A pair of eggs can fully satisfy a person’s need for protein, and vitamins contained in protein (including vitamin D) make this product especially valuable. Another plus is that they cook very quickly, so soft-boiled eggs will be ready in a few minutes. Below are the various ways of preparing eggs, as well as how to serve properly, and eat this dish.

How to cook soft-boiled eggs in a pan after boiling water?

The easiest and most often used way to cook soft-boiled eggs is in a pan on a gas or electric stove.

Eggs cook very fast.

This option involves sequentially performing the following actions:

  1. Eggs are washed and laid in a pan in one layer on the bottom so that they do not roll and hit each other during boiling water.
  2. Next, fill the eggs with water so that it covers the eggs one centimeter from above, pour about 20-30 g of salt and put on high heat to bring to a boil.
  3. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for three to four minutes (no more!). Ready to dip eggs for several minutes in ice water and can be served.

Express method for the microwave

The principle of operation of the microwave oven is such that it heats the water, wherever it is. If you cook an egg in the microwave, then under the shell a high pressure forms from the steam, into which the moisture of the protein and the yolk turn. This can cause a powerful explosion, and then at best you will have to look for information on how to wash the microwave oven.

But the likelihood of an explosion does not exclude the possibility of boiling an egg using the capabilities of this device, you just need to take some precautions and follow the cooking instructions exactly:

  1. Reduce microwave power by half, but not more than 400 watts.
  2. Wash the washed egg in a glass or other suitable container for use, pour hot salted water. 5 g of salt per 200-250 ml of water will be enough.
  3. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Do not rush to immediately get an egg, it is better to let it stand for a while in the microwave.

In addition, there is another less dangerous way to boil an egg in a microwave, soft-boiled, without shell:

  1. Lubricate a piece of cling film or a plastic bag with a small amount of vegetable oil, drive a raw egg into it, salt and fix the ends, making a bag.
  2. Pour a little hot water at the bottom of the cup, put a bag of eggs and cook in the microwave for 40 seconds. The finished egg is carefully removed from the bag and you can enjoy it without wasting time cleaning it from the shell.

It is interesting:eggs benedict

In a slow cooker

With the advent of multicookers in the kitchen arsenal, there is another way to cook eggs. In this device, you can quickly cook hard-boiled chicken and quail eggs, in a bag and soft-boiled, using the "Steam cooking" function. In addition to water and eggs, in this case, in addition, you only need a double boiler basket, which comes standard with every multicooker.

Soft-boiled eggs are a great choice for a quick breakfast.

Cook eggs in a slow cooker as follows:

  1. Chicken eggs should be washed carefully from all contaminants.
  2. Pour several multi-glasses of water into the multicooker bowl, set the steaming basket, lay the eggs on it and start the “Steamer” program. Water can be poured into a multicooker, either cold or hot, to reduce the total cooking time, since the countdown in this option starts from the moment the water boils.
  3. After the necessary cooking time has passed, you only have to get the eggs and dip them in cold water so that they are not digested. Soft-boiled eggs will be ready in 3 minutes, in a bag - in 5-6 minutes. Quail eggs cook twice as fast.

Poached egg at home

Soft-boiled eggs are different. The top of the art of such cooking can be called a poached egg. This dish is an egg, cooked without shell, in which the protein becomes solid, and the yolk, although covered with a thin yellow film, is still liquid.

To get a poached egg at home, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. For this cooking method, only eggs that have been laid for no more than five days are suitable. If more time has passed from the moment the chicken laid the egg to its preparation, then it simply spreads in the water with ugly flakes.
  2. In order for the protein to curl faster and the egg to form a beautiful regular shape, a little vinegar should be poured into the boiling water.
  3. A funnel untwisted on water will also help preserve the natural shape of an egg without shell.

Having familiarized yourself with the secrets of experienced chefs, you can proceed to the preparation itself:

  1. Pour water into a pot with a thick bottom and walls so that it fills a container at a level of 5-6 cm from the bottom. Turning on a moderate fire, the water should be brought to the point where small bubbles appear at the bottom.
  2. Gently drive a raw egg into the center of the funnel in the water, cover with a lid and stand for 2 minutes, not allowing the water to boil very much.
  3. Then extinguish the fire, hold the egg for another couple of minutes. After you can serve, catching it with a slotted spoon from the water.

Egg in a pouch: cooking technology

Eggs boiled in a bag - this is not soft-boiled, but not yet hard-boiled. A product of this degree of preparedness also has many fans, but also many who have failed to cook an egg so that the yolk retains a liquid consistency and the protein turns white and loses its transparency.

Eggs cooked in a pouch have a lot of fans.

Below are two ways to get eggs of this degree of readiness. It should only be noted that the above algorithms of actions are suitable only for eggs of category C1. For larger or smaller eggs, time will have to be increased or decreased accordingly.

  1. The first way. Washed eggs should be put in cold water, which over high heat quickly bring to a boil and cook after boiling for 4 minutes. Then get the eggs out of boiling water, pour over iced water and serve hot to the table.
  2. The second way. Boil a sufficient amount of water, add a little salt to it and carefully lay the eggs in a spoon in it. After boiling, cook exactly one minute, turn off the heat and let stand in this hot water for another seven minutes.

Read also:how to cook hard boiled eggs

How to serve soft-boiled eggs?

There are rules not only how to cook soft-boiled eggs, but also how to serve this dish. There is no particular wisdom in this; for proper serving, you will need a glass-stand for eggs (arable land), a serving plate, a small spoon with an expanded end (or an ordinary tea), a knife.


The egg is placed in arable land with a blunt end up, the egg stand is placed on a serving plate, spreading the knife and spoon on the appropriate sides.

They eat it as follows: they break the shell with a knife, peel it a little and fold it on the edge of the serving plate. Next, eat with a spoon. It is allowed to dip a piece of bread in an egg, but in no case should you drink an egg.

Soft-boiled eggs go well with toasts.

Nutritionists have recognized that eggs are the most wholesome breakfast food, but with what to eat to increase the benefits? Absolutely all products that are advised to eat at the beginning of the day (cereals, vegetables, herbs, toasts, etc.) are suitable. The only thing that does not go well with eggs is sour fruits, so it is better to refuse grapefruit or eat it 25-30 minutes before the main meal.