This substance has unique properties, and is cheap. But it can not be taken by everyone, there are contraindications. Before use, you need to find out about the benefits and harms of succinic acid, as well as the consumption rate. This substance is found in foods, so taking pills is not always justified.

Succinic acid: composition, benefits for the human body

Succinic acid - a natural regulator of the body, is a product of amber processing. It is a component of cells produced by the body.

Important. The body produces up to 200 g of this substance per day.

Succinic acid properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • regulates insulin secretion;
  • has an antiviral effect;
  • restores the respiration of cells and their structure;
  • normalizes energy metabolism and blood circulation;
  • destroys toxins and contributes to their rapid elimination from the body;
  • stimulates the kidneys and liver;
  • improves brain function;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • strengthens the central nervous system;
  • normalizes the work of the whole organism;
  • promotes the release of digestive juices;
  • enhances the effect of vitamin-mineral preparations;
  • possesses anti-inflammatory effect.

This substance helps to recover from illness, physical and mental stress, activates the body's defenses. It is also suitable for the prevention of cancer.

Useful properties for women

This substance helps a woman look young and beautiful. It inhibits aging.

The benefits of succinic acid for women:

  • improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, allows you to get rid of oily sheen on the face;
  • restores skin firmness and elasticity;
  • whitens the skin, removes black spots;
  • helps in the fight against wrinkles;
  • eliminates the inflammatory processes of the skin (acne, acne);
  • improves hair structure, makes them stronger.

For skin and hair, it is necessary to prepare masks from tablets. Apply 2 times a week. For rejuvenation, tablets must be taken orally.

Acid positively affects the condition of the reproductive system, supports women's health. It helps to get rid of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, normalizes hormonal levels, prevents the onset of early menopause, and also accelerates recovery after surgery.

Important. Succinic acid is the prevention of infertility.

The substance stops the growth of cysts, fibromas and fibroids, as well as the development of endometriosis.

What are the benefits for men?

Succinic acid has a positive effect on the reproductive system. It normalizes the production of male hormones, strengthens male power.

The substance also effectively copes with the symptoms of alcohol intoxication and a hangover, removes toxins from the body and makes you feel better. Tablets can be taken before drinking alcohol, in which case they have a detoxifying effect faster.

Indications for the use of succinic acid

It prolongs youth and is the prevention of many diseases.

It can be used to treat such diseases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • poisoning, including alcohol;
  • avitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • bronchial asthma, lung disease;
  • anemia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • fatty degeneration;
  • joint diseases, sciatica;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • blood vessel sclerosis;
  • impaired cerebral circulation, impaired memory and brain activity;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • metabolic disease;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • stress
  • sleep disorder;
  • oncological benign and malignant diseases (fibrocystic formations, fibroids, fibromas).

Succinic acid is advisable to take for any inflammatory diseases. It is suitable for the prevention of coronary disease and diabetes, and is also useful for the elderly.

Succinic acid: instructions for use

The substance is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder and injectable solutions. The dose of the drug depends on the disease.

Drugs should be taken with food or immediately after eating, drinking plenty of water or milk. Do not drink pills after 18:00, otherwise there will be excessive excitement.

Dosage and administration

You need to drink 1 tablet 2 times a day or 1/2 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment can be 1-3 months, a second course is possible after a two-week break.

Important. For pregnant women, the daily dose is 1/2 tablet.

With oncology or severe poisoning, 5-10 capsules per day are allowed. To maintain immunity for prevention, you can drink a whole or half a tablet in the morning.

With a hangover, it is worth taking 1 tablet once an hour for 5 hours.

The effectiveness of succinic acid for weight loss

It only speeds up the process of losing weight, but does not relieve excess weight. Together with succinic acid preparations, it is necessary to follow a diet and exercise.

The main goal of the tablets is to improve metabolism, prevent physical exhaustion and prevent nerve breakdowns.

Pregnancy and lactation

Succinic acid contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, as well as labor. It improves the well-being of the pregnant woman, relieves toxicosis, gives strength, supports the immune system. The substance helps the body adapt, eases the symptoms of hormonal changes, and also reduces the likelihood of complications.

Important. For the entire period of pregnancy, you can not consume more than 7.5 g of succinic acid.

Useful substance and after childbirth. It contributes to the rapid recovery of the body, helps to cope with postpartum depression, and also improves the quality of milk during lactation.

Succinic acid for children: benefits and harms

The drug should be used only as directed by the pediatrician for children with weakened immunity. Pills relieve weakness and fatigue, restore vitality.

The dosage for children under 5 years is half the dose of an adult.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the benefits of succinic acid, you should not abuse the drug.

Side effects:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • abdominal pain;
  • excessive production of gastric juice.

With an overdose, excessive excitability and insomnia are possible. You can not take pills 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise you will not be able to sleep.

Contraindications and possible harm

The use of acid is contraindicated in such cases:

  • individual intolerance, allergy to amber;
  • stomach ulcer or 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypertension, hypertension;
  • angina pectoris and glaucoma.

Harm is possible only with improper use and non-compliance with the dosage. If you take tablets on an empty stomach, then the acid causes irritation of the gastric mucosa, and then gastritis.

The negative consequence of the use of succinic acid solution is the destruction of tooth enamel.

Sources of succinic acid in foods

Instead of tablets, you can increase the intake of such products:

  • rye flour products;
  • seafood, for example, oysters;
  • sugarcane, turnips, beets;
  • unripe berries (cherries, gooseberries), grapes, apples;
  • sunflower oil, sunflower seeds;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir;
  • aged wines.

Read also: turnip: health benefits and harms

The use of succinic acid in other areas

This substance is used not only in all areas of medicine, it is used in cosmetology. To care for hair and skin, pills can be added to store cosmetics.

In the food industry, acid is used as a preservative to increase the shelf life of products. It is rich in healthy vitamins.

The decision on the additional intake of succinic acid should be taken on the basis of evidence. It is advisable to consult with a specialist.