According to ignorant people, all Spitz must look almost the same. In reality, the Japanese Spitz, officially registered after the Second World War in Japan, differs significantly from the German one, having its own history, exterior and individual character.
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Breed description
Snow-white Japanese Spitz hails from the country of the Rising Sun, also known as nihon supitsu, refers to decorative miniature breeds. Its height does not exceed 38 cm at the withers with a weight of 8 kg. In Japanese, the impeccable exterior of the pet is complemented by a sharp mind and intelligence. According to dog handlers, the Japanese Spitz is very delicate: the sixth sense helps him to catch the slightest changes in the mood of the owner and not to bother at inopportune moments. But if the four-legged pet understands that he can defuse the situation, he will do everything to raise the mood of the owner.
Nihon Supitsu is perfect for children. By virtue of his character, he easily submits to his beloved master, regardless of the age of the latter. The dog’s ability to create a positive atmosphere makes it a great companion for older and single people.
But do not be fooled by the small size of the Japanese Spitz. A compact animal and grace hides a serious animal, which, with special training, can turn from a decorative dog into an official one.
Origin history
Cynologists' opinions regarding the ancestors of the Japanese Spitz diverged. According to some, the graceful breed came from the northern Samoyed husky, which is a distant relative of many modern dogs. According to another version, the ancestor of the breed was a dwarf German Spitz, which was introduced into Japan at the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1921, at the exhibition in the capital of the country of the rising sun, the first demonstrated fluffy baby from Germany made a splash. The event was the impetus for the beginning of painstaking breeding work on breeding a breed with a similar exterior. To solve this problem, over the next 15 years, white Spitz-shaped dogs of miniature sizes were imported to Japan from different countries. And after the Second World War, a completely new breed was registered.
Japanese Spitz received recognition from the IFF in 1964, after which the breed began to gain popularity in different parts of the world. Although the American club of breeders today does not recognize the breed because of the great similarity with the Eskimo dogs. But cute creatures came to Russia as circus artists. And this happened only after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
The nature and behavior of Japanese Spitz
A smart, positive and good-natured Spitz will be an excellent friend and beloved member of the family, where there are small children and people of advanced years. Despite loyalty and strong affection, pets are tactful and not obsessive. For the representative of the breed, the main thing is to see the owner. Otherwise, staying alone for a long time, the Japanese baby may become seriously depressed.
With high intelligence, a fun pet quickly learns to manipulate its owners. If you do not timely mark his place on the hierarchical ladder and do not take up education, then you may encounter problems of disobedience on the part of the Spitz who has grown in the atmosphere of universal adoration.
Nihon supitsu is able to withstand any pranks and pranks of children without harming them in return. And since the dog completely lacks hunting instincts, then he develops friendly relations with other pets as well. A four-legged friend will fill the home with positiveness and will not spoil things without having bad inclinations, which cannot be said of many other breeds.
Breed standard and puppy selection
According to breed standards, the dwarf Japanese Spitz is a miniature, compact dog with a square body format, which must comply with the following exterior parameters:
- Head - with a convex forehead and a wide nape.
- Muzzle - narrowed to the nose and slightly rounded.
- The nose is black.
- Jaws - correct bite.
- Eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanting.
- Ears - triangular in shape, erect, set high.
- The body is compact with a wide lower back and deep chest.
- Extremities - front paws are wider than hind legs, black pads.
- Tail - set high and raised on a straight back.
- The coat is dense with dense undercoat, abundant hair around the neck, forming a chic collar.
- Color is white.
- Growth - 30-38 cm.
- Weight - 5-8 kg.
Puppy selection criteria
The acquisition of a purebred white Japanese spitz is quite a challenge due to the rarity of the breed in Russia.
When buying a puppy, it is important to pay attention to the following points:
- Pedigree - all thoroughbred dogs must have a metric. If there is an opportunity to personally see the parents, then you should not miss it.
- Content - due to the tendency of puppies to be affected by various viral infections, it is necessary to examine the place where the babies live.
- Cost - purebred representatives of a rare breed can not cost less than $ 500.
- Veterinary passport - when buying a puppy from the age of 3 months, he should already have been given a series of vaccinations, the presence of which is confirmed by an official document.
- Nursery - purchase of thoroughbred Japanese Spitz is necessary in specialized nurseries or from trusted breeders.
Features of keeping a dog
Japanese Spitz is kept at home. In the house or apartment, he is given a clean and comfortable corner, where toys should be located so that the pet splashes out energy, and a bowl of clean water. The dog needs to be walked twice a day. However, the walks do not have to be long: the spitz is enough to be in the fresh air for 30 minutes with each walk.
Care, health and feeding
Caring for a Spitz is quite simple, but you must do this regularly.
Hair care
The wool of Japanese Spitz is always clean and tidy due to its dirt repellent structure. To maintain its beauty, it is enough to comb out the pet daily using a brush with a natural pile and wipe it with a damp cloth after a walk. It is often not worth bathing your four-legged friend: once a month is enough. During water procedures, special shampoos should be used. The hair does not need a haircut even before the exhibition.
Eye and ear care
Spitz eyes in the area of the tear ducts are cleaned after each walk with cotton pads moistened with chamomile infusion or a special lotion. Ears are also inspected every day. If necessary, they should be carefully cleaned with damp ear sticks.
Claw and teeth care
Since Spitzs spend most of their time at home, they don’t have the opportunity to grind their claws on their own. The procedure for shortening the horn formations should be carried out by the owner every month using a special claw cutter. Among other things, it is necessary to systematically brush the Spitz teeth, removing stones and food debris
The breed is not susceptible to genetic diseases. However, Japanese Spitz, with improper care, often have problems with digestion and eyes - inversion of the intestines and cataract. In order to diagnose diseases in a timely manner, you should regularly visit a veterinary clinic with your pet.
Japanese Spitz cannot be overfed. He should be given food three times a day in portions from his palm. You can feed your pet with dry luxury food. If you wish, you can make a balanced diet of natural products - diet soft meat, dairy products, cereals and vegetables. For inexperienced dog breeders, it is better to consult a specialist - a dog handler or a veterinarian on matters of compiling a menu.
Parenting and training
Dog Japanese Spitz has a sharp mind and can be easily trained. The process of education should begin as soon as the fluffy baby adapts to the new environment. You can not allow him, looking at his cute face, to do whatever he wants. In the future, the situation will only worsen. It should be remembered that nihon supitsu is an excellent manipulator.
Every day it is worth teaching your pet new teams, repeating the material you have learned. During walks it is necessary to give moderate physical activity, which will only have a positive effect on his health. Passive lifestyle can cause the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Pros and cons of the breed
Among the advantages of the breed stand out:
- goodwill - Japanese Spitz is an excellent companion for families with children and for the elderly;
- sharp mind - Spitz is easy to train;
- coping with pets;
- watchdog qualities;
- tact and discretion.
Since the dog was bred specifically for indoor keeping, the main disadvantages are associated only with plentiful molting and high cost.
How much does a Japanese Spitz cost - data for 2018
Due to the fact that the breed of Japanese Spitz is exotic in Russia, its cost is quite high:
- Puppies of the "pet class", which are not allowed for breeding, can be bought at a price of $ 500.
- Dogs purchased for exhibits will cost $ 1,000 and up.
So, the Japanese Spitz is a stately and beautiful dog, which gives a huge amount of positive, feeling the care and love of the owner.