Infection with lice is the scientific name "head lice." This is an extremely delicate problem that they usually try not to advertise. In public opinion, it is associated with dysfunction and unscrupulousness, so many seek to eliminate it on their own, without attracting attention. How to get rid of lice at home is described in the proposed material.
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How to detect lice in adults and children?
According to the World Health Organization, pediculosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases. In particular, in Russia annually from 180 to 200 cases of infection with lice are recorded for every 100 thousand people. It is characteristic that children most often suffer from head lice - especially in the age group of 3 to 6 years.
Lice are small insects that parasitize on the human body, feeding on their blood. Lice of the species Pediculus humanus capitis (head) live on the hair of the head, Phthirus pubis (ploshchita) on the pubic hair, Pediculus humanus corporis (clothes louse) on bedding and clothes.
Pediculosis is called an infection with a head louse.
You can diagnose pediculosis by the following set of symptoms:
Symptom | Manifestation | Mechanism of occurrence |
Severe itching | The patient constantly combs his head, especially the occipital region and behind the ears. Itching is permanent, does not stop at night or after shampooing. | Insects crawl along the scalp, irritating nerve receptors.With bites, the saliva of lice enters the epithelium and is irritating. |
Skin inflammation | On the scalp and along the border of the scalp, rashes resembling allergic are observed. Sometimes they take the form of small papules with purulent contents. | They are the result of sensitization of the patient to a specific protein, which is contained in the saliva of insects. |
Skin pigmentation | On the scalp there are spots of bluish tint. Between them there are visible traces of scratching with caked blood crusts. | Occur after a prolonged course of pediculosis in the absence of treatment. Spots develop at the site of calculations and rashes as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. |
In both adults and children, lice are found during a visual examination of the scalp. Since insects have a small body size and protective color, it can be quite difficult to notice them at an early stage of damage.
To facilitate diagnosis, it is customary to use the following algorithm:
- from the lower part of the occipital region, behind the ears and on the temples, to extend the hair and examine the area near the roots;
- if it is found on the hair 1-2 cm from the roots of small milk-white sacs, try to knock them down with your finger;
- if the bags are firmly attached to the hair shaft and do not stray, then these are nits and a person has lice.
Lice are called lice eggs. By their presence, a diagnosis of “head lice” is made, even if adult insects are not found during examination. Even one accidentally picked up louse can make masonry. Egg maturation lasts 5-8 days, after which nymph larvae emerge from them, which immediately begin to actively eat. Thrice molting, they turn into sexually mature individuals. A further pathological process is developing rapidly.
Causes of Pediculosis
With regard to pediculosis, there are many misconceptions and myths that require debunking:
- Myth number 1 - lice indicate uncleanliness. Launched forms of pediculosis, indeed, are more often observed in children from dysfunctional families and in adults leading an asocial lifestyle. However, lice feel great on clean, well-groomed hair. They are not washed off by water and are resistant to ordinary shampoos and balms.
- Myth number 2 - lice are transmitted from dogs, cats, birds and other animals. Pediculus humanus capitis is a highly specialized parasite that lives only on the human body. It is impossible to get lice from animals. Other species of insects that are not adapted to “human conditions” live on wool and feathers. Lice are transmitted only from person to person.
- Myth number 3 - lice jump from one head to another. Lice are not fleas; they cannot jump. However, they crawl rather briskly, moreover, their legs with bent claws are adapted to move precisely through the hair. On a smooth surface, the louse is helpless enough. They are able to migrate from head to head with close contact of people with each other.
- Myth number 4 - lice live under the skin. This misconception is common due to incorrect self-diagnosis. Under the skin on the head, a scabies mite can parasitize, which also causes severe itching, scratching, rash and bloody crusts. But lice are exclusively cutaneous parasites.
- Myth number 5 - lice start up due to stress. In this case, cause and effect are confused. In patients with pediculosis, indeed, there is increased nervousness caused by poor sleep and constant irritating itching. For the parasites themselves, the psychological state of a person does not matter.
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Pediculosis is the result of close social contacts.
That is why children are more often infected, who are more likely than adults to violate each other's personal space. Sources of infection can be common household items - hairbrushes, hair clips, towels, bedding.If a child “brought lice” from a kindergarten, school or summer camp, the whole family will have to be treated.
You can catch pediculosis in public transport at rush hour, with hugs shared by a selfie. Lice are easily kept on the water for some time, so sometimes they get on your hair when swimming in pools or standing open ponds. Fortunately, they do not live long outside the human body - no more than 2 days.
A quick way to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day
To destroy adult insects and larvae is a simple task. This, indeed, can be done in one day. Things are much more complicated with nits. Females attach their eggs to the hair shaft with a special sticky secret, which is very difficult to break. Even killed and dried nits remain on the head for a long time, gradually shifting from the root as the hair grows.
In one day, you can get rid of lice and nits only in one way - a haircut. To do this, polyethylene or an old sheet is spread on the floor, gloves are put on the hands and the patient is shaved with a machine. Then the film or sheet is folded together with hair, placed in a bag and disposed of. The patient’s clothes are boiling, the machine is thoroughly washed and wiped with alcohol.
How to cure pediculosis at home
It is possible to recover from pediculosis by less radical means. This will take a little longer, but will save your hair.
Mechanical control methods
The oldest way to get rid of lice and nits is to comb them out. Previously, a frequent comb was used for this, but now you can buy a special comb with a special relief on long metal teeth.
The procedure is as follows:
- the patient is comfortably seated with his back to the sink or bath;
- washed his head with shampoo and rinsed with water, acidified with vinegar;
- slightly dry the hair with a towel and, separating one strand, carefully comb the head, starting from the back of the head;
- during combing, rinse the comb from time to time in water with vinegar.
The advantage of the mechanical method is that it is suitable for absolutely all patients with pediculosis due to the absence of allergic reactions. Using scallops, you can get rid of lice in pregnant women and young children who have contraindications to the use of chemicals.
However, this method requires patience. The procedure must be performed for at least an hour and repeated for several days in a row. After this, another month you need to continue combing after each shampoo.
An alternative to prolonged and painstaking combing is modern pediculicidal preparations. In the absence of contraindications, you can use the following means:
Name of the drug and form of release | Mode of application | The required number of procedures | Contraindications |
Nittifor cream | The cream is applied to the roots of the hair and left for 40 minutes. Then the hair is washed well with shampoo, combed with a frequent comb and dried. The drug kills adult insects, larvae and nits | 2 with an interval of 10-14 days | • pregnancy and lactation; • individual intolerance; • age up to 5 years; • the presence of inflammation and wounds on the scalp. |
Foxilon Lotion | A cotton swab or sponge is wetted with the product, and the roots of moistened clean hair are liberally lubricated. After 10 minutes, the drug is washed off, the head is washed with shampoo. The drug does not kill nits. | 2-3 with an interval of 5 days | • lactation and pregnancy; • individual intolerance; • concomitant skin diseases; • the presence of wounds and combs; • age up to 5 years. |
“Paranit”, shampoo and comb included | The hair is moisturized, the product is applied to the hair, foams well and leaves for 30 minutes. The head is washed with a simple shampoo and combed out with a comb. The drug destroys only adults. | 2-2 with an interval of 5-7 days | • lactation and pregnancy; • individual intolerance; • inflammation and wounds on the skin; • age up to 3 years. |
"Para Plus" aerosol | The spray is sprayed on dry hair, divided into strands, and left for 10 minutes. Then the head is washed with a simple shampoo. The tool destroys adult lice, larvae and nits. | 2 with an interval of 10-14 days | •bronchial asthma; • individual intolerance; • age up to 2.5 years. |
Any pediculicidal drug, regardless of its declared effectiveness, must be used at least 2 times. This is necessary to exclude the accidental survival of any egg or specimen capable of restoring the population.
Mixed method
The greatest effectiveness in the fight against parasites is achieved with a combination of drug and mechanical methods. That is why some tools come with a special comb. The essence of the mixed method is the chemical treatment of lice with the subsequent combing out of dead animals.
The main advantage of this combination is the ability to quickly get rid of dead nits that remain in the hair after regular washing and rinsing. In addition, not all remedies act on the eggs, and the less they remain, the easier it will be to cure pediculosis.
We bring out lice and nits folk remedies
Since lice accompany people throughout human history, folk experience has accumulated many ways to get rid of these parasites.
If there is no suitable drug at hand, you can try the following recipes adapted to modern conditions:
- Vodka compress. The hair is copiously moistened with vodka, a plastic cap is put on the head and wrapped in a towel. After 40 minutes, the head is washed with shampoo and dried with a hot hairdryer.
- Dust soap and vinegar rinse. Hair is well soaped with dust soap, the foam is aged on the head for 30-40 minutes under a plastic cap, after which the head is washed with shampoo. With an aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (for 1 part vinegar - 5 parts water), the hair is rinsed.
- Vinegar with salt. Dilute 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3. On a glass of solution add 1 tablespoon with a slide of table salt. Apply to clean, dried hair and leave under a hat for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with shampoo, treat with a restoring balm and dry with a hot hairdryer.
The lack of folk remedies is an aggressive effect on the structure of the hair. Their effectiveness is also not always predictable. Therefore, they must be used several times with an interval of 5 days and take measures to restore hair.
Treatment with kerosene and turpentine
Kerosene or turpentine are old, but rather radical remedies for lice. It is difficult to recommend them, since their use is fraught with burns to the skin or eyes. However, they really get rid of lice well.
To reduce the likelihood of burns, kerosene or turpentine is mixed with vegetable oil in a proportion of 1:10. The product is applied to the hair roots, the head is covered with a plastic cap and wrapped in a towel. Kerosene compress is kept on the hair overnight. Turpentine - about 40 minutes.
The use of kerosene and turpentine compresses is contraindicated in children, pregnant women and people with sensitive skin.
Remedy for lice and nits for children
Vegetable oil and without aggressive additives in the form of kerosene helps a lot with pediculosis.
From it you can prepare a soft baby remedy for lice:
- a glass of sunflower, soy, burdock or olive oil to warm to body temperature;
- pour a glass of vodka into it;
- if the child is not allergic, add a few drops of lavender or clove oil to it.
Lubricate the hair of the child with the resulting composition and put on a plastic hat. Soak for 1 hour, wash your hair with baby shampoo and comb out the hair with a comb to remove nits.
Very young children under 3 years old can lubricate their head with pure vegetable oil. It clogs the spiracles of adults and larvae, and they die.Since oil does not affect lice eggs, such treatments should be done 3-4 with an interval of 5 days.
Preventative measures
Unfortunately, it is guaranteed to avoid infection with pediculosis only full isolation from society will help.
However, a number of preventive measures significantly reduce this risk:
- restriction of head-to-head contacts with strangers;
- the use of individual towels, combs, hats, etc .;
- the use of bathing caps when using the pool or swimming in open waters;
- stabbing long hair when using public transport at rush hour;
- compliance with cleanliness of the premises and the rules of personal hygiene.
If lice are found in a child, do not be shy to inform the head of the children's team about this. Most likely, the infection took place there, so all children require an urgent examination.
After pediculicidal treatment, all households should change their bedding and thoroughly clean the house. In this case, special attention should be paid to fleecy surfaces - carpets, furniture upholstery, sofa cushions, bedspreads. Ideally, they require steam treatment.
- Tatyana
- Maria
- Yulia