The burrowing dog breed of the yagd terrier, which is also known as the German hunting terrier, is designed to become the ideal companion for an experienced hunter. However, despite the exclusively working qualities of the dog, with proper upbringing, the pet can also be a faithful member of the family.

Description and characteristics of the breed

Dogs of this breed can hardly be called majestic. At the same time, they attract the views of those surrounding with laconic forms and style. Their concentration and a heavy chin in combination with a tense look create the impression of a stiff dog. The character of the yagd terrier is rather complicated due to the interweaving of such hunting qualities as courage, fearlessness, purposefulness and unrestrained energy with the playfulness, devotion inherent exclusively to pets.

The hot temperament of the dog manifests itself from a very early age, when she tries to suppress the owner, having prevailed over him. This tendency does not disappear as you grow older: the yagd terrier can even use its teeth. Because of this, inexperienced owners who start a representative of the breed often condemn themselves and the four-legged pet to torment, with whom they are unable to control.

Dogs are quite tolerant of children, if we initially designate for small family members the permissible boundaries of communication with the yagd terrier. Since the breed cannot be considered nanny dogs, it is necessary to teach a puppy from an early age to interact with children.The hunting terrier gets along with pets hard: if he can reconcile with another dog or cat while living together from the first days of appearing in the house, then rodents and birds are a welcome prey for the four-legged hunter, which he will definitely try for a tooth.

Origin history

The German hunting terrier was bred in Germany in 1924: a year after the selection work began. It was assumed that the dog will have a small size, dark color, good adaptive and hunting qualities, and endurance. To this end, Fox Terriers, German Hounds, Dachshunds and Pinschers were crossed.


Due to the reduction in the number of representatives of the breed in the years after World War II, dogs were allowed to be bred even with slight deviations in the exterior. Although initially puppies that did not meet pedigree standards were immediately shot. In the post-Soviet space, yagd terriers gained popularity only in the 70s. XX century, when the number of breeds was increased, and the requirements for compliance with standards tightened.

Breed standard and puppy selection

The thoroughbred dog of a yagd terrier should correspond to the following pedigree standards:

  • The head is elongated, wedge-shaped.
  • The nose is black or brown, medium in size.
  • Muzzle - slightly shortened with a smooth transition from a flat forehead.
  • Jaws are strong.
  • Eyes - small, oval
  • Ears are triangular, hanging on the cartilage, with a high rise.
  • Build - a compact body with a strong back and deep chest.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel.
  • Tail - set high, docked.
  • Weight - males should weigh 9-10 kg, and females - 8-9 kg.
  • Growth - males can reach 40 cm, while the height of bitches is 28-36 cm.
  • The coat is short and thick. According to the quality of the hairline, two varieties of the breed are distinguished: smooth-haired and wire-haired terriers.
  • Color - black, zoning gray or dark brown with a red tan in the muzzle, chest, extremities, as well as above the eyes and under the tail.

When choosing a puppy, it is necessary to take into account a number of important nuances:

  • Parents - when buying a dog, you should look at its parents, with whom the future pet should not have a distant resemblance. If you plan to use a puppy for hunting, then you should choose among the manufacturers who have repeatedly participated in exhibitions and other competitions.
  • Appearance - the puppy should be quite well-fed and meet breed standards.
  • Behavior - before making a purchase, you need to follow the puppy's mental state, playfulness, activity. Good hunters will try to escape from their hands and playfully attack.
  • Availability of documents and metrics - if the producers were allowed to breed, then the puppy must be accompanied by a metric. The presence of a veterinary passport with vaccination marks will be evidence of the good health of the acquired baby.

Features of keeping a dog

Since the size of the German hunting terrier is quite small, it can live both in apartment conditions and in a private house with a personal territory.

In order for the owner and the dog to live in harmony, a number of features must be taken into account:

  • Toys - when kept indoors so that the dog does not spoil the furniture, you should acquire a large number of toys.
  • Walking - active representatives of the breed need long and systematic physical exertion. If hunting with a yagd terrier is not possible, it is recommended to make long runs with it in the fresh air.
  • The presence of animals - since it is difficult to overcome the hunting instinct, it is better not to get a dog in apartments where pets already live.
  • Fencing - if the dog lives in a private house, where in the summer he freely exits into the yard, hedges should be protected by garden fencing, and a deep foundation should be poured under the external fence.

Care and Feeding

Jagdterrier is considered unpretentious breed in leaving. But to maintain good health and beauty of the dog, it is required to bathe, comb out, and also carry out other hygiene procedures on a regular basis.

Hair care

To hairline and undercoat shone and not tangled, you need to comb out the pet weekly with a comb with natural hair. A four-legged hunter is systematically treated for fleas, all dogs are susceptible to attacks. After each walk, the wool is carefully inspected for ticks, which, if detected, are immediately removed.


Representatives of the breed are dripped as necessary when using special shampoos. When the water procedures are completed, the dog is well wiped and dried with a hairdryer, if the room is cool. When the pet’s coat dries naturally, make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Eye and ear care


The eyes of the pet are very sensitive to various irritants. Every 2 weeks you should wipe them with cotton pads moistened with a special solution. When they are acidified, the procedure is carried out immediately. Auricles are also systematically examined, which, if sulfur is detected, must be carefully cleaned with cotton buds.

Tooth and Claw Care

If dogs often walk on asphalt and dig holes, then the claws usually grind on their own. Otherwise, the hygiene procedure must be carried out monthly, cutting off the horn formations with a special tool. After each walk, the paws should be checked for splintering or cracks that need to be treated with a disinfectant and healing agent.

Another weak point of the hunting breed is teeth that need to be cleaned regularly. So that the procedure does not cause discomfort in the pet, accustoming to it starts from the first days the puppy appears in the apartment. In the future, the cleanliness of the oral cavity will save the dog not only from problems with an unpleasant odor, but also from various diseases that arise due to gum disease or tooth decay.



A properly composed diet is the key to the energy and good health of the yagd terrier.

For convenience, the owner may prefer ready-made dry feed of a premium class for hunting breeds. If time allows, then you can cook your own food, be sure to include cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, as well as fish and meat in the menu.

The frequency of feeding puppies depends on their age:

  • up to 2.5 months - 5 times;
  • up to 4 months - 4 times;
  • up to 8 months - 3 times;
  • older than 9 months - twice a day.

Education and training of the Jagdterrier (Jagdterrier)

It is necessary to educate a puppy from the moment it appears, when the owner-dog vertical is only set.

If the owner does not show rigidity, then the yagd terrier will cease to reckon with him. You should start training after your pet reaches 6 months, starting with simple commands. To prepare for the hunt, it is better to use the services of specialists who deal with the dog for six months 2 times a day, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after eating.

It is not recommended to overload the four-legged friend, but it cannot be kept without training:

inactivity, lack of physical activity significantly reduce the life expectancy of a hunting dog.

Pros and cons of the breed

The positive qualities of the breed include:

  • suspiciousness to strangers, making a dog a great guard;
  • decisiveness and determination to drive the pursued prey;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • courage;
  • independence.

Negative qualities of the breed of yagd terrier are also inherent in:

  • aggression towards other animals;
  • mild excitability.

How much does a German hunting terrier cost

Puppies of a yagd terrier cost from 50 to 150 $. The price is affected by:

  • titled parents;
  • big name of the nursery;
  • compliance;
  • puppy gender;
  • the availability of documents.

Terrier dogs are difficult dogs and will be suitable only for experienced dog breeders who are aware of the nuances of the breed and are not afraid to encounter difficulties in communicating with a decisive, brave four-legged hunter.