Very few people know what eggs are in a bag and even more so they have no idea how to cook them.

But this is a fairly easy process that you can quickly learn.

Eggs in a pouch - how is it?

Despite the fact that there are people who do not know about this dish, there is another category - those who really like the result.

Eggs in a pouch are ordinary chicken eggs boiled to a certain level. In this case, the protein must be fully prepared, that is, solid, but the yolk is in two states: inside it is soft, liquid, and on top, on the sides, has a more dense consistency.

To get just such a result, you need to know how much to boil the eggs in the bag after boiling.

How many minutes to boil eggs in a bag after boiling water?

You can boil eggs in a bag in several ways, so the cooking time will vary slightly. In addition, it is necessary to strictly observe the time period, otherwise it may turn out completely wrong: for example, if you overexpose, the yolk will become completely solid, and if it is underexposed, both parts of the egg will remain liquid.

  • When cooking on the stove, cooking to the desired state should be five minutes after boiling water.
  • If you want to use a slow cooker, you will have to cook in the “Steamed” mode and about 8 minutes.

To make it clearer, it is recommended to consider the cooking process.

In a pan on the stove

This is the most common cooking method, but it also raises many questions. In fact, the process is quite easy and with the right approach, even a teenager will cope with it. The most important thing is to find the optimal cooking time exactly on your stove model.

Required Products:

  • a spoonful of salt;
  • the right amount of eggs and water.

Cooking process:

  1. Be sure to rinse the eggs in warm water so that there is no dirt on them.
  2. Place them in the container in which you will cook, fill with cold water so that it completely covers the contents. note that eggs should not be friend on top of each other, lay them on the bottom in one layer. Pour the indicated amount of salt.
  3. At an average heating level, we wait for a boil, and as soon as the process starts, immediately lower the fire to a minimum and cook exactly five minutes.
  4. We cool eggs under a stream of cold water, so they will be better cleaned. But ideally, they are served hot.

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In a slow cooker

Boiling eggs with a slow cooker, you can not worry about the level and power of heating, as it itself regulates the process. Cooking eggs in a bag this way is even easier than on the stove, the only negative is that not everyone has this miracle stove in their home.

Required Products:

  • the right amount of eggs;
  • two glasses of water.

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the eggs from contamination - we wash well. Do not forget about it, there can be many bacteria on the shell that will enter the product through cracks. We put them in a special container for cooking steamed dishes. Please note that not all multicooker models have it.
  2. Pour two glasses of water into the cup of the device itself, look at the size, you may need another one.
  3. We turn on the device in the “Steam cooking” mode for 7 minutes. Another important point - in this mode, the countdown begins only after boiling water, which means that, in general, the process will take longer.
  4. If you can’t achieve the desired state the first time, try again. Cooking time depends on the operation of the pan and the size of the eggs.

Can I boil eggs in the microwave?

Probably, everyone has heard that it is strictly forbidden to cook eggs in the microwave, as they can explode. However, in fact, if everything is done correctly and the nuances are taken into account, then this is quite feasible. In addition, there are already many special forms for cooking eggs in a microwave oven.

Try to microwave the eggs in a pouch, but consider the following:

  • The power of the furnace should not be more than 450 watts.
  • Use only utensils suitable for the device, no porcelain and metal bowls. This is especially true for gold rims.
  • Eggs should only be at room temperature, not from the refrigerator.

Required Products:

  • about 300 milliliters of water;
  • one egg;
  • quite a bit of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the egg, of course, remove all the dirt from it, put it in a deep container, preferably ceramic.
  2. Put the water to boil and fill it with an egg so that it completely covers it.
  3. Cook in the microwave for about 2 minutes, but the exact time can only be determined by practice.

Read also:Benedict eggs - cooking recipes

A few secrets of cooking eggs

It would seem - there is no difficulty in boiling an egg, but in fact, many face a lot of problems in the process of cooking this simple product.


In order to completely avoid this in the future and get what you expect from the first try, you need to know some cooking secrets.

  1. Pay attention to the freshness of the egg. Checking the condition is very simple: put it in water and if it is at the bottom it means fresh, but if it comes up, it is better to throw it out.
  2. In order for the eggs to be cleaned well after cooking, they must immediately be laid out in cold water and allowed to cool completely, then the shell will depart very simply. Another way is to pierce the egg from the blunt side with a needle before you start to cook it. And an option for those who do not want to spend time waiting at all: cut the finished egg into two parts and peel it.
  3. Do not cook eggs on very high heat, this will cause them to twitch in the container, cling to each other and crack from blows.
  4. Very strong heating will lead to the fact that the protein may turn out to be too hard, like rubber, and the yolk, despite the fact that it is boiled, will still seem somehow liquid. If you do not want to think about it, then steam them using a slow cooker.
  5. If you are preparing an egg in a pouch, then immediately after having sustained the necessary time, dip it in cold water, then the insides will not harden, but will be as they should.
  6. Although you can use a microwave, and several recipes are known, but still you should not risk it again.