The fair sex loves being photographed. But I must admit: the style of images in women and men is radically different. If guys don’t really like to put their external qualities on the camera’s lens, then don’t feed the girls with bread, let them pose.

But what if the stronger sex behaved like ladies? Some men were puzzled by this question, and decided to experiment. What came of this can be seen in the following photos ...

In the company of girlfriends. Oh, that is, friends:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Selfie in the gym:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Cozy evening:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

“I have been brewing beer for the ninth month”:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

"I'm at work":

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

“It’s so nice to warm yourself with aromatic coffee in the cold autumn”:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Cake lover:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Selfies in the toilet:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Morning meditation with a cup of coffee:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls


Clothing of the week:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Detox Smoothie:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

"My beautiful legs":

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

Coffee pot in bed:

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

"Against the background of the" girlfriend "I look even sexier":

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

“Duck” lips (by the way, do you also think that that guy in the background considers them to be insane?):

If men were photographed in the same way as girls

As you can see, men are humorous about how women create photos on social networks. It’s good that these photos are just jokes. After all, if both boys and girls were photographed like that, then what would become of our world?