Severe pain in the upper abdomen can be a manifestation of serious intestinal pathologies, which are extremely difficult to get rid of without medical help. Moreover, the symptoms and treatment of duodenal ulcers are always interconnected, since not only the speed of eliminating the signs of pathology, but also the possibility of complete healing depends on the degree of adequacy of therapy.

Causes of duodenal ulcers

For peptic ulcer disease, the formation of deep erosive foci on the surface of the mucous membrane covering the intestinal wall is characteristic. A variety of pathology is determined by the location of the affected areas. A disease in which ulcerative lesions occur in the initial part of the small intestine is diagnosed as a duodenal ulcer.

The main reason for the development of ulcerative formations is damage to the intestinal tissues.

Factors that provoke such lesions include:

  • Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium, the only microorganism that can live in an acidic environment. The infection penetrates the mucous membrane and contributes to the development of erosion and ulcers on the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • increased acid level of gastric juice. The regular effect of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the intestine causes a violation of their integrity;
  • alcohol and smoking - powerful irritants of the mucosa of all sections of the gastrointestinal tract, including the duodenum;
  • improper nutrition affects the production of intestinal mucous substances and impairs its motility, which ultimately affects the state of the shell of its walls;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs can affect the surface of the epithelium, provided that it is taken regularly.

In some cases, duodenal ulcer can occur under the influence of other pathologies - cirrhosis, lymphoma, renal failure, COPD.

In addition, the state of the immune system is of great importance in the development of pathological processes - even a slight decrease in its potential can lead to inflammation and erosion, transforming into ulcers.

Early signs and symptoms

Periodic exacerbations and periods of remission are characteristic of the course of the disease. At an early stage of development, peptic ulcer is characterized by the appearance of pain in the stomach, more often, at night. Pain syndromes differ in intensity, and can be given to the region of the heart or back.

Often attacks of pain occur in a state of hunger and disappear after eating. In older people, the development of ulcers can occur without severe symptoms.

In addition to pain, characteristic signs of intestinal ulcerative lesions include:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • belching sour;
  • attacks of hunger;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • in the later stages - vomiting with blood and feces with blood splashes.

Exacerbations of the duodenal ulcer are seasonal and observed in the spring and autumn.

A characteristic feature of ulcerative formations is a partial loss of tissue. Even after complete recovery, the affected tissue does not recover, and scars form at the site of the lesions.

Possible complications of peptic ulcer

Pathological processes associated with the development of ulcers in the small intestine, in the absence of treatment, are prone to progress and are not capable of self-healing. Defects caused by ulcerative formations are exacerbated with each exacerbation of the disease, and emerging complications can become a real threat to the patient's life.

The most dangerous complications of peptic ulcer, such as bleeding, perforation, penetration and malignancy.

Duodenal bleeding

Ulcerative bleeding is one of the main causes of death in lesions of the digestive tract.

The main signs of bleeding are vomiting of blood, stools of dark or black color. The pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of weakness and chills, dizziness and palpitations, dry mouth and nausea.

When the main symptoms of bleeding appear, an ambulance must be urgently called. And before the doctors arrive, take care of applying a cold compress in the abdomen.

Such pathological processes are possible only in the case of an extremely neglected state of the patient. The severity and consequences of bleeding may vary.

In some cases, a spontaneous cessation of bleeding is possible. But deaths are also not uncommon, occurring within a few minutes after the onset of exacerbation.

Perforation of an ulcer

The progressive development of ulcerative foci contributes to the gradual thinning of the intestinal wall and the formation of a through wound in it - an opening through which part of the undigested contents of the small intestine seeps out into the abdominal cavity.

The patient’s condition at this moment sharply worsens:

  • there is a sharp sharp pain in the abdomen, due to which a person is not able to move;
  • possible loss of consciousness;
  • intense increase in body temperature;
  • dry mouth and thirst increase;
  • cold sweat;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • fingers are getting colder;
  • increases the sensitivity of the skin of the abdomen to touch;
  • blood pressure decreases rapidly.

Perforation of an ulcer is one of the most dangerous complications in terms of consequences.Only timely medical care can stop the pathogenic process and prevent its consequences.

In the absence of treatment, against the background of the spread of intestinal contents in the abdominal cavity, an intensive development of bacteria occurs. Most often, the result of a complication is peritonitis, in which a person dies within 4 hours.


Malignancy is a process that activates the transformation of ulcer cells into malignant. Cancer changes are characterized by irregular pains, the occurrence of which is not associated with external factors or apparent causes.

With malignancy, the patient's condition changes gradually - there are signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction, nausea and vomiting, then anemia, a change in smell and an aversion to meat products develop.

Diagnosis and treatment of duodenal ulcers

To accurately confirm the diagnosis of ulcerative lesions of the initial part of the small intestine, the results of laboratory and instrumental studies are necessary:

  • clinical blood test;
  • fecal analysis;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopy is the most informative diagnostic method;
  • biopsy - examination under a microscope of a sample of tissues taken from the affected area of ​​the intestine;
  • serological reactions, testing for Helicobacter pylori;
  • determination of the level of acid-forming function through daily monitoring of pH.

Experienced gastroenterologists can determine the presence of ulcers by palpation of the abdomen.

Drug treatment

With an exacerbation of the disease, treatment takes place in a hospital, while chronic forms of the disease can be affected at home. In the conditions of stationary observation, the patient is prescribed rest and bed rest.

The main strategy, according to which the drug treatment of duodenal ulcers is carried out, is developed on the basis of the results of the studies.

The following drug groups are considered the most effective means of drug exposure:

  • antisecretory. It consists of drugs that inhibit gastric secretion, and hence the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid;
  • containing bismuth. This type of drug prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria, forming a protective film on the surface of the mucosa;
  • antibacterial and antiprotozoal. Include drugs that inhibit the vital activity of Helicobacter pylori;
  • prokinetics - drugs that normalize intestinal motility and prevent the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • antacids. Drugs that eliminate heartburn and its characteristic symptoms, as well as a feeling of discomfort associated with heaviness and overflow of the stomach;
  • gastroprotective drugs - have the ability to protect the mucous membrane and prevent damage to hydrochloric acid and enzymes of the gastric juice;
  • additional funds to eliminate ulcer symptoms - analgesics, antispasmodics.

An additional therapeutic effect on the foci of ulcerative lesions of the intestine is the use of drugs that provide tissue regeneration.

Surgical intervention

The absolute indications for the use of surgical methods of treatment are considered complications of the disease - bleeding, perforation or benign formations, provided that conservative therapy did not provide a tendency to healing. During surgery, doctors excise or suture the ulcer.

Surgical treatment is not able to prevent a relapse of the pathology.

Folk remedies

The use of drugs recommended by traditional medicine can improve the well-being of the patient and relieve symptoms of peptic ulcer exacerbation. The most effective are decoctions from the plant harvest or flax seeds.

It is interesting: flax seed: application and what it cures

To prepare the plant harvest, take an equal amount of licorice root, chamomile flowers, marshmallow root and fennel fruits.The crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and simmer in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Take a glass of broth before bedtime.

Flax decoction provides an enveloping effect on the intestinal wall and thus protects the mucosa from irritating factors. Therefore, a decoction of flax seeds is recommended to be taken before eating.

To achieve the optimal therapeutic result, it is recommended to combine alternative methods with traditional medicine.

Diet for duodenal ulcer

Diet therapy is an important component of a comprehensive therapeutic effect on peptic ulcer. Of particular relevance is changing diet during periods of exacerbation.

Dietary nutrition involves a fractional meal - in small portions up to 6 times a day.

The basis of the diet should be products that do not irritate the intestines:

  • well-boiled cereals from cereals - rice, oats, barley, corn;
  • milk;
  • low-fat, weak broths;
  • dried white bread;
  • boiled or steamed meat and fish - low-fat varieties;
  • vegetables and fruits containing soft fiber - cucumbers, zucchini, apples, bananas;
  • cocoa with milk, weak tea.

In order for a diet with a duodenal ulcer to bring a positive effect, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fried, smoked and spicy dishes, canned food, fatty meat and fish, vegetables containing coarse fiber - tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, spirits and alcohol, dairy products , sour fruits, berries and their juices, as well as sparkling water.

How to prevent the appearance of peptic ulcer?

To avoid the development of peptic ulcer, it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle in such a way as to exclude factors that increase the load on the stomach and intestines. Food should be regular and balanced, sleep should be full, alcohol consumption should be minimal, and smoking should be completely abandoned.

In addition, the risk of developing ulcers increases in people who often get into stressful situations, have little rest or work at night.

At the slightest sign of digestive disorders, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and not delay treatment until the peptic ulcer takes a chronic form.