Some people think that coffee is a healthy and safe drink. At the same time, many people are sure that with systematic use there are various health problems. Let's look at the harm that coffee has on the body.
Material Content:
- 1 What harm does coffee bring to the human body as a whole?
- 2 Side effects of a coffee drink
- 3 Instant Coffee: Health Harm
- 4 Is it possible to lose weight by drinking coffee
- 5 The harm that brings coffee to the skin of the face
- 6 How to drink a drink without harm to the body
- 7 Refusing coffee is simple and easy!
What harm does coffee bring to the human body as a whole?
Coffee gives a feeling of increased energy and causes addiction. The body gets used over time, requiring more caffeine.
Side effects when drinking a drink:
- When used on an empty stomach, hydrochloric acid production is stimulated and dyspepsia is caused.
- It is believed that coffee causes and exacerbates heart disease. There is a risk that cholesterol levels will rise.
- Affects the nervous system, heart rate. Causes negative effects on blood pressure.
- Disrupts the intestines.
- It has a negative effect on people with osteoporosis.
- When used in the evening or at night, it causes sleep disturbance.
- Hearing impairment is worsening.
- It causes heartburn.
- Disturbed blood vessels.
- It stimulates the digestive system, as a result, the drink exhibits a laxative effect. As a result, the intestines begin to remove waste before they can be processed and give up beneficial substances.
- Causes small bowel irritation, causing cramps and cramping. As a result, constipation alternates with diarrhea.
- Increases the risk of gout.
- It has a diuretic effect. From this, the body loses many useful substances.
- Due to frequent use, there is a high probability of developing an ulcer and atherosclerosis.
- With frequent use, water supplies are depleted, which leads to digestion.
- The drink has side effects: nervousness, fatigue and dizziness.
- Perhaps the appearance of anxiety and panic attacks.
- There is a high risk of bone fracture.
Side effects of a coffee drink
A drink affects the functioning of the female and male body in different ways.
On men
For men, the drink begins to have a detrimental effect only with excessive consumption. Many do not have the willpower to limit their use of coffee. If you drink more than one cup per day, various diseases and complications may occur.
- Large consumption affects the functioning of the heart system. Caffeine promotes increased work of the heart muscle, thereby boosting the work of the heart.
- Malfunctions of the nervous system occur. Caffeine induces vigor and shortens sleep time. Men have a short temper, irritability. First, performance increases, and then drops sharply. Due to the reduction in hours devoted to sleep, the brain begins to suffer.
- Causes addiction. Naturally, there is no breaking up as with alcohol or drugs, but a man constantly wants to use another cup of this drink.
- Cholesterol accumulates in the blood and is deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
- Causes a decrease in reproductive ability, as a result, the number of sperm is reduced.
- The amount of iron decreases, because of this, the oxygen in the blood decreases. Which in turn affects sexual intimacy.
- If you drink coffee daily, sperm DNA is damaged, which causes a high risk of genetic abnormalities in children.
If irritability, dizziness appears, frequent headaches occur, then the use of coffee should be completely excluded.
On women
In women, the body is much more sensitive, so excessive consumption of the drink brings serious complications.
- The absorption of not only calcium, but also iron is reduced - this leads to anemia.
- Caffeine can cross the placenta, so it can negatively affect the fetus. With high coffee consumption during pregnancy, the child has birth defects.
- During pregnancy, spontaneous abortion may occur due to the drink.
- When breast-fed, it passes into breast milk. From this, the baby develops irritability and nervousness.
- With heavy use, cellulite develops and wrinkles appear.
- Caffeine makes the skin drier and worsens the color of enamel.
- The likelihood of developing fibrocystic mastopathy is increased.
- With heavy use, the likelihood of developing a bladder and incontinence increases.
- A drink reduces the chances of conceiving a baby.
- During menopause, a greater number of vasomotor symptoms are observed.
- Coffee prevents the formation of collagen in the skin.
Instant Coffee: Health Harm
The harm of caffeine affects the psychological aspect. It is addictive. The drink is associated with a wonderful life and relaxation. It gives instant pleasure, which instantly passes. To fill the resulting void, a person wants to drink more and more of this drink. As a result, the problem is aggravated - in the morning it is impossible to wake up without a cup of coffee. Physical problems invisibly appear.
Instant coffee has a negative effect on many systems in the body:
- Negatively affects the nervous system. Due to the fact that accumulation occurs, a person physically gets used to the drink. It is impossible to work without a coffee mug, a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and irritability appears. Coffee lovers are prone to depression and anxiety.
- Due to the fact that the composition contains a much lower amount of caffeine than in a freshly brewed drink, people allow themselves to consume much more mugs of coffee. Thus exceeding the safe amount.
- Addictive.
- Contains more acrylamide compared to natural. An excess of this element damages the nervous system. The risks of cancer are increasing.
- Contraindicated in gastritis, hypertension, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis.
Is it possible to lose weight by drinking coffee
If you are trying to lose weight, then you can not eat more than two cups a day. A large amount of caffeine contributes to weight gain.
Consider the negative effects of caffeine on the body during weight loss.
- If you lose weight with the help of fitness and you have heart problems, then drinking a drink before training, you will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, do not drink coffee before class.
- The use of caffeine provokes the release of insulin into the bloodstream, which leads to a much faster movement of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, the body will quickly give the brain a hunger signal. Therefore, drinking a large amount of coffee, you often and in large quantities will want to eat.
- The drink has diuretic properties, but when the body loses water, it instantly gains another in large volumes.
A small amount of coffee will give strength and help you exercise longer, but losing weight by drinking a large amount of drink will not work.
The harm that brings coffee to the skin of the face
Many women dream of looking great. But do not think about how coffee affects the condition of the skin. Spending money and time visiting beauty salons, they do not want to change habits that adversely affect their appearance.
- Frequent use of the drink causes the appearance of acne and black spots. Acne also often appears. The risk of occurrence and maturation of boils increases. If you encounter this problem, then reduce the volume of the drink to one cup per day and the rashes will stop.
- With frequent, excessive use of coffee, the face will acquire an unhealthy shade and dullness in the look appears. The person begins to look tired.
- Coffee provokes the appearance of multiple wrinkles.
How to drink a drink without harm to the body
The harm of coffee with milk is much less than that of a regular drink. In the presence of gastric diseases, the addition of cream or milk will reduce the negative infusion of caffeine into the body.
Compared with instant coffee, brewed from beans, gives much less negative impacts. At the same time, in small doses, it helps protect the body from aging, improves mood and helps get rid of depression.
If you consume a maximum of two cups per day, liver function will improve and concentration will increase. You should drink a mug of coffee after a meal and in no case should you drink it on an empty stomach.
Refusing coffee is simple and easy!
If you become addicted to coffee and feel worse, you feel apathy, signs of depression and lethargy, then it's time to give up the drink. Of course, it is better to stop taking it right away. But since coffee is addictive, it is very difficult to do. Therefore, it should be excluded gradually so that the body does not experience extreme stress.
- Make the drink less strong and dilute with milk. Reduce your coffee to two cups: morning and afternoon. After a while, switch to drinking one mug only in the morning, and then to a couple of times a week.
- Replace the coffee drink with tea: green, herbal, or black. And best of all, go to white. It also contains caffeine, but acts as a natural antioxidant, helps cleanse the body and boost immunity.