Alas, barley groats are not such a popular dish as, for example, buckwheat or rice. But in vain, since it contains a very large number of elements necessary for the body. And so that the followers of this dish will significantly increase, today we will tell in detail about barley porridge, its benefits and harms in some cases.
Material Content:
Composition, calories and nutritional value
The raw material for the production of barley groats is barley, which is crushed, cleaning the inflorescences from the shell. This cereal is a real storehouse of useful substances, helping to treat and prevent many ailments of our body.
- the vitamin composition is represented by A, group B, E and a very rare PP;
- micronutrients, macronutrients and fiber;
- ash and coarse fibers;
- disaccharides, monosaccharides and fatty acids (saturated);
- starch and water.
A cell surpasses wheat in usefulness due to the presence of vegetable protein in it, and completely digestible.
The product has a high nutritional value - 324 Kcal in 100 grams of dry cereal (in boiled cereal on water - up to 100 Kcal). For comparison, in buckwheat this indicator is 310, in wheat - 316, rice - 78, and in millet - 90 Kcal.
With such a high calorie content, barley porridge is considered a dietary dish due to the fact that when it is used, the body receives energy, and not extra pounds on the body.
About the benefits
Due to its composition, cereals are recommended for people to recover from undergoing surgery and after a long illness.
In addition, the useful properties of barley grits are distributed:
- For people with allergies, and regardless of the direction of the disease.
- For inflammation, problems of the genitourinary and endocrine spheres.
- To increase the protective functions of the body.
- On the nervous system, relieving irritability, helping to cope with stress and depression.
- On the exterior, slowing down the aging process of tissues.
- To the intestines, effectively cleansing it of harmful elements.
- On the optic nerves and muscles.
- On the entire cardiovascular system.
- On brain activity and metabolic processes.
- On the circulatory system, purifying the blood, reducing the effect of cholesterol (bad) and eliminating fat deposits.
Cooked porridge has a unique enveloping property. A diet based on barley porridge is optimal for those who want to lose weight. After all, the composition of the product is as balanced as possible and completely absorbed by the body.
Note: barley groats and pearl barley are essentially the same cereal. The difference is only in processing and barley is considered the most useful, and it tastes softer and more tender.
Another important positive side of eating porridge is its low cost and affordability. In any food store you will always find cereal in any form.
On water or on milk?
Nutritionists and many doctors find porridge boiled in water more beneficial. And that's why:
- such a dish is better absorbed by the body;
- when cooking on water, calories are reduced, which makes the product effective for people who want to lose weight;
- the greatest severity of the enveloping action makes porridge very useful for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- with milk protein intolerance, cereal prepared in water is the best option.
A dish boiled in milk also has its advantages. First of all, he has better taste and more nutritional value. And since many vitamins are maximally absorbed only in the presence of fats, this cooking option is great for young children.
It is interesting:spelling benefit and harm
But there is also an alternative cooking option, in order to improve the taste and not harm the figure - when cooking, combine 4: 1 proportions of water and milk, respectively.
Lose weight on barley porridge
The effectiveness of barley porridge for weight loss is based on the presence in its composition of a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestines and rid the body of toxins. And the cereal is filled with slow carbohydrates, contributing to fast and long saturation.
Here is a simple recipe for a shape-improving box that will require 600 ml of water and 200 g of cereal to make:
- Rinse the cereal thoroughly under running water until it is completely clean.
- Pour plain water into the cooked dishes and boil.
- Pour the cereal and bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 25 minutes.
- After boiling most of the liquid, remove the pan from the stove, and if desired, simmer in the oven for about half an hour, which will make the porridge even more saturated.
Everything, healthy and tasty dish is ready.
Important: you can’t add sugar or butter to porridge, otherwise you are unlikely to lose weight on such a diet.
For the duration of the diet, you will have to forget about sweets, dairy products, fatty meat, processed foods, smoked meats and canned goods. And also do not get involved in sweet carbonated drinks and pastries.
Give preference to fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, white chicken and low-calorie yoghurts. And it is desirable to drink simple, mineral and green tea water with the addition of honey instead of sugar, if desired.
Barley porridge during pregnancy and lactation
It is not necessary to talk about the benefits of barley porridge for the body of a pregnant woman because of its antispasmodic and diuretic properties. And this can provoke a premature birth, disrupting the course of pregnancy.
For women in the postpartum period - lactation, this dish is very useful, regular use of which will solve many problems:
- will give strength and restore energy and physical loss;
- improves mood and improves sleep;
- positively affects the entire digestive tract, relieving constipation;
- maintains blood glucose levels and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.
And the presence in the porridge of an amino acid called lysine will protect the woman’s body from colds, including flu.
To get the maximum benefit from eating barley porridge during breastfeeding, you must follow some rules:
- Start with a small amount - a serving of not more than 40 g. With the normal reaction of the baby to the introduced dish, gradually increase the amount to 150 g three times a week.
- It is desirable to cook in water, and 3-4 months after the start of introducing cereals into your diet, you can also cook in milk.
- Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be added after you eat a cell for a long time.
- When buying cereals, pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging, rinsing it thoroughly before use.
It is not recommended to eat barley porridge during lactation for women with serious heart ailments, inflammation of the intestines and stomach.
Is barley porridge useful or harmful for children?
Despite the large assortment of various cereals in stores, it will still be tastier, more useful and more profitable to cook the dish yourself.
Barley porridge is recommended to be introduced into the diet of a baby from 2 years old due to the fact that it is a bit heavy for the children's digestive system. At the same time, in the cell there is much more fiber and useful ingredients than, for example, in barley, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
There is a lot of phosphorus in the cereal, and it allows you to fully absorb calcium and ensure high-quality brain function. Barley porridge normalizes metabolic processes in a small body, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases.
With proper preparation of the dish, it will become an excellent antibacterial agent, which is recommended for diabetes, ailments of the gall bladder and urinary tract, as well as the liver and kidneys.
Is barley porridge harmful?
Barley porridge is also good with a minimal amount of contraindications. The main one is a disease of celiac disease, characterized by the inability to completely break down gluten (gluten protein). And, of course, you have to abandon the dish with individual intolerance to the components of the product.
Read also: gluten free: what is it and why is it harmful
If you have been diagnosed with serious diseases of the stomach and intestines, then you can use the dish after obtaining permission from your doctor.
Porridge can be harmful if it is improperly prepared and consumed inappropriately, especially milk, which can result in an increase in body weight.
It is desirable to cook it, insisting in a thermos, without adding butter and sugar. Such a dish will be as useful and dietary as possible, without harming your figure and body.
Compliance with these simple rules and recommendations will help solve health and weight problems, while improving your mood. Health to you and your loved ones!