Orchis is a modest northern orchid. This unusual and beautiful plant is listed in the Red Book. But this flower is interesting not only for its appearance, but also for a number of healing properties.
Material Content:
Orchis: description and composition
Orchis belong to the large genus of the orchid family of the same name. The range of orchids is wide; they can be found in different countries of the northern hemisphere, where the climate is subtropical or temperate. For their habitat, northern orchids choose sunny or slightly shaded places: forest edges or meadows. Each species has its own requirements for soil moisture, its acidity and nutrition. In one, these plants are one - they do not like competitors in the neighborhood for moisture, light and nutrition.
Orchis usually grow in single copies. Very rarely you can find several plants at once in one place. Due to their uncontrolled extermination during collection for the preparation of medicines and the reduction of possible habitat areas, the number of orchids is rapidly declining, and most species have already been listed in the Red Book.
Biological features:
- Orchis is a herbaceous perennial.
- Its roots are thin and underdeveloped, the plant has a tuber - salep, which is replaced annually. In the growing season, the orchis has two of them - old and young.
- The stem of the plant is erect and can reach a height of 15 cm, depending on the type and conditions of its habitat.
- Leaves are lanceolate or wide in shape. Tightly clutching the stem, they narrow, forming a thin stalk.
- Each species has its own flowering time. In spring, a long non-leafy stem appears near the orchis, bearing an spike-shaped inflorescence up to 15 cm long with numerous medium-sized flowers.
- The color of the flowers depends on the species and can be white, raspberry, cherry, lilac-pink. But the shape of the flower is the same for all species: a kind of helmet is formed from the upper petals, while the lower petal, divided into 3-5 lobes, is a lip decorated with spur.
Due to the peculiarities of the biological structure, orchids well tolerate adverse conditions - the accumulated substances in the tubers allow them to live in cramped circumstances even for several years. Brightly colored flowers have a faint aroma, in which vanilla and honey predominate. Interestingly, a flower can live on a plant for up to 10 days until it is pollinated. After that, he immediately fades.
In the vast majority of orchids, reproduction is seminal. In some species, a vegetative method of propagation occurs - instead of one replacement tuber, plants grow a pair.
The chemical composition of the plant has been studied quite well. Its main components:
- sucrose and polysaccharides;
- bitterness;
- minerals;
- starch and dextrin;
- pentosan and methylpentosan;
- resins;
- protein;
- mucus;
- pectin substances.
Useful and healing properties of orchis
Alternative medicine, and in foreign countries and the official pharmacopoeia, usually use the following types of plants: male orchis, spotted, helmet-bearing and burnt.
The roots of the flower can be of two types: round and palmate, the former are considered more healing.
Orchis male
This species has two large ovoid tubers. The male orchis blooms with beautiful flowers of raspberry color, collected in short brushes. As a medicine, tubers of a plant are used, in which there is a lot of mucus, there are bitterness and essential oils.
The following diseases are treated with such a plant:
- impotence and prostatitis;
- nervous exhaustion;
- diseases associated with pathologies in the digestive tract;
- cough, bronchitis, pneumonia;
- cystitis;
- toothache;
- paralysis and leg cramps.
It is also used as a means of strengthening the body.
Spotted orchis
It is named for the specks covering the leaves. His tubers are not the same: a strong young and flabby dying man. Blooms pinkish-lilac flowers.
The main application was found in powder from dried tubers:
- due to its high mucus content, it treats diseases of the intestines and stomach, including dysentery and diarrhea;
- effective in case of poisoning;
- helps with catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
Orchis head-bearing
He has two well-developed tubers that are used fresh or dried to treat diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive organs, when recovering from serious illnesses and to increase potency.
Burnt orchis
This species is listed in the Red Book, in the wild it is impossible to collect it. For medicinal purposes, it is grown in plantation culture.
In burnt orchis, only young tubers are suitable for treatment.
They are used for:
- various inflammations in the digestive tract;
- chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
- as well as an antitoxic agent for poisoning.
If you make powder from old tubers, it can be used as a contraceptive and a drug that regulates the menstrual cycle. It has an abortive effect.
The benefits of flowers and orchis roots
Despite the fact that the aerial part of the plant has an antibacterial effect, flowers and leaves of the orchis are rarely used for treatment, and mainly as an external agent.
But there is a recipe for the infusion of powdered dried flowers of Orchis in olive oil in a proportion of 50 g per 0.5 liter. After insisting for 14 days in the dark and at room temperature, the infusion is filtered and taken with prostatitis 2 times throughout the day on a spoon before meals.
Orchis: application in folk medicine
The use of orchis in folk medicine is based on its unique composition. Healing mucus is especially valuable.
They are treated with the following diseases:
- chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
- gastritis and ulcers;
- diabetes;
- food poisoning and alcohol intoxication;
- bites of snakes and scorpions;
- dysentery;
- impotence;
- radiculitis;
- exhaustion, both nervous and physical;
- toothache and gum disease;
- diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including tuberculosis;
- female diseases.
Orchis roots are used by herbalists in the form of infusions, decoctions and ointments.
They also make a healing drink - salep, as well as milk jelly.
Orchis infusion for diarrhea and gastrointestinal diseases
If the child has diarrhea, the following infusion will help:
- grind 120 g of root;
- fill them with 0.5 l of hot water;
- insist no more than half an hour;
- every hour we infuse a child in the amount of one teaspoon.
To eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract in adults, another recipe will do:
- grind the roots of orchis, one teaspoon is enough;
- pour them with a glass of hot milk or boiling water;
- infuse the mixture for half an hour, stirring from time to time;
- this amount should be drunk in 2 divided doses throughout the day; honey can be added to taste.
This remedy is also suitable for poisoning.
If diarrhea has overtaken an adult, the following recipe will help:
- mix flaxseed and powder from the root of the orchis in a ratio of 1: 4;
- the resulting mixture should be poured into a glass of boiling water and then darkened under a lid over low heat for about 10 minutes;
- drink the broth 3 times a day, for each dose you will need a tablespoon of the medicine.
Orchis root ointment for skin ailments
An ointment composed of powdered roots of orchis and pork or any other fat in a ratio of 1: 1, treat skin abscesses, including panaritium. It will help with other skin inflammations. The product lubricates the affected area, which is wrapped with a sterile bandage on top.
This remedy gives a good effect on baldness or weak hair. It is also suitable for the treatment of toothache.
Cold Preventive Drink
In the cold season, it is worth taking a kind of jelly from the orchis. It will help strengthen the body and reduce the risk of developing the disease.
- mix 25 g of powdered plant roots and the same amount of potato starch;
- add sugar in accordance with our own taste;
- dilute with water so that the mixture looks like thick sour cream, stir;
- pour a glass of milk into the mixture and boil over the fire for about 5 minutes;
- pour the drink into molds;
- You can sprinkle it on top with ground spices.
Infusion with sexual impotence and diseases of the genitourinary system
These problems are treated for a month with the following infusion:
- grind the roots of orchis and measure out half of a teaspoon;
- pour the roots ¼ l boiled and cooled to room temperature with water;
- stand for an hour, stirring from time to time;
- You can sweeten the infusion with sugar or honey;
- divide the amount of medicine received into two equal parts and take them throughout the day.
Impotence is a hard blow for a man.
In order to cope with it and again feel all the joys of life, they take the following remedy:
- chopped Orchis roots in the amount of 2 teaspoons pour a glass of boiling water;
- the resulting mixture is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes;
- we insist the same amount of medicine, filter and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
For the same purpose, they also take tincture on alcohol. For one and a half tablespoons of chopped root, 0.5 liters of good cognac and 1/2 of a loaf of rye bread are needed, which must be thoroughly kneaded. We mix all the components and insist for two months. After that, we squeeze the liquid well under the press, and the resulting solid residue needs to be burned and the ash sent back to the bottle. The mixture needs to be insisted for about 2 months. Take a tincture of a teaspoon once a day, not exceeding the dosage.
Orchis decoction with hemorrhoids
This unpleasant disease is often accompanied by bleeding.
It will help to get rid of taking medication prepared according to the following recipe:
- grind the roots of orchis, measure 10 g and pour a glass of water or milk;
- boil for several minutes on low heat;
- divide the broth into 2-3 equal servings and drink them per day.
Before grinding the roots in a coffee grinder, they need to be crushed into small pieces with a hammer.
This plant does not have toxic substances in its composition, therefore the only contraindication for the use of orchis is the individual intolerance of its components. But, as in taking any other medicinal herbs, you need to consult a doctor about its feasibility. If men decide to increase potency with this healing plant, the dosage is not recommended to be exceeded.
Collection, harvesting and storage
Many species of orchis are protected by law and are listed in the Red Book. In the wild, they cannot be harvested, but you can grow a plant from seeds in your garden.
Tubers need to be harvested when the orchis blossoms. You can do this immediately after flowering. It was at this time that the largest amount of healing substances accumulated in tubers.
They can be washed well and rinsed with boiling water. Dry the raw materials in the shade in a ventilated area, but not in the sun. Well-dried tubers are slightly visible. In cardboard boxes or bags made of linen fabric, they can be stored for up to 6 years.