The severe restrictions abound on most rapid weight loss diets are fraught with an excruciating feeling of hunger, accompanied by headaches, excessive nervousness and, as a consequence, decreased performance. An egg diet for 2 weeks is a gentle way to lose up to 10 kg without much effort and damage to health. In addition, such a diet will not harm the wallet, since it is based on the most common products.
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The basic principles of the egg diet
The egg diet is often called the “Maggi diet,” but it is by no means the name of a well-known company for the production of instant soups and broth cubes. According to legend, a piece of paper describing this food system was found in the archives of the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher, who was called Maggie or Maggie at home. There is no reliable information that the British Prime Minister used an egg diet, but, nevertheless, the lady always looked flawless - toned, slender with a beautiful complexion and beautiful hair.
Why not take advantage of Maggie's recommendations, especially since the main component of her nutrition system is an amazing product - a chicken egg.
A bit about the benefits of eggs
Chicken eggs are the only product that is almost completely, by 98%, absorbed by the human body. They include almost all the elements from the periodic table and 10 major vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, PP, E, D, C and K.
Choline, the content of which in one egg is 120-125 mg, prevents stagnation of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder, normalizes metabolic processes, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss. It is an important component in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. And the latest data obtained by American scientists suggest that choline has the ability to reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms, including breast cancer.
It is proved that during heat treatment the choline does not break down, which means boiled or fried eggs are just as healthy as raw ones.
100 g of chicken egg contains:
- protein - 13 g;
- fat - 12 g;
- carbohydrates - 0.8 g.
Nutritional value - 157 kcal per 100 g or 110 kcal in one average egg weighing 70 g.
What is the diet based on?
At its core, Maggie's nutrition system is a protein diet low in fat and carbohydrates. The main products that are included in it are lean meats and fish, vegetables, fruits and, of course, eggs.
The lack of carbohydrates with food makes the body intensively expend its own fat reserves. At the same time, the amount of ketones produced in the liver cells, substances that suppress hunger and stimulate the breakdown of proteins, is increasing.
Due to the presence of fatty acids in eggs (45% oleic and 15% linoleic), even the most old fatty deposits leave the body. In addition, the diet of Magic involves a large intake of fluids, mainly water and green tea, which allows the muscles to remain in good shape and maintains skin elasticity.
The daily diet for an egg diet includes citrus fruits. Grapefruits are preferable to use, since they contain a large amount of naringin - a plant flavonoid that suppresses appetite, lowers blood cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and improves brain activity.
Most naringin is found in transparent partitions and grapefruit peel. It is they who give it a specific bitter taste.
Thus, the Maggi diet system is based on a combination of protein in meat products, egg choline, citrus naringin and fiber of fruits and vegetables that help the gastrointestinal tract. The combination of these products and allows you to achieve a striking effect in a short period of time.
Egg Orange Diet
For those who urgently need to get rid of 2-3 kilograms before traveling to the sea, birthday or other event, an egg-orange express diet is recommended. It is used for no more than 5 days, otherwise you can overdo it and upset the digestive system. But this time is quite enough to achieve the desired result.
6 boiled eggs and 6 small oranges should be eaten per day. In addition, you can only drink mineral water without gas or green tea.
The scheme is this: in the morning you need to eat an egg, and after 30-40 minutes - an orange. And so all day until 18 hours. It is desirable to boil the soft-boiled egg, so it is best absorbed.
Nutrition rules
Maggi's egg diet is recommended to be observed from 7 days to 1 month. However, nutrition experts consider the period of 2 weeks to be the most optimal. In addition, according to sources, it was such a duration that was indicated in Margaret Thatcher's notes.
Like all other food systems, this diet has its own rules, which must be strictly observed.
These include:
- You can eat only three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. All snacks are excluded.
- Strictly stick to the menu and serving sizes. If the quantity of products (mainly fruits and vegetables) is not indicated, then you can eat them until satiety (but not overeating).
- You can not replace some products with others, as this may affect the effectiveness of the diet.
- Vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled or stewed without fat, salt and spices. Roasting and grilling are allowed.You can add garlic and herbs to improve the taste.
- You can’t interrupt the diet even for one day, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
- During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid. It can be sugar-free green tea or purified water. Allowed to drink coffee without additives.
It is important to remember that excess weight will only go away when the amount of calories consumed is greater than that obtained from food. Therefore, you need to lead an active lifestyle - to walk, go jogging, swimming or doing exercises.
You should refrain from smoking and other bad habits, as well as monitor your sleep pattern. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, otherwise it will be impossible to cope with a feeling of hunger.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
The classic Maggie diet involves eating 6 eggs per day. On some days, for lunch or dinner, they can be replaced with other protein products.
The allowed products include the following products:
- white meat of chicken or turkey without fat and skin;
- lean beef or veal;
- fish - cod, hake, zander, trout;
- grapefruits;
- fruits - apples, pears, plums;
- vegetables - tomato, pepper, eggplant, beets, zucchini, broccoli, Beijing cabbage, garlic, onions, celery;
- greens - spinach, salad, parsley, dill, green onions;
- green or herbal tea, coffee, water without gas.
Products that should not be consumed include:
- fatty meats and fish;
- meat broths;
- flour and cereal products;
- sugar and other sweeteners;
- salt, spices.
Any drinks other than those listed above are prohibited, in particular sweet and containing dyes and preservatives.
Detailed menu for two weeks
Each of the fourteen diet days should start with the same breakfast: 2 eggs, half a large grapefruit and a cup of green tea or coffee without sugar, milk or other additives.
The menu for lunch and dinner consists of such dishes and products:
First day. Lunch: 2 eggs, half a large grapefruit, green tea.
Dinner: 2 eggs, tomato and pepper salad with herbs, ¼ portion of grapefruit, tea.
Second day: Lunch: 2 eggs, half a grapefruit, tea or coffee.
Dinner: chicken (150 g), baked with vegetables in foil, tea.
Third day: Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach puree, coffee or tea.
Dinner: fish (200 g) with vegetables, tea.
Fourth day: Lunch: boiled chicken breast (150 g) with a salad of fresh vegetables, tea.
Dinner: 2 eggs, fruits, tea.
Fifth day: Lunch: 2 eggs, eggplant and pepper, grilled, coffee
Dinner: beef meatballs (200 g), fruit salad, tea.
Sixth day: Lunch: 2 eggs, beetroot caviar, coffee or tea.
Dinner: chicken baked with fruit (150 g), ½ grapefruit, tea.
Seventh day: Lunch: 2 eggs, fruit platter, coffee.
Dinner: baked fish (200 g), broccoli salad, tea.
In the second week, the diet menu is repeated starting from the first day. In parentheses indicate the weight of the product after cooking.
Cooking recipes
It is noteworthy that different people like diet food according to the Maggi system. Some are attracted by the opportunity not to bother with cooking - "cooked eggs, cut a salad and that's it." Others, on the contrary, give free rein to their imagination and try to make beautiful and mouth-watering dishes from the simplest ingredients.
We offer several recipes that can be used in the egg diet menu for 2 weeks.
Poached eggs
Instead of regular boiled eggs for breakfast, you can serve French or poached eggs.
For their preparation you will need a small pot, water, vinegar and eggs. Water should be poured into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter, put on fire and bring to a boil. Break the eggs gently into a deep plate.
When the water begins to boil, you need to stir it with a spoon, so that a funnel forms in the center, into which the broken egg is poured. Boil no more than 3 minutes, then the protein will be dense, and the yolk will be liquid. Take out the finished eggs on a napkin and dry slightly before serving.
Egg nest
Another unusual way to serve eggs with the Maggi diet. First of all, you need to separate the protein of each egg from the yolk, it is desirable that the yolk remains intact.
Beat the protein in a strong foam and pour into a non-stick coconut bowl or silicone mold. Gently put the yolk in the center with a spoon. Put in the oven for 5-10 minutes until the protein has hardened.
Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped parsley and dill.
Spinach Puree
Pour a handful of spinach leaves with a small amount of water and, boiling, boil for 3-5 minutes. Drain the water and rub the spinach through a sieve. Put ready mashed potatoes in a slide on a plate and sprinkle with chopped boiled egg.
Baked chicken with fruit
Skin the chicken breast and cut into large pieces. Put in a bowl, pour juice squeezed from half a grapefruit and leave for 1 hour. Peel the apple and pear and cut into 4 parts.
Put pieces of chicken and fruit in foil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 1800C. When serving, pour over the resulting juice.
Salad "Chicken Ryaba"
Boil half the chicken breast for 20 minutes. Then remove from the broth, dry and cut into strips. Hard-boiled egg, peel and cut into 4 parts. Pour large tomato over boiling water, peel and cut into slices.
Put chopped lettuce leaves on a large flat plate. On them slices of tomato, then chicken. Sprinkle with greens on top, and spread out quarters of eggs on the sides.
Beef Meatballs
300 g of beef tenderloin and a small onion pass through a meat grinder twice. Add carrots grated on a fine grater, drive in a raw egg. Mix well, refrigerate for solidification.
Then make balls of minced meat, each of which is wrapped in foil and boiled for a couple or in water for 10 minutes.
Serve with a salad of Chinese cabbage, tomatoes and sweet pepper.
Fish with vegetables
Put 250 g of cod fillet or other marine low-fat fish in a portioning pan. Nearby arrange vegetables - peppers, zucchini, broccoli. Pour over with beaten egg, put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 1800C. Serve hot or cold.
Fruit salad
Peel the apple and pear, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with grapefruit juice. Remove the seeds from the plums and divide them into halves. ¼ part of the grapefruit free from films, divided into small parts.
Stir all the fruits in the salad bowl and let them brew for 10 minutes to let the juice flow. Then mix again and serve.
With this food system, you can use the above recipes or come up with your own. The main thing is that the set of products used for cooking dishes does not differ from those recommended by the Maggi diet.
How to get out of a diet
Subject to all the above rules, the weight will inexorably decrease, which cannot but rejoice. But in order for the result of two weeks of effort not to be wasted, but to last as long as possible, you need to get out of the diet correctly.
To do this, there are tips:
- you should not go on a diet just before the holidays or other celebrations, so as not to switch sharply from a limited menu to a plentiful rich table;
- in the first two or three weeks (and ideally forever), you need to abandon flour, sweet, fried and fatty dishes, and then introduce them little by little, in small portions;
- When starting a diet, you need to consume only easily digestible products: kefir, oatmeal, and vegetable purees in order to fully normalize the digestive system.
So that the lost kilograms do not return, you need not to give up physical activity and make regular exercise.
How many kilograms you can lose on a Maggi diet
The fact that the egg diet eliminates excess weight - no doubt.
But the number of kilograms left depends on a number of factors:
- individual characteristics of the body;
- initial body weight (the higher it is, the more you can lose weight);
- thorough compliance with all recommendations.
On average, according to reviews of those who have already tested the Maggi diet, you can lose from 5 to 8 kg in two weeks.
If you are going to start any diet, including egg, it is advisable to consult a general practitioner, undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests. These procedures are necessary to ensure that there are no contraindications.
For the Maggi diet, these are:
- chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- pathology of the kidneys and liver;
- allergy to eggs and citrus fruits, which form the basis of the nutrition system;
- high blood cholesterol;
- taking medicines that lower blood pressure
The diet is unacceptable for expectant mothers, as well as women who are breast-feeding a baby. They will have to wait until the baby is born and begins to eat on their own.
The Maggi diet is ideal for those who want to have a slim and graceful figure, but can not withstand severe restrictions. It is not difficult to observe it, since all dishes are hearty and there are no restrictions on their volume. But annoying kilograms literally “bounce” from the waist and hips, giving considerable joy and giving a good mood.