zamioculcas suddenly begins to turn yellow, the stem dries, and the leaf falls. In winter, of course, you need to refrain from feeding. All the same, they will not bring benefits, since the plant sleeps and practically does not spend power. It is better to start feeding from April.
  • Spraying - as needed. It is better to occasionally gently wipe the leaves from dust. It is possible to spray if the room has very dry air, but overall zamioculcas is not demanding on this parameter.
  • Lighting - standard diffused or slightly shaded. The plant is suitable for western and northern windows, into which the sun looks only in the mornings or evenings.

Zamioculcas is called the dollar tree. Since due to its unpretentiousness and undemanding to the sun, he coexists well in offices, it is often called him the barometer of the prosperity of the company. Zamioculcas leaves turn yellow? Perhaps the company is facing difficult times. To restore health to Zamiokulkasu means to doom the company to prosperity. Perhaps these are just cute superstitions, but they are the ones that make the flower feel great: as soon as the owners find out about its “magical properties”, they immediately pay attention to the conditions in which it lives.

Do not get carried away with esotericism and hang coins and notes on zamiokulkas. A much better plant looks just well-groomed, clean, healthy and in the right pot.