A congestion of the ear without pain can occur with a number of serious pathologies of the organ of hearing and damage to the brain. But there are physiological reasons for this condition. Congestion can be treated at home.

Causes of ear congestion without pain


To understand why it is laying ears, you need to understand the causes of these sensations. The appearance of the inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the hearing organs is accompanied by edema. So the tissue increases in size, because of which it covers the auditory canal. Air ceases to pass from the middle ear to the nasopharynx, and pressure drops in the tympanic cavity. This is accompanied by a subjective feeling of congestion.

Often the causes of this condition are physiological and do not require treatment. These include sulfur plugs, water blockage, and atmospheric pressure drops during take-off and landing of the aircraft, rapid ascent by elevator or immersion in water. In the second case, it is enough to yawn slightly at the right time and the unpleasant sensation disappears. If sulfur plugs are present, they must be removed in the ENT office or on their own at home. If water gets into your ear, it is recommended to pull the lobe down and backwards, while tilting the sore side to the shoulder. Moisture will come out on its own and the unpleasant sensation will disappear.

What diseases does it indicate?

When the ears are blocked due to the presence of pathology, this requires serious treatment. Such diseases include:

  • meningitis;
  • injuries to the brain and bones of the skull;
  • anomalies of the auditory analyzer;
  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • neoplasms of the auditory apparatus;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • otitis media (inflammation in the middle ear);
  • tubotimpanitis (inflammation of the tympanum and Eustachian tube);
  • preceptive hearing loss (impaired perception of sounds);
  • flu, acute respiratory infections;
  • angina;
  • measles.


All of these diseases require contacting a specialist and prescribing therapy. Most of them successfully pass with home treatment under the supervision of an ENT doctor.

Preservation of ear congestion for more than 2 days without the presence of pain and signs of infectious diseases is an occasion to contact the clinic.

When you postpone the visit, the risk of deafness increases.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the cause of discomfort, it is worth visiting an otorhinolaryngologist. At the reception, the doctor examines the auricles using a funnel. This painless procedure allows you to see the presence of inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues.

If there is a suspicion of a pathology of the auditory analyzer, further studies are prescribed:

  • audiometry - determines the level of hearing, the sensitivity of the analyzer and diagnoses sensorineural hearing loss;
  • tympanometry - allows you to evaluate the functional activity of the auditory ossicles, membrane and the work of the middle ear in conducting impulses;
  • computed tomography - is a layered analysis of the auditory zones of the cerebral cortex, as well as the temporal bones.

With a correctly conducted diagnosis, the cause of ear congestion is detected in 90% of cases. This allows you to competently build a treatment regimen and avoid possible complications.

Read also:how to clean your ears

Home Congestion Treatment

Treatment begins with a correct diagnosis by the doctor at the reception. He prescribes drugs, depending on the reason for which the ear was blocked. With a physiological problem - sulfuric plug, its removal is prescribed. It is held directly at the reception. If the problem recurs, you can remove the plug at home.


For this, cerumenolytics are used. They act on the sulfur plug, dissolving it and facilitating removal. Such medicines include A-Tserumen, Remo-Vax, Aqua Maris Oto. The budgetary tool for softening the cork is 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is poured into the ear with a syringe without a needle. The solution is left for several minutes, then removed with the cork.

In the presence of a pathological cause of ear congestion, drug treatment is used:

  • antibiotics (amoxicillin) - used for otitis media with separation of pus;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Otipaks, Sufradeks) - helps reduce edema with tubotympanitis;
  • vasoconstrictors (xylometazoline) - relieve tissue swelling, improve the conductivity of sound vibrations;
  • antimycotics (Amfoglucamine) - eliminates fungi from the ear cavity;
  • antiviral (“Kagocel”, “Tamiflu”, “Remantadin”) - help with ear congestion associated with a viral infection.

Most diseases accompanied by a feeling of stuffiness in the ear are successfully treated at home under the supervision of a specialist.

Stuffing ears with nasal congestion: what to do?

With nasal congestion, discomfort in the ears often occurs. This is due to the reaction of the body, which tries to prevent the spread of infection to the organs of hearing. Edema arising from nasal congestion blocks the passage of air, seeded by pathogenic microorganisms, into the ear cavity. But the patient at the same time notes discomfort.

In order for the inflammation not to spread to the hearing organs, timely treatment of the nasopharynx disease that has arisen is required. Increased pressure in the middle ear presses on the eardrum, which contributes to the appearance of holes in it and hearing loss. Most often, such complications occur with:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • SARS, associated with frequent blowing.

To eliminate nasal congestion and prevent complications in the organ of hearing, several methods are used:

  • antiviral or antibacterial drug therapy;
  • sinus massage to facilitate mucus discharge effortlessly;
  • warm compresses based on oils;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drops as a temporary measure to alleviate the condition;
  • the use of ear drops to prevent the development of complications.

Subject to all the rules of treatment, the performance of the hearing organ will remain at the same level, and nasal congestion will pass without a trace.

Ailment during pregnancy: causes and treatment

Due to a change in the hormonal background during pregnancy, expectant mothers often block their ears, especially in the second trimester. Edema occurs in the tissues of all organs due to fluid retention, which affects the hearing. In the middle ear, pressure drops, which pulls the eardrum. She becomes concave, and the woman feels stuffy.


This condition is physiological, therefore, treatment is not required. As the hormonal background stabilizes, the discomfort recedes. To alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, vasoconstrictive drops can be used. They also help relieve symptoms of physiological rhinitis, which can also cause ear congestion.

Causes of tinnitus

Tinnitus in the absence of external irritation of the hearing organs can occur for several reasons. Of these, ear diseases include:

  • otitis;
  • foreign body in the ear canal;
  • otosclerosis;
  • tympanic membrane injury (rupture);
  • neoplasm of the hearing organs of a different nature;
  • maze inflammation;
  • hearing loss of various origins;
  • inflammatory process in the nerve of the auditory analyzer.


Tinnitus can occur in the presence of diseases that are not related to the hearing system. Such pathologies include:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • endocrine pathologies (diabetes, thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis);
  • narrowing of the yarmine veins and carotids;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hepatitis of viral etiology;
  • prolonged emotional stress;
  • intoxication with some poisons of the industry;
  • head injuries;
  • fluid in the ear cavity.

Whatever the cause of the noise, this condition requires the intervention of a specialist to prescribe competent treatment.


To successfully get rid of discomfort in the ears at home, you need to establish the exact cause of this condition. Timely treatment started will help you quickly get rid of the feeling of congestion, avoid complications and keep your hearing at the same level.