To date, the apple tree variety Medunitsa is recognized as one of the best among the sweet apple trees of early ripening. The claimed characteristics of the variety are confirmed by time and numerous positive reviews.
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The history of the cultivation of the apple tree variety Medunitsa
Leading breeder S.I. Isaev worked on the cultivation of the variety in the 1930s. As a result of the work, many species were developed that showed resistance to frost. The scientist created varieties that have good immunity to many diseases.
A fruit crop emerged from a cross between Welsey and Brown Striped Apple. The plant got its name in honor of the spring flower. Despite the fact that the variety has not yet been included in the State Register, this did not prevent it from gaining popularity among gardeners.
Description and characteristics of the variety
Apple trees belong to tall varieties, since a tree can reach a height of up to seven meters. The tree has a wide crown with lush foliage. The ability to shoot formation is average. In order for the tree to develop correctly, and the crop to ripen evenly, the crown needs regular and correct pruning.
The leaves have an elongated, slightly rounded, shape. Color is light green. The fruits are medium sized. An apple weighs about 150 grams. The shape is most often round, but sometimes conical. The ripeness of the fruit is indicated by a yellow-green color with pronounced stripes more often than red or orange. Sometimes apples can take on a red tint.
Apples are sweet, sugar content is about 14%. They have a dense texture, but quite juicy. The fruits have a light honey hue to taste.
Apple-tree Medunitsa is able to grow in areas with cold climatic conditions. This summer variety, unlike other apple trees that grow in our hemispheres, has a sweet taste without a characteristic acidity.
Fruiting of Medunitsa on seed stock begins around the fifth year. Active harvesting is observed for 12-15 years. The tree itself is able to bear fruit for about 50 years. In the middle latitudes, apples begin to be harvested in late summer - early fall. Fruits can ripen unevenly due to plentiful foliage.
Growing Features
Growing an apple tree of Lungwort has its advantages and disadvantages.
Among the first include:
- Winter resistance.
- Good resistance to scab and fruit rot.
- High stable yield.
- Pleasant taste with a honey aroma.
- Early ripening.
- A small amount of sugar.
The main disadvantages of the variety:
- Regularly trim.
- Every year it is necessary to normalize the crop.
- The fruits are not stored for long.
- Apples do not ripen at the same time.
- If apples are stored for more than 2 weeks, then they lose their original aroma and taste.
Dates and rules for outdoor planting
The apple tree variety Medunitsa is one of the most unpretentious. But at the same time, experts still advise to adhere to several basic rules that will help to grow a healthy tree.
Planting seedlings is necessary in the autumn, about a week 3 in advance of frost. This time will be enough for the tree to take root and prepare for winter.
Please note that this rule is valid for those regions where in winter the earth is covered with a thick snow layer. If you live in low snow latitudes, then the seedling must be planted in the spring.
The tree will feel great in loamy mail, it also does not tolerate stagnation of water, so when planting you need to provide a layer of drainage. It is desirable that there is enough free space around the apple tree, keep in mind that the height of the tree will be at least 5 meters.
Proper planting of an apple tree consists of several stages:
- A few weeks before the tree is planted, prepare a hole, on average, it should have a diameter of 1 meter.
- In the hole, it is advised to establish a stake, to which you then attach the plant.
- Put the seedling in the hole, before you start to fall asleep, properly straighten the root system. During planting, expect that the root collar should protrude 8 centimeters. Tamp the ground well.
- Before you start watering, you can form a small hole around the seedling, this will simplify the task, and the necessary moisture will flow to the root system.
How to care for the apple tree Medunitsa
Caring for Medunitsa does not require any special skills. This apple variety needs regular fertilizing and top dressing. It is necessary to nourish the soil from early spring. To activate growth, a portion of urea is added to the young trees. With the advent of summer, I advise you to spray the crown with sodium humate. But in the first autumn month make a solution of superphosphate. This fertilizer application is intended for apple trees that have not yet begun to produce crops.
Periodically, apple trees are recommended to be treated with a solution of carbonar and wood ash. During the ovary and ripening of the fruit, you can spray the crown with a solution of manganese, copper or zinc.
During the first 10 years, shaping pruning of the apple tree is carried out. Extra branches are removed annually, shoots are shortened. Upon reaching a three-meter height, it is necessary to cut the central conductor over a strong side branch located in the upper part of the crown.
Further pruning is carried out on demand. You can cut the tops, remove damaged branches or those that do not grow correctly.
After some time, gardeners notice that the plant's yield decreases, plus the growth rate of young shoots decreases sharply.With these symptoms, it is worth performing a rejuvenating pruning. It will extend the fruiting of the apple tree for a few more years.
Pest and Disease Treatment
Many reviews say that Medunitsa is a fairly strong tree and is resistant to many diseases and pests. But sometimes there are times when this variety can get sick. To prevent this, the plant should be processed in a timely manner.
- In autumn and spring, it is necessary to whiten the trunk of the apple tree, this will protect it from fungal formations, rot and small insects.
- If you do not follow the plant, then it may encounter dark scab marks. Prevention of the disease is a solution of ammonium nitrate. In spring they process the near-stem circle of the plant.
- During budding, the apple tree can be irrigated with Bordeaux liquid. A second procedure is carried out after flowering.
Collection and storage of apples
Harvesting is allowed, both in a slightly unripe form and in the phase of full ripening. Therefore, the shelf life depends entirely on what time the fruits were harvested. Unripe apples can be stored for 3-4 months, ripe fruits are advised to keep for about a month.
Over time, there may be a change in the taste characteristics of the fruit, as well as their aroma. Due to the fact that apples cannot be stored for a long time, they are used for the production of stewed fruit, fruit drinks, preserves and so on.