The South Russian Shepherd Dog (URO) is a huge lapdog. The resemblance to the latter lies in the long white coat, which covers the entire face. However, do not give in to illusions and think that you have a good-natured laziness.
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Breed description
A large, powerful dog of a white color, resembling a bear, is a representative of a not too common breed. In narrow circles it is called "southerner."
These are fearless animals, which ignorant people endow with unreasonable aggressiveness and a tendency to commit unpredictable acts. However, in fact, with the right upbringing of the UDO, they are independent dogs with a quick reaction and an incredulous attitude towards strangers. All these qualities are due to the original purpose of the animal - guard and shepherd work.
Origin history
The history of the breed begins with the decree of Paul I, according to which a valuable breed of sheep was brought to the expanses of Tavria. Together with farm animals, Spanish white dogs were also introduced, intended for the independent protection of flocks of 1,500 heads. It was their coat (its structure and color) that helped the dogs cope with the task, without unnerving the timid sheep.
However, due to their fragile skeleton, four-legged shepherds could not resist predators.The breeders turned to cynologists, and by common efforts, by crossing the Spaniards with Molossoids, greyhounds and the Crimean Shepherd, a new breed was seen - the South Russian or Ukrainian Shepherd. This happened on the estate of Askania Nova.
The first description of the large breed dates from the end of the 19th century. But the standard appeared only in 1931. The wars that took place in the first half of the last century adversely affected the number of breeds. It was possible to keep it only thanks to admirers and shepherds who did not stop keeping cattle.
Today the livestock is out of danger, but the breed has not gained popularity. The main reason lies in the impossibility of its maintenance in residential conditions.
The nature and behavior of the South Russian Shepherd
The dog South Russian Shepherd is highly intelligent. She is independent in decision-making, which allows her to cope without the help of a person with a whole flock of sheep. However, such self-sufficiency can also become a difficulty in training an animal, since it is quite aggressive.
The southerner has only one master, for whose sake he is able to put up with other family members. In case of danger, he without hesitation will sacrifice himself for the owner. But the pet will never forgive resentment and may even take revenge.
Important! Representatives of this breed can not be given to another family: this will become a real injury for the pet, from which it is unlikely to recover.
Yuzhak is suitable only for people with a strong, strong-willed character who have enough time to show the dog a lower status every day in comparison with members of the human "pack". Otherwise, the URO will simply cease to obey the owner and become uncontrolled. And, as you know, representatives of the breed by the age of 2 years are fully formed character, which is no longer possible to adjust.
Breed standard and puppy selection
In addition to the fact that southerner is a large, physically developed dog with thick and long hair, he also has a number of certain characteristics characteristic of the breed exterior:
- Height at the withers varies between 62 - 65 cm, depending on the sex of the animal, and weight - 35 - 50 kg.
- The dog has a strong skeleton.
- The transition from the forehead to the muzzle should be smooth, the head should be elongated.
- The nose is black.
- The ears are small and triangular in shape.
- The medium-length tail is rounded at the end.
- The coat reaches a length of 10 cm, thick. The fringe completely closes the eyes.
- Color can have several variations of white (pure white, smoky white or gray, pale yellow, white with grayish and yellowish areas).
Puppies of the South Russian Shepherd Dog should be purchased exclusively in nurseries, where only high-breed individuals with a stable psyche are allowed to breed.
When choosing a baby resembling a clumsy teddy bear, you need to look not only at its compliance with breed standards. It is necessary to observe the behavior of the puppies, to determine both their physical condition and the level of socialization. The animal should be inquisitive, easy to make contact, have a good appetite.
In addition, nursery specialists will give detailed advice on the further maintenance and education of the shepherd. A puppy purchased from a specialized location is accompanied by metrics and other medical documents.
Features of keeping a dog
The southerner is unpretentious in content. He can live both on the street and in the house. But in the latter case, he should be provided with free access to the yard. In no case should you forget about the watchdog instinct of the animal. This is not a decorative dog, ready to lie all day on the sofa next to the owner.
The best option is an aviary with a booth. It can also be some kind of covered building. Due to the thick and long coat, the dog is not prone to overheating or hypothermia.
Care, health, feeding
The main thing that you need to focus on while keeping southerners is hair care. The first molt in the breed is 8 months old. Prior to this, the pet must be combed regularly to accustom it to the procedure.
In the future, combing is carried out daily: dead hair is removed, mats are trimmed, if necessary, the bangs are shortened so that the hairs do not interfere with the review. Every March it is necessary to use a special comb for combing. If this is not done, the entire hairline will have to be sheared: it falls off.
In addition, southerner needs the following activities:
- nail clipping;
- cleaning the ears (hairs are removed from the auricles, after which they are cleaned with cotton buds dipped in a special solution);
- bathing (three times a year);
- eye examination and rubbing with special lotions.
The life expectancy of the URO is 12 years. However, the allotted time can reduce pathologies associated with violations in the functioning of the digestive tract, vision, and also diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is important to regularly visit a veterinary clinic and do all the necessary vaccinations.
In order for the dog to remain healthy and energetic, it needs to provide a balanced diet based on 30 g of dry food or 50 g of natural food per 1 kg of weight. Regardless of the type of food, the diet should include a large amount of protein (beef and offal) and a minimum of carbohydrates. Vitamins and minerals are also required.
Products prohibited for use by the shepherd:
- milk;
- bakery products;
- smoked meats;
- pickles,
- fatty meats;
- tubular bones.
When choosing dry feeds, preference should be given to the super premium class. Also pay attention to their composition, taking into account the need of southerner for protein food.
Purpose of the breed
The South Russian Shepherd is a shepherd dog breed that was originally created to protect the flock and its independent grazing. In the USSR, it was used in paramilitary structures.
Currently, animals are used for official purposes - for the protection of industrial facilities and adjacent territories, as well as private possessions.
Parenting and training
It is necessary to start raising a dog from an early age, demonstrating to it that even the youngest member of the family is higher in status than the southerner. The dog must clearly understand the hierarchical vertical and its place on it. If she develops an erroneous idea, and she begins to question the authority of the owner, the consequences can be most catastrophic.
The animal must be trained by a professional. Since a beginner is able to make fundamental mistakes, which can cause the formation of an aggressively directed model of behavior.
If the future owner is far from dog breeding, then you should immediately examine the question of the possibility of visiting the cynological club, where professional services will be provided. Independent attempts at training may not succeed - the dog will have to be put to sleep, since it is impossible to “redistribute” a representative of this breed.
Pros and Cons of the South Russian Shepherd Dog
Having decided to purchase a shepherd dog, one should once again weigh well all the advantages and disadvantages of the breed.
Among the advantages, the following should be highlighted:
- excellent security and herding qualities;
- self-sufficiency, therefore, in making decisions, the dog is independent;
- spectacular exterior;
- excellent stamina;
- possibility of use for guard duty;
- good learnability thanks to a sharp mind;
- unpretentiousness in the maintenance and feeding.
The main disadvantages:
- aggressiveness and unpredictability;
- need for professional training;
- the need for regular physical activity;
- unsuitability for apartment maintenance;
- submission to only one person - the owner.
Despite its attractive appearance, it is a working dog that requires constant proof of authority from the owner. Therefore, such an animal should be brought up consciously, realizing all the responsibility that will have to be borne not only for the pet, but also for the safety of people in the southerner’s society.