Ear congestion is a symptom experienced by almost every person at least once in a lifetime. Often this condition is not considered an alarming sign, as it is provoked by natural factors. But in some situations, congestion of the ear signals the presence of problems with the body. Why lays ears - the reasons depend on both external factors and the state of the human body.
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Reasons Why Lays Ears
Why is it laying ears - periodically or continuously? This condition is characterized by various causes. Most of them are natural and do not pose a health hazard. But among them there are those that conceal a potential threat to the organ of hearing.
These include:
- ear inflammations;
- pathology of the auditory nerve;
- allergies
- heart disease, nervous system.
Natural factors for ear blockage are:
- Sudden changes in atmospheric or blood pressure. There is a noise in the ear, and partial deafness sets in.
- Water entering the ear.
- Excessive accumulation of sulfur - not collected on time, it can quickly create traffic jams.
How to relieve congestion - first aid
How to quickly and effectively relieve ear congestion at home? The elimination of the natural causes of this condition can be carried out independently.
If congestion was provoked by non-pathological factors, the condition does not require additional intervention. Usually it passes on its own after a few moments.
Cases when a foreign body enters the ear are by no means uncommon. Under no circumstances should you attempt to extract the item yourself. This is especially true for children. The best thing you can do in this situation is to contact the emergency room.
If ears are blocked, the following actions should not be taken:
- Carry out warming up procedures in the presence of purulent or inflammatory processes.
- Do not attempt self-medication without information on the causes of congestion. Frequent congestion of the hearing organs can sometimes be considered a sign of a disease that requires careful diagnosis and drug therapy.
- Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the pus that has formed in the ear cavity.
- It is not recommended to take antibacterial medications without the prescription of a specialist.
Read also:no stuffy ear
Symptoms of a Serious Disease
Pathological signs of stuffy ears are often triggered by various pathologies. Such signals should not be ignored, especially when congestion syndrome manifests itself often and for no reason.
The most common diseases leading to congestion include:
- Otitis. Often after the transfer of this disease, scars appear on the surface of the eardrum, significantly reducing its functionality.
- Eustachyitis. It provokes inflammation of the ear mucosa, often occurs against a transferred cold or a deformed septum of the nose.
- Allergy. It can be triggered by prolonged use of medications.
- Damage to the auditory nerve. Often, the ears are laying against the background of previous craniocerebral injuries. Such a phenomenon often passes on its own and does not require additional therapy.
- Pathology of the nervous or cardiovascular systems.
- Inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. This condition can spread to ears over time.
- Alien body contact. Often, congestion of the ears is the result of the ingress of foreign objects, insects.
It is interesting:how to clean your ears
What to do if you lay your ears
Serious ear pathologies are recommended to be eliminated only by contacting a qualified specialist for help. All other symptoms that are not worrying, it is perfectly acceptable to eliminate on their own.
Lays ears with colds, runny nose, otitis media, sinusitis
Colds are the most common factors causing troubles in the ears. To cope with this phenomenon with a cold and a runny nose can only fully cure the nose and throat.
To speed up therapy, the following are suitable:
- Vasodilating drops.
- Alcohol compress. Cotton wool is well moistened with alcohol, squeezed, and applied to the ear. A woolen scarf is placed on top of the appliqué. Warming is also performed using a heated salt. The latter is poured into a small bag (tissue), tied and placed in a problem place.
- Exercises to relieve pressure in the ears.
- Nasal lavage (sea water, saline).
After the pool, my ears were blocked, what should I do?
Water treatments are undoubtedly good for your health. However, water entering the ear canal can deliver several unpleasant minutes and cause stuffiness in the ear.
The discomfort provoked by the ingress of water into the ear can be eliminated in several simple ways:
- Tilt your head. A palm with pressed fingers is applied to the ear.By sharply pressing the palm of the hand to the organ and removing it, you can create a vacuum, which will allow water to leave the ear on its own.
- Jumping on one leg is also effective. The head at this moment should be tilted to the side on which, accordingly, the ear was laid.
Ears lays in the plane
Travelers often encounter stuffy ears during an air flight. This is due to the influence of atmospheric pressure, pressing on the eardrum.
Reduced pressure affects the eardrum as follows - it compresses the Eustachian tube and causes air to flow from the ear into the nasopharynx. High blood pressure, in contrast, stimulates the membrane to move toward the outer ear. Changing its location (in either direction) distorts the sound perception. That is why a person observes the condition when the ear is blocked, but does not hurt.
While in flight, discomfort in the ear can be eliminated by applying the recommendations from the list:
- Actively yawn, or chew chewing gum.
- Drink a glass of water in small sips.
- To carry out repeated swallowing (it is permissible to suck on a candy).
- Take deep breaths with your mouth, you need to pinch your nose with your fingers. After inhaling, carry out a sharp exhale with your nose.
What to do with a stuffy ear due to a sulfuric plug?
Sulfur is the natural content of the auricles. When it does not accumulate too much, problems with ear closure usually do not arise. The situation is different when an excess of this substance begins to form the so-called sulfuric plugs. Sometimes sulfur closes the ear canal immediately after a person wakes up from sleep. Sulfur plugs tend to change their location. Awakening, a person occupies an upright position, due to which the “blockages” are shifted and congestion passes.
It is not difficult to remove the sulfur plug, but proceed with the utmost care. It is important to understand that cotton buds should not be used in this situation. Not only will they not pull out the cork, but on the contrary, they will push sulfur deep into the ear. The use of sharp improvised objects should also be excluded, they can damage the hearing organs and provoke deafness or other problems.
You can remove a small plug yourself in several ways:
- Drop a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the ear. After a certain period of time, the softened cork will flow out on its own.
- Pour a large amount of warmed olive oil into your ear. It will help to remove the cork from the ear canal on its own.
Attention. When deformation of the tympanic membrane occurs or infection is suspected, it is forbidden to bury the ears yourself.
At elevated pressure
Hypertensive patients often notice symptoms: dizziness and stuffy ears.
To eliminate these signs, you should change your lifestyle and take into account a number of recommendations:
- get rid of extra pounds;
- lead an active lifestyle, devote time to dosed physical activity;
- make frequent walks in the fresh air;
- increase the amount of plant food consumed;
- to refuse excessive intake of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (ideally, forever);
- reduce salt intake.
What could be the danger?
Congestion of the ear, not provoked by natural causes, sometimes indicates a number of malfunctions in the human body, for example, pathologies of the heart or other vital organs.
By the way, if a child is tormented with otitis media from childhood, in adulthood, most likely, he may suffer from an irritating frequency of ear congestion. In people who have had otitis media, adhesions are observed on the surface of the eardrum.In the future, this can affect sound perception.
Stuffy ears are not always considered a cause for panic. If a similar situation occurred in an airplane, mountains or pool - with a high probability the reason lies in the natural factors that do not require specific therapy. If congestion is felt systematically and does not disappear for a long time - it is worth visiting a doctor for a thorough examination of the hearing organ. It is possible that a similar symptom is a companion of impaired functionality of the ear or other organs. Timely diagnosis of the condition of the organs of hearing and the selection of optimal treatment will eliminate discomfort and prevent the development of more serious ear pathologies.