Will Goji Berry Weight Help? Useful properties and contraindications for the use of the fruits of ordinary dereza are constantly becoming the subject of debate. Scientists from different countries conducted research, during which it was confirmed that berries have a beneficial effect on the whole body. The product helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, accelerates the burning of calories, helps to lose extra pounds.
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Goji berries - useful properties
Common Dereza is cultivated in the Tibet region. Fruits ripen under the rays of the mountain sun, filled with useful trace elements. Due to its rich content, the product is part of diets and is useful in various diseases. To cultivate for industrial purposes this culture began in the last century. Goji Berries are a brand name. The plant is also known by other names.
The healing properties of the fruits of Tibetan barberry are due to their rich, multicomponent composition.
Tasty, red berries contain a huge amount of various trace elements:
- vitamins (tocopherol, thiamine, ascorbic acid);
- minerals (selenium, potassium, germanium, zinc);
- amino acids (lysine, threonine, tryptophan);
- mono- and polysaccharides;
- phytosterols;
- phenols.
Companies that sell Goji berries sometimes make very loud statements about the benefits of this product, attributing them various healing properties.What is this: the truth, or an advertising move? The positive effects of fruits on the body have been proven by numerous studies and trials.
The main effects that can be achieved with regular use of berries:
- blood pressure stabilization;
- prevention of malignant tumors;
- lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
- correction of sugar concentration;
- restoration of the functioning of the genital organs;
- stimulation of metabolic processes in the body;
- strengthening immunity.
The fruits of common dereza affect the condition of the heart and blood vessels, liver and urinary organs, bone and muscle systems. The product contains components useful for brain function.
For women
Goji berries contain natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the health status of the female body. Especially useful to use the fruits of dereza ordinary people with hypertension. They improve mood, help normalize the functioning of the urinary tract, which are weakened during menopause. They help in cases when menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and heavy bleeding.
The components of the berries have a rejuvenating effect, slow down age-related processes, increase the body's resistance to pathogens, and prevent the development of various diseases, in particular type II diabetes, breast and cervical cancer, Alzheimer's disease.
For men
Tibetan barberry is useful not only for women, but also for men. Not everyone knows that berries help with problems such as erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, premature ejaculation. If you include them in your diet, your stamina will increase, your erection will normalize, and your sex drive will intensify. The fruits are very nutritious, fill the body with strength and energy, therefore, it is useful to eat a handful before training, jogging. A small number of berries will help recover after exhausting physical exertion.
The benefits of Goji berries for weight loss
The popularity of the fruits of Chinese barberry is associated primarily with the fact that it helps to fight overweight, is an important component of diets that are prescribed for obesity. Due to this property, manufacturers often include dereza fruits in dietary supplements for weight loss.
- Berries contain a lot of plant fiber and protein, so they perfectly satisfy the feeling of the city. This is an excellent, low-calorie snack.
- The product prevents metabolic failures, helps maintain normal glucose levels, improves metabolism.
- Fruits saturate the body with energy, as a result of which, the endurance of a person increases when doing fitness, sports training.
- Goji improves mood, helps in the fight against stress, insomnia, and this also has a positive effect on the figure.
Of course, the fruits of dereza will not help to cope with extra pounds, if you do not adjust the diet. They are effective with an integrated approach, that is, diet, sport, an active, healthy lifestyle.
Taking Goji berries for weight loss is easy. You can eat them in dried form, use to make tea, cocktail, alcohol or water tincture.
How to take berries?
The way you eat the berries depends on your goals. If you plan to lose a few extra pounds, it is better to eat them in dried form without adding anything or making tea. If you want to improve the condition of the body, saturate it with useful trace elements, you can prepare smoothies, smoothies, add to cereals and even pies.
Tea and cocktails from Dereza
Drinks with the addition of Goji berries are not only healthy, but also very tasty. To make tea, it is enough to fill in a teapot with a tablespoon of fruit 0.5 l of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the drug 2-3 times a day in half a glass.
To make a cocktail, you need milk, which you need to whip with a mixer, add chopped goji berries. Tasty and healthy!
Useful tincture of Goji berries
This tool helps with weight loss. You can insist the fruits on a water or alcohol basis. In the first case, you need to pour a tablespoon of berries with boiled hot water. Ready to take on an empty stomach in the morning. Alcohol tincture is best prepared with vodka. At 0.5 liters, 50 grams of berries is enough. Leave the product to insist for 10 days in a dark place. After the time has elapsed, tincture can be used twice a day, 10 mg each, diluted with water. Keep the product in the refrigerator.
Read also:diuretic herbs
Cooking Application
Goji berries can be used to prepare delicious, and most importantly healthy dishes. Thanks to their excellent taste, they harmoniously combine with different products.
- Rice porrige. For one serving, pour two tablespoons of unpolished rice with cold water, add 10 berries, put on fire. Bring the dish to a boil, reduce heat, simmer until cooked. If desired, spices and salt can be added.
- Meat soup. Cut 100 grams of veal or chicken liver into small pieces, add a tablespoon of berries, cook for 40 minutes, season with chopped herbs, leave for another 10 minutes on the stove.
Children and sweet tooth can enjoy ice cream with Goji berries. To prepare it, you need to soften the usual creamy ice cream at room temperature, add the fruits, figs, beat with a mixer. Cool the finished dish, serve, decorating with pistachios or nuts.
How to eat berries - instructions
To achieve good results from eating Goji berries, you should adhere to certain rules. A day is enough to eat 25 grams of fruit in any form (dried, steamed). If your goal is losing weight, you will have to adjust the diet, exclude high-calorie foods from it, replacing it with healthy foods. Do not consume too many berries at a time, it can cause allergies.
Contraindications and possible harm
If you take Goji berries in the recommended amount, they will bring nothing but benefit. If the dose is exceeded, headache, nausea, weakness, vomiting, sleep disturbance, side effects from the digestive tract can occur.
The main contraindications to the use of Himalayan fruits:
- period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- tendency to allergic reactions;
- children under 3 years old;
- indigestion (diarrhea, flatulence).
You can not combine the use of Goji berries with the use of drugs from certain pharmacokinetic groups (sleeping pills, anticoagulants). Patients with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypotension and hypertension, and blood clotting disorders should consult a specialist before administering berries to the diet.