Seizures in the corners of the mouth (scientifically - angular cheilitis) is an inflammatory disease that occurs at least once in a person’s life. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, burning, redness, plaque. To prevent the occurrence of the disease, you need to know the causes of jamming in the corners of the mouth. There are many of them, but they are all preventable.
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Causes of jam and cracks in the corners of the mouth
Why do jerks appear in the corners of the mouth in adults? The exact cause of each individual patient can only be determined by a doctor. Therefore, when the first signs of jamming on the lips appear, you need to go to an appointment with a specialist.
The most common type of angular cheilitis is infectious, that is, caused by various infections (fungi, viruses or bacteria). Other causes are less common, but cause the same symptoms and manifestations of the disease. Details of all species are described in this article.
Infection or fungus
- Candida albicans. This is a yeast-like fungus that lives in the body of all people on the mucous membranes, including in the oral cavity. So why do not all people have cracks in the corners of their mouths? This is due to the immunity and habitat of the fungus. The fact is that the normal immunity of a healthy person is able to suppress conditionally pathogenic flora (including candida). As soon as a person’s immunity is reduced, fungi begin to multiply actively, causing candidiasis disease. The same thing happens when the living conditions of the fungus change. Candida loves a dry environment.Accordingly, as soon as the oral mucosa or the skin of the lips dries up, the fungi also begin to grow. This happens with dehydration, abuse of drugs and antiseptics for the oral cavity.
- Streptococcus These are bacteria that can be colonized during tooth decay or chronic tonsillitis. In the same way as with candida, with a decrease in immunity, streptococci activate and go to the surface of the lips. In this case, at the beginning of the disease, a bubble appears in the corners of the mouth with turbid contents, which quickly bursts with the formation of a crack and ulcer. This ulcer is covered with purulent-bloody crust. More often streptococcal jam occurs in children. It heals for a long time, as the child often licks her lips, constantly opens her mouth and injures the ulcer.
Lack of vitamins
As you know, vitamins A and E are responsible for the condition of the skin. Accordingly, with a lack or absence of these vitamins, dry skin appears, cracks can occur. In addition, a sufficient amount of vitamins in the human body guarantees strong and strong immunity. With hypovitaminosis (a decrease in the amount of certain vitamins), immunity is reduced, pathogenic flora of the oral cavity is activated and jams appear - the result of dry and infected skin.
Especially often, a lack of vitamin B2 leads to the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth. The result is dry skin and mucous membranes, their thinning and, as a result, their increased invasiveness.
This disease, which is based on metabolic disorders in the body. Despite the fact that there is too much sugar in the blood, glucose, due to the nature of the disease, does not reach the cells and they lose their main source of energy. As a result of this, all organs and tissues, including skin, mucous membranes, and immunity, are affected. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, flabby, the body's immune forces are reduced. Any wound or ulcer heals for a very long time. Cheilitis is a complication of diabetes and is very difficult to treat, especially if blood sugar is steadily elevated.
Dry lips
Dry cheilitis is distinguished in a separate form, in which increased dryness of the lips is noted. A burning sensation appears, scales are formed that lag behind the surface of the skin. Ulcers in their place do not form, just the skin is cracking. The course of this type of disease is long, does not pass on its own. Very often, the cause of dry lips becomes group B vitamin deficiency and a lack of iron (iron deficiency anemia). In such cases, for treatment it is enough to fill the lack of these vitamins and minerals.
Increased atopy or a tendency to allergic reactions is manifested by dry skin, itching, and the periodic appearance of a rash. During an exacerbation of allergic cheilitis, the surface of the lips becomes bright red, they peel off, the skin crackles in the corners of the mouth and jams form. In addition, the skin of the face also becomes dry, an allergic rash may appear on the cheeks.
Sick teeth
Chronic caries is a focus of infection that is constantly located in the oral cavity. With normal immunity, this infection does not manifest itself in any way, except for the destruction of tooth enamel. With a decrease in immunity, the infection activates, actively multiplies and affects neighboring areas of the mucous membranes. Stomatitis and angular cheilitis may occur.
What else?
In fact, there are many reasons for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth. The main reasons still remain infection and reduced immunity. All other factors act as secondary and provocative.
- HIV infection is the result of immunodeficiency and the progression of fungal infection.
- An improperly formed bite - increased salivation, constantly wet skin in the corners of the mouth, irritation and infection leads to the formation of a jam.
- Mechanical irritation of the skin in the corners of the mouth (improperly installed dentures or, conversely, the absence of some teeth).
- Long-term use of certain drugs (antibiotics, hormones, cytostatics). All of them lead to immunosuppression (a decrease in the body's immune forces).
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, especially aggravated by infection, intestinal dysbiosis, cholecystitis, etc.).
- Fever or prolonged subfebrile condition leads to dehydration of the body and drying of the skin and mucous membranes.
The first symptoms of a jam
The most common are infectious seizures. In their manifestations, streptococcal and fungal zadis are somewhat different.
Streptococcal jam | Fungal jam | |
How does it start? | Single bubbles appear in the corners of the mouth with a cloudy liquid inside. | In the corners of the mouth there is a focus of smooth shiny bright red skin |
Type of rash | In place of the vesicle, an ulcer quickly forms, which is covered with a purulent or bloody crust. If it is torn off, a new crust of the same is formed. Ulcers do not "multiply", that is, in place of one bubble, one ulcer is formed. | A curdled white coating appears on top of the red skin, which is difficult to remove. Later, deep cracks with a white coating are formed, there are no crusts. Fungal infection is prone to spread rapidly to neighboring areas, therefore, following the corners of the mouth, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and lips is affected. |
Duration of the course | If you do not tear off the resulting crust, then after 5-7 days a new restored skin will form under it. Gradually, the peel will be torn away and leave behind a dark spot on the skin, which will eventually disappear without a trace. | Recovery occurs with proper treatment after 5-7 days. White deposits gradually disappear, and a pale spot remains in the place of cracks. If the fungal jam is not treated, it goes into a chronic course with constant white deposits in the corners of the mouth. |
Zad treatment
In connection with a huge number of reasons, a jam, how and how to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth, is determined by the attending physician. Do not wait until the crack itself heals. There are times when a seizure becomes the first clear sign of a serious illness.
Fast medication methods
Drug treatment of seizures in the corners of the mouth begins with an explanation of the cause of their occurrence. If the patient’s psycho-emotional state is impaired, he suffers from neurodermatitis, then sedatives are prescribed first, and then local treatment of cracks. If there are violations of the endocrine or digestive systems, then treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. If the cause was hypovitaminosis or anemia, make up for the lack of elements and vitamins. And if there is an allergic reaction, then a hypoallergenic diet and antihistamines are prescribed. With immunodeficiencies, the treatment is carried out by an immunologist, and with problems with bite and teeth, a dentist.
How to treat seizures in the corners of the mouth quickly? To do this, after eliminating the cause of their occurrence, you need to use an ointment from seizures in the corners of the mouth:
Healing ointments (Solcoseryl)
Ointment does not affect the cause of cheilitis, it removes the consequences. It improves the regenerative (regenerative) properties of the skin, softens them, restores the metabolism in the skin, and increases the synthesis of collagen fibers. All this leads to faster healing of cracks. Ointment is used in combination with other remedies that eliminate the cause of cheilitis.
Hormone ointment (prednisone, hydrocortisone, flucinar)
Hormonal ointments are not recommended for infectious cheilitis. They are often prescribed for allergic jams. The course of treatment is not more than 5-7 days. Apply the ointment with a thin layer only on damaged skin, without affecting healthy skin.
Antifungal ointments (Mycozolon, Triderm)
Appointed with candidal cheilitis.Means eliminate fungal infection, preventing the growth of fungi. They affect directly the cause of cheilitis. The course of treatment is at least 7-10 days.
Ointment with antibiotic (Tetracycline, Bactroban, Baneocin, Metrogil Dent)
In their composition they contain an antimicrobial agent. They can not be prescribed for fungal cheilitis and herpes. The course of treatment is at least 7-10 days. Ointment acts directly on the cause of inflammation - bacteria. It is prescribed exclusively for staphylococcal cheilitis.
Disinfecting Ointments (Sudocrem, Zinc Ointment)
These are auxiliary drying agents that help with maceration (increased skin moisture). They act as antiseptics (disinfect). Apply the ointment in a thin layer 1-2 times a day for 3-5 days, until the skin irritation disappears.
Restorative ointments (Bepanten, Ointment with sea buckthorn oil)
Of used at the end of treatment, when the skin got rid of plaque and requires recovery. Ointments moisturize the skin, stimulate its regeneration. Sea buckthorn also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Alternative treatment of seizures at home
Propolis treatment
This tool has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, immunostimulating and softening effects. For cooking, you need to take 10 grams of propolis and 100 grams of butter. Melt the ingredients in a water bath, mix and apply to sore lips 2-3 times a day.
Aloe juice
It is a natural antiseptic and restorative. For treatment, you need to use the leaves of an old plant (at least 2 years old). Cut a large sheet and put for 2-3 days in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. After that, the plant can be used. Pure aloe juice can burn the delicate skin of the lips, so it must be diluted with water 1: 1. Lubricate cracks in the corners of the mouth with this solution 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days until the inflammation goes away.
Essential Oils for Jams
Any essential oil has a disinfecting effect. But you need to use those oils that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. These are tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint. In order not to dry the skin, but, on the contrary, soften it, the essential oil must be diluted in vegetable - sesame, from grape seed, olive. And already diluted oils apply to the affected skin 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Prevention of seizure
If the appearance of a jam in the corners of the mouth is a frequent occurrence, you need to contact a dermatologist, where you should find out the cause and take appropriate measures to prevent the disease.
- Take a blood test for iron content. Its lack contributes to the development of iron deficiency anemia. Increase the intake of iron-containing foods: liver, walnuts, etc.
- Reduce sugar-containing foods in the diet, reduce alcohol, which develop a deficiency of B vitamins. You can replenish it with bran and fish.
- Increase fluid intake.
Treatment of jamming in the corners of the mouth is not difficult, if everything is done correctly - find out the cause of the disease, eliminate aggravating factors, exactly following all the doctor's recommendations. Only a specialist can help with this. Therefore, with the first symptoms of cheilitis (seizure), you need to seek qualified medical help.