The first representatives of the East European Shepherd were brought back during the existence of the USSR. They were fearless and loyal dogs, they faithfully served and defended the borders of our homeland. The shepherd is in great demand today, which noticeably affects the annual increase in its number.

Description and characteristics of the breed

East European Shepherd Dog (VEO) is distinguished by powerful muscles and well-developed skeleton. The hind limbs are located at a right angle with respect to the trunk. Males are always larger than bitches; they are taller and more powerful. The color of the shepherd does not have certain standards, it can be black, with red blotches, gray, black and so on.

Many lovers closely associate the VEO and the German Shepherd, and some generally believe that they are representatives of the same breed. To what extent this may be so, because the Germans are considered the direct ancestors of the easterners. The latter were brought into a separate breed in the territory of the former USSR.

The difference between the German Shepherd and the East European is as follows:

  • the region of the chest of the east is much wider;
  • Germans are more active and playful;
  • the East have a light background in color;
  • the easterners are several centimeters taller than the Germans;
  • VEOs are used for official purposes, Germans - can become faithful companions;
  • In the movement of the VEO, a strong reference shock is noticeable.

Origin history

In the 30s of the past century, a decision was made to develop a new Soviet breed, representatives of which could guard the state border and fight crime. The universal dog had to adapt to different climatic zones, that is, to serve faithfully in severe frosts and in sultry heat.

They decided to “put” the basis of the new breed in the qualities of a German shepherd known at that time, and by the beginning of the 1940s, a huge number of their representatives had appeared in the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The war years caused the extermination of many pets, only a few purebred nurseries were kept within the Urals. After the war, at one of the Moscow shows, experts noticed a large male Ingul. From a relationship with him, offspring always resembled their father.

Just the Ingula line is also easy to breed in the USSR. In the 60s, Germans of the East European type significantly changed, as a result of which experts started talking about creating a new breed. Animals became noticeably higher, as evidenced by elongated limbs, weight increased, and gait and psychological characteristics changed.

In the 90s of the last century, representatives of the breed survived the period of extermination, in most clubs breeders were generally forbidden to appear with them. And only after 10 years did the gradual restoration of the eastern population begin.

Life span

The question of how many shepherds live will surely be before you if a long-awaited favorite appears in the house. According to standards, the Vostochnik lives up to 10-13 years, provided that there will be proper care and good nutrition.

East European Shepherd Dog Standard

The following characteristics of VEO are referred to standard indicators:

  1. The neck is muscular, widened closer to the shoulders.
  2. A saber tail.
  3. The triangular shape of the ears, set high, upright.
  4. The head has a wedge-shaped shape, corresponds to the proportion of the body.
  5. The body is stretched. Slight differences in the height of the sacrum and withers are observed. The shape of the back is straight.
  6. The nose and lips are black, the jaw forms 42 teeth, the cheekbones are not very prominent. Eyes - oval, medium, dark brown.
  7. Paws are straight, hind legs are slightly wider.
  8. Sweeping movements are observed in the gait.
  9. The coat is strictly straight.

The average weight indicators of the female are from 30 to 50 kilograms, males are 10-15 kg heavier. Dogs grow up to 76 cm, bitches are usually 5-6 cm lower.

The purpose and nature of the dog

VEO is dedicated to its owner. For him, she can go for the most desperate things and sometimes even ready to give her life. The pet shows an incredulous attitude to all outsiders, but due to a well-balanced psyche, he will never show his aggression.

The nature of the breed is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Great for training. The shepherd will never try to dominate her master, she is obedient and loyal.
  2. The Orient is not aggressive towards other domestic animals.
  3. Dogs have an innate guard instinct. If there is a threat to the owner or his property, dogs from friendly pets go to the stage of alert.

The nature of the breed is well developed in every way. The pet always has a peppy, active look, he is devoted to the owner and is ready to protect him in any given situation. The Easterners adore the kids, are ready to play with them and in no case will harm them. But such indicators can be achieved only with the right education. If the dog is not raised, then you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

Puppy selection criteria

If you decide to buy a VEO puppy, study the breed standards to know what points you should pay attention to when choosing a pet. Dogs are very similar to the Germans, so you need to know their main differences.

Buying an animal is best in a well-known nursery.It is there that you will be able to provide complete information about its origin, as well as show the necessary documentation.

It is best to pick a puppy after he turns 45 days old, this time is necessary for adaptation, as well as to identify possible deviations. Pay attention to his behavior. The kid should behave actively and playfully, have a healthy appearance and good appetite.

Maintenance, care and feeding

The advantages of the Oriental are that he does not require any special care skills. The only things that you need to pay due attention to are meals and regular active walks. Pets will feel comfortable both in apartment conditions and in a private house. If you put a dog in a booth, then make sure that it is spacious, as shepherds have large dimensions. It is not advisable to change the dog living conditions. If initially she lived in your apartment, then it is no longer possible to relocate her to a booth or aviary.

It is enough to bathe the dog once every 6 months and then as necessary. Try to comb the animal as often as possible, this will avoid contamination of the coat. During this process, you give your pet a kind of massage that can improve blood circulation.

Examine your ears, eyes, and teeth regularly. Auricles are cleaned twice a month with a cotton swab. Regular brushing is the prevention of tartar formation. Eyes are cleared only if there is a discharge on them.

Give remedies for worms regularly. Fleas must be disposed of twice a year - in late spring and mid-autumn.

In order for the animal to develop correctly, it needs a balanced diet. The emphasis should be on protein products, including meat. Do not forget to include porridge with vegetables in the diet, give river fish (it is especially necessary for puppies). The fish is necessarily boiled, this will help reduce the risk of infection with worms. Also, the dog can be given dairy products.

Please note that milk is only allowed up to 6 months of age. For adults, it is contraindicated.

If you do not know how to properly compose a diet for your pet, you can feed it with dry feed, which is sold in special stores. However, give preference only to trusted manufacturers.

How to train an East European Shepherd Dog

As a rule, training VEO is a pleasure. Dogs love to learn. Sometimes it seems that they look into the eyes of their master, thereby trying to understand what will be required of them. Such features allow you to train your pet at home without the help of a professional dog handler.

Teams need to teach the East from a young age. First, the process should take place at home or in the yard, and only after the dog begins to respond to basic requirements, training can be transferred to the park. The latter is necessary in order for the dog to carry out all commands surrounded by irritants, that is, in places of large crowds and great turmoil.

Let it not scare you if the dog refuses to carry out the commands in the first lesson, this is typical for him in the new conditions. However, try to get obedience from him, encouraging every correctly executed team.

Walk the dog on a leash, try to change the walk route every time. This will allow an adult to always be calm about all changes in the environment.

Pros and cons of the breed

Like all dogs, the Orient has its positive and negative qualities.

The strengths of the breed include:

  • high level of intelligence;
  • excellent defensive activity;
  • devotion to his master;
  • balanced psyche;
  • obedience;
  • great attitude to children of any age;
  • ease in training and training.

Minus breed:

  • Needs constant long walks;
  • requires mandatory training;
  • quite expensive content;
  • distrustful of strangers.

VEO is an excellent guard, defender and companion all rolled into one. The dog will demonstrate all its positive qualities with a competent approach to its education.