The term “wolfhounds” refers to all hybrids bred by crossing a wolf and a dog. The desire to tame predators has haunted man for many centuries. Volkosob is a clear proof that in some cases it can be done.
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History and general characteristics of hybrids
Over the past few centuries, many attempts have been recorded to cross a domestic dog and a freedom-loving wolf (some scientists are sure that the first one took place 800 years ago). But most of them were unsuccessful. For the first time, the Wolfhound was officially talked about only in the last century.
It was successful to cross the male German shepherd and she-wolf. The latter was domesticated and grew with people. As a result, a puppy with the appearance of a German shepherd, but some physical characteristics of the wolf, was born.
In order for the cross to be successful, the wolf from the pair must be accustomed to humans and dogs. Otherwise, he will perceive both the first and second as enemies. And it can even bite the partner offered to him (this does not depend on the sex of the animal).
If we talk about the general characteristics of the breed (or rather all the hybrids discussed), then they turn out to be much smaller than the wolf in size. So, the maximum weight of a wolf-hawk reaches the following parameters: 50 kg for a male and 40 kg for a female. Height: 60 cm for a male, 55 cm for a female. Often hybrids have a gray wolf color.
But its external characteristics can vary, depending on what kind of dog a forest predator crossed with a dog of which breed.
Even a white color is possible if the "mom" or "dad" of the wolf breed becomes, for example, a husky.
All successful hybrids have a strong massive physique, strong paws. They have very powerful jaws and a wolf bite, which makes the animal much more dangerous than an ordinary dog.
The main difference between a wolf dog and a simple dog is life expectancy. Hybrids are able to live up to 30 years. While for dogs, the age of even 20 years is considered a rarity.
Another feature of the hybrids under discussion is the lack of a strong attachment to the owner. They do not yearn for the former owner and quickly get used to the new. And the sharp scent, high intelligence and endurance in combination with this quality make them ideal intelligence officers.
Description of hybrid breeds of dog and wolf
One of the main hybrid breeds is the wolf dog of Sarlos. As far back as 20 years, a well-known Dutch breeder managed to cross a German shepherd male and a she-wolf (this case was mentioned above). The first puppies that were born turned out to be too shy, incapable of socialization and even aggressive. The breeder continued the experiment, constantly improving the breed he bred. In the 60s of the last century, it was officially registered.
Representatives of this breed are strong and proportionately folded animals. Outwardly, they strongly resemble their wild ancestors. For example, they have the same physique, similar movements and the same coat.
Sarlos’s wolf dogs have become excellent rescuers. This is due to their unique endurance, activity and independence.
Interestingly, such animals are able to independently make the right decisions during complex rescue operations.
Dogs of the breed in question are not too emotional, but most of all existing wolfhounds are devoted to their owner. This allows you to use them for guide work. From forest ancestors, they were given the ability to navigate even on unfamiliar streets and always find the safest road.
Sarlos’s wolf dog can bark like an ordinary dog, but it’s more characteristic for it to howl like a wolf. Such animals become excellent helpers during the hunt.
Another breed of hybrids is the Czechoslovakian wolf dog. It was possible to bring it to an experienced dog handler in a kennel intended for raising dogs for military service. The first attempts were unsuccessful - the offspring from the she-wolf were painful and weak. But after the change of father, I managed to achieve an excellent result. The very first born puppies from a successful litter began to be used to protect the border of England. Such hybrids were spread around the world only in the 70s of the last century.
Outwardly, wolves are very reminiscent of their wild ancestors. These are large sinewy animals with a rectangular body. From birth, they have developed strong muscles, strong sharp teeth. A special physique helps hybrids to overcome huge distances without fatigue. These wolf-dog hybrids are surprisingly hardy, they perfectly guard various objects, bold, independent, insightful and quite sociable. If it is necessary to protect its owner, the animal will not think about how dangerous the current situation is for him, he will boldly rush into battle.
Features of the content of the animal
Any successful hybrid of a dog and a wolf is a smart and difficult animal to keep. Only an experienced professional dog breeder can cope with it. Therefore, you need to think several times before having such a puppy.
Volkosob is strictly forbidden to start in a city apartment (no matter how large and spacious it is). He can live exclusively on a suburban area. In a confined space, the pet will behave inappropriately, possibly even aggressively. The inability to spend the day outdoors negatively affects the psyche of the animal. The plot around the country house should also be very spacious.
Be sure to take care of a warm booth and a large aviary for a pet.But hybrids rarely run into the house. They do not need to be near the owner and can tolerate even bad weather conditions. They do not need special care.
It should be remembered that any hybrids discussed are not the most friendly animals. They do not like strangers (including young children). In relation to the guests, the wolfhounds can show aggression.
Hybrids do not get along well with other animals - dogs, cats, rabbits. They consider any pets, except themselves, competitors and will do everything possible to eliminate them.
It is strictly forbidden to put a wolf breed of any breed on a chain. This negatively affects the psyche of the animal and can eventually bring it even to madness.
Care, health and feeding
The wolf and dog hybrids have very good health. They do not need any special care and are unpretentious to living conditions and upkeep. It is enough to feed the animal regularly, give it a roof for the period of rain and cold, and also freedom. The only health problem for wolves is that they are highly susceptible to rabies infection. The situation is aggravated by the fact that they are not always affected by regular dog vaccines. Currently, specialists are actively involved in drug development.
In nutrition, the animals discussed are also not picky. But it is better to abandon the use of ready-made dog food. The wolfhound will be happy to eat porridge with meat or offal, a thick soup on the bones with vegetables, low-fat fish, dairy products. The main rule is to ensure that the protein diet, rather than carbohydrate, predominates in the pet's diet. Otherwise, the hybrid may appear overweight.
For a wolfhound, 1-2 feedings per day are sufficient. Too frequent meals will quickly lead him to obesity.
Parenting and training
In the description of the breeds of wolf species, their character is always separately noted. It is very difficult for hybrids. Therefore, they are rarely taken for home maintenance. More often animals are acquired and strictly raised for official purposes.
Finding a competent approach to an animal is important from early childhood. His education should be done by a professional. Beginners should not be allowed to such a pet.
In order to avoid problems with education and training, the wolf blood content in the resulting hybrid should not exceed 20 percent. Otherwise, you will have to abandon any attempts to tame the animal. Such a pet, even in the hands of experienced dog handlers, will grow aggressive and uncontrollable.
In general, wolfhounds are raised by the same rules as ordinary dogs of large breeds. For example, Dobermans and Rottweilers. The main thing is always to demonstrate their superiority over animals, to show restraint and patience. Doing this using physical force with a hybrid is strictly contraindicated. The wolf-wolf will not forgive the caused pain. Further productive communication with him will be impossible.
It must be remembered that by nature wolves are pack leaders. Hybrids of forest predators and dogs will also try to become the main ones in relations with humans. If the pet feels the owner’s weakness, then it will be manipulated in the future.
Pros and Cons of Hybrids
The main advantages of the discussed breeds are amazing physical endurance, strength, a high level of intelligence, independence. Therefore, their help is indispensable for the military and rescuers.
In addition, wolfhounds rarely get sick, even if they constantly live on the street in adverse weather conditions. You will not need to think about a dinner for a pet for a long time. It is enough to share a piece of meat and hearty porridge (meat products for them are allowed in raw form).
The main disadvantage is that it is dangerous to start them in ordinary families. Especially where young children grow up.
Aggression of a pet in relation to any family member can occur at any time.
Especially if the owner of the dog is not an experienced dog handler and is not involved in the continuous raising of the animal.
Other important cons:
- Buying a puppy is extremely difficult. There are no official nurseries in Russia. Have to contact informal breeders. Such sellers sometimes do not think at all about the health of the puppies and do not give the buyer any guarantees.
- The animal cannot be kept on a leash, but at the same time it tends to run away. If it gets, for example, to the neighborhood living creatures, victims and problems cannot be avoided.
- The pet does not fit well with children.
- With a hybrid it will be difficult to receive guests.
How much is the wolfhound
If you decide to contact unofficial breeders, you need to be prepared to give a tidy sum for a puppy. Usually its cost ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. The exact number depends on the gender, color, origin of the animal.
Wolfhounds are more suitable for education in special organizations that prepare them for military service, rescue operations and other “work”. As a pet, it is better to choose a kinder, friendlier and easier to raise breed.