Sometimes the menstrual cycle fails. If the delay is 5 days and the test is negative - what does this mean? There may be several reasons for this.
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Can there be a pregnancy with a negative test
Having received a negative test result, pregnancy cannot be completely ruled out. At this time, a mistake is still likely.
A false negative pregnancy test may appear for several reasons:
- violation of instructions for use;
- low quality of the tester, the expiration of its shelf life;
- very early testing caused by an error in calculating the day of ovulation and fertilization;
- improper development of the embryo (ectopic attachment or freezing of the fetus);
- insufficient hCG caused by drinking a large volume of fluid before checking.
Most often, the test is a mistake, which is a paper tape, which is lowered into the urine. The result reports the number of bands appearing on it.
The most correct and accurate is the jet test. He has a high sensitivity. Such a tester will be able to determine pregnancy on the eve of the planned onset of critical days.
Causes of 5 days delay
Disruptions in the cycle are usually associated with problems in the body.
The reasons for the delay of menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, are:
- tobacco and drug addiction, alcoholism;
- poisoning;
- the use of psychotropic and hormonal medications;
- climate change;
- metabolic disorder with starvation diets, vegetarianism;
- rapid weight loss or obesity;
- increased loads when playing sports or at work;
- stress caused by injuries and illnesses, fatigue, lack of sleep.
The listed factors are not dangerous. With a change in lifestyle and nutrition, abandonment of bad habits, the cycle normalizes.
Nevertheless, with a delay of 5 months and a negative test, the development of dangerous conditions in the body is likely:
- hormonal failure;
- infections and inflammations;
- hyperplasia, endometrial hypoplasia, uterine fibroids;
- polycystic ovary;
- functional cysts on the ovaries.
What symptoms should alert: signs of pathology
There are several signs that should alert every woman. One of the main is chest pain.
If during the delay the chest hurts, and the test is negative, there is reason to believe that the reason is as follows:
- mastopathy
- malignant or benign tumors;
- injuries
- mastitis;
- pathological pregnancy;
- hormonal changes;
- reaction to breast implants.
To find out exactly what the problem is, you need to visit a gynecologist. Ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography will help establish the cause of the unpleasant symptom and save you from serious troubles.
Chest pain can occur due to more prosaic problems: stress, malnutrition, oral contraceptives.
The transition to a healthy lifestyle will quickly relieve unpleasant sensations.
Pulls the lower abdomen
Delayed menstruation can also trigger quite harmless factors. But with the appearance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, you need to visit the gynecologist as soon as possible and faster.
The most common cause of pain is an ectopic pregnancy.
The following symptoms accompany her:
- fever;
- stitching, pulling pains;
- nausea and vomiting;
- cold sweat;
- loss of appetite.
An ectopic pregnancy can be fatal. Do not hesitate. Go to the gynecologist.
White and brown discharge in a negative test
Violation of the monthly cycle is often accompanied by secretions, which may have a specific odor or color. The reasons are different, color and composition too.
If spotting brown discharge appears instead of blood, visit a specialist immediately.
This phenomenon is usually associated with the following pathological changes in the body:
- fetal development outside the uterus;
- age-related changes (in women before menopause and in girls during puberty, such discharge is the norm);
- abortion or childbirth in the near history;
- infectious and inflammatory processes;
- injuries, stress, hypothermia, poisoning.
In girls, brown discharge is usually considered the norm of 20 - 25 months from the first menstruation. The same discharge in women after 45 years is considered normal and harmless.
A light brown color indicates a malfunction of the hormonal background. After a couple of days, critical days will begin. But when, after a long delay, the expected menstruation has arrived, and the test shows conception, go to the doctor to see if there is a risk of a pathological pregnancy.
When discomfort, itching, pain are added to brown clots during a delay, these are signs of a sexual infection: trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea.
Another reason is contraceptive drugs that affect the hormonal system.
White discharge during delay indicates a lot of conditions from completely normal to pathological (stress, hormonal imbalance, etc.).
The most common disease is adnexitis. It is accompanied by such symptoms: white discharge when the cycle fails, pain during urination and lower abdomen, rise in body temperature to 39 ° C.
Another disease with similar symptoms is polycystic ovary. The following factors are added to these factors: obesity, acne, dark spots on the skin, lacrimation, weakness.
Leucorrhoea also appears for other reasons: with diabetes, thrush, allergies, the use of contraceptives and antibacterial drugs.They have a curdled consistency in candidiasis.
With a sharp unpleasant smell of white discharge, burning and itching, sores on the female genital organ during menstrual irregularities, be sure to consult a gynecologist.
How to restore a cycle with regular delays
Regular malfunctions upset women. There are two ways to deal with this pathology: medication and folk remedies.
Medical supplies are prescribed by a doctor. Basically, these are hormonal drugs, to which many ladies have a negative attitude, and vitamin complexes.
Most often, diets lead to a violation of the monthly cycle. They cause vitamin deficiency, anemia, an excess of the hormone prolactin. “Pregnoton” - a complex of vitamins, it will help to solve the problem and improve well-being with anorexia.
Any hormonal and chemical agents have contraindications and side effects. Alternatively, you can try to restore the cycle using folk remedies.
Here are some recipes.
- Infusion of wormwood root. Dry the root, cut, pour water in a volume of 500 ml, boil for an hour. Filter, take half a glass 3-4 times a day. It takes 2 weeks to be treated.
- Chamomile tea. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers and flax seed. Seeds must be fried first. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water, boil, covering the container with a lid, 10 minutes. Allow to cool, strain. Add a slice of lemon, sugar or honey to taste. Take 2 to 3 times a day instead of regular tea.
- A flock of onion husks. Pour the husk from a medium-sized onion with 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Leave the broth to cool. Strain. Drink 2 days in half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Foot baths. They are made twice a day. Water temperature should not be higher than 45 ° C. You can add sea salt, 1 - 2 tbsp. l mustard powder or as much 9% vinegar.
Violation of the menstrual cycle can be triggered by various factors. Do not self-medicate. A timely visit to a specialist will save you from many problems.