Millions of children around the world have been watching the fun adventures of Tom and Jerry for decades. This animated series was created in 1940. Since then, it has not lost its relevance. Each episode of Tom’s cat and Jerry’s mouse has new adventures. But at the same time, the main plot remains almost the same. A perky and mischievous mouse runs away from Tom all the time, desperately trying to catch her.But the cat does not abandon its idea of fixation.
On this animated series, more than one generation of children on the entire planet has grown. True, in the post-Soviet space, “Tom and Jerry” began to show a few decades after its first release.
No matter how much Tom tries to grab Jerry, he is still in trouble. Then he will be in a flower vase. That swallows a huge long safe. That his face from the blow of a frying pan takes on a similar shape. Jerry constantly manages to not only dodge the persecution of Tom. The resourceful mouse also deals a worthy retaliatory blow to its opponent.
The suffering of a cat, captured in miniature figures
All these unpleasant moments from the life of the cat Tom are captured in small figures of a sculptor from Japan Taco Inoue .Among the other characters of the animated series, Taco invariably prefers a cat who heroically suffers suffering. The sculptor has already created about ten of these figures.
This fun collection allows you to return to a carefree childhood at least for a second. And yes, once again imbued with pity for the poor cat Tom, whose lot has fallen so many misadventures.