This juice is the most affordable for Russians. It is sold at every grocery store, but many prefer to make it at home. It is not surprising, because in the summer season fruits in summer cottages are ripening in abundance, and many varieties can be stored all winter. The benefits and harms of apple juice for the body are becoming a topic for observation and research. After all, both adults and children drink this sweet, light drink a lot and often.
Material Content:
Apple juice: benefits for the human body
Natural apple juice contains the same vitamins and trace elements as fruits that have just been picked from a tree. Potassium and sodium, zinc and phosphorus, manganese and iron, volatile, malic acid, glucose and fructose, starch and proteins - all this is in the amber sweet drink. Of the vitamins in its composition include: A, B, C. E, H, PP.
So many useful substances, and at the same time, the total calorie content of the juice is very low - only 45 - 46 Kcal per 100 g! Of course, we are talking about freshly squeezed juice, and not about drinks prepared at the factory - they can add sugar and other, not the most useful ingredients.
Therefore, apple juice, cooked with one's own hand, can be drunk in a fairly large amount, even for overweight people.
The healing properties of juice
It is no coincidence that the proverb “One apple drives a doctor away” was born.
Fruits, as well as freshly squeezed apple juice, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.The flavonoid epicatechin, which is part of the fetus, cleanses the blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques and restores their lost tone. The risk of developing angina pectoris is reduced, the risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced, the body is literally becoming younger.
It is recommended to consume juice regularly, because in the process such processes occur in the body:
- Lowers blood sugar.
- The development of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract is prevented.
- The condition is improved in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
- The stool is normalized.
- High blood pressure decreases.
- The development of sclerosis and Alzheimer's slows down.
Thus, the drink is a real "doctor", not only tasty, but also affordable.
What is useful freshly squeezed apple juice
Juice that can be bought in stores is often touted as “100% natural.” But if you read the composition of the drink on the box, you can understand that there are still many different additives, including those very far from "naturalness." Sugar, preservatives, flavorings, flavoring agents, coloring agents ... Does your body need this?
It is freshly squeezed juice made from fresh apples that brings maximum benefit to the body. You need to drink it no later than half an hour after the juicer has finished its work. It is in such a drink that the natural concentration of vitamins and minerals is preserved.
How to drink a drink for health
- When preparing apples for juice, it’s enough to wash and cut them, but you don’t need to peel them beforehand, since the skin contains many useful substances.
- Preferably, metal products, for example, spoons or pans that are not enameled, do not come into contact with the juice. The process of oxidation of the liquid in contact with the metal will go faster and after 5 to 10 minutes a healthy drink will become ... useless.
- Drinking juice is best through straws. Or you can buy special cups “with spouts”, of which they drink mineral water at such resorts. This will help preserve tooth enamel. Still, acid ...
For young children, it is advisable to breed apple juice with water, otherwise the baby may be nauseous or his stool will be disturbed. The fact is that at this age, the body does not yet produce the enzymes necessary for the full digestion of juice. In some cases, it is better to prefer a compote of fresh apples, or store juice in a box specially designed for baby food.
The optimal amount of drink that can be consumed per day is up to 1 liter. On rare fasting days on apple juice - up to 2 liters. After a month of regular intake of fruit juices, you should take a break for several weeks.
Apple juice at night or on an empty stomach: the benefits and harms
Fasting apple juice is not the best option. Many people know this feeling: they drank a glass in the morning, and nausea rolled up. It's all about its high acidity, so it is better to drink after a meal. In this case, he will show his best qualities - will charge you with energy and energy for the whole day.
As for whether to drink juice at night, opinions differ. Some claim that he will give you a sound sleep and vivid dreams. Others (including doctors) warn that the drink activates the pancreas and bladder. So, perhaps at night you have to wake up more than once to visit the toilet.
Weight Loss Application
Apples and juice made from them are often used by those who want to lose weight.
The substances that make up these fruits have the following “weight loss” effect:
- activate the gallbladder and kidneys;
- improve digestion;
- remove excess fluid, normal metabolism.
When drinking a drink, a person who is on a diet will not look exhausted. Good complexion, supple skin, shiny eyes - all this will be preserved, thanks to the use of juice for the body.
You can drink fresh before starting sports, for example, before fitness.
There are special fasting days when you can’t take anything in your mouth but apple juice. During this period, he is drunk in a glass every 2 hours.
How to make juice at home
The easiest way to make a drink is with a juicer. Apples for him are selected of various varieties.
- For children - sweet.
- For diabetics - sour.
- For those who suffer from high blood pressure, it is better to prefer green fruits.
- Healthy people can focus on their taste.
In addition, having a juicer is easy to experiment with. Apple juice can be mixed with carrot, beetroot, pumpkin, orange - there are no options.
It is best to drink a drink immediately after preparation. You can dilute it with water so that it is not so saturated, or add a spoon or two of honey.
If the strain is filtered, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days. But it’s worth leaving the juice on the table, as it will ferment, turning into cider.
Many people want to stock up on juice for the winter, because apples in the country usually ripen inadvertently; Making drinks in this situation is a great option. To get a 3-liter jar of product, you need about 10 kg of apples. It is better to take the most juicy varieties.
After the juice is squeezed out, it is allowed to stand a little, and then filtered through cheesecloth. The pan with the drink is heated, almost boiling, and the froth is removed. Then it is poured into sterilized cans and rolled up. Such juice can be stored all winter.
Possible harm from use
It would seem that apple juice should only be beneficial, but not. Here, too, you need to know the measure.
- People with diabetes can only drink juice made from unsweetened fruits.
- With exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases and gastritis with high acidity, it is necessary to strictly follow a diet. And if it does not include apple juice - it’s not worth the risk.
- Rarely, an allergy develops on this type of juice. Typically, the reaction manifests itself already in childhood, so that you need to introduce apple juice in the baby’s menu a little and at the same time carefully monitor his well-being.
If you follow these simple rules, then the juice from fresh apples will be truly a "youthful drink." It is also useful and very tasty.