Wild hyacinth is found in the rivers of South America and in Asian countries in the wild. Very often eichhornia is a real problem, because it captures the entire water surface.
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Description of plant water hyacinth
Eichornia in many ways resembles the usual bright hyacinths that bloom in the flower beds. She feels great and grows quickly in a warm reservoir, where there is a lot of organic matter. Water hyacinth is almost continuously covered with flowers and belongs to perennial crops.
On the surface of the water, the flower is held at the expense of the petioles, which consist of light, “airy” tissue.
Peduncles emanate from the center of a lush, juicy outlet. The inflorescence is kept on the plant only a day. Powerful roots of eichhornia can grow up to 50 cm.
Features and difficulties of cultivation
Excellent Eichornia can grow well in a pond on a personal plot, if you create suitable conditions for it. Despite its exotic origin, this plant does not require special care. The main thing is that there is a lot of organic matter in the water.
Flower growth directly depends on nutrients, so it is useful to add to the water:
- mullein;
- compost;
- sludge;
- complex compositions and mixtures for feeding aquarium plants.
Great for growing Eichornia water with a slightly alkaline reaction. The plant is not at all afraid even of harmful impurities harmful to other crops.
The roots of eichhornia are very strong, powerful, and well absorbing nutrients, they process harmful components along with them. Very often, aqueous hyacinth is used for cultivation in sedimentation tanks to purify water.
We must not forget that water hyacinth is very thermophilic and loves the bright sun. Therefore, you need to plant a flower in the spring, so that it can take root well before the onset of the first cold weather. The temperature is very difficult for the culture to tolerate.
Planting Eichornia excellent in a pond in an aquarium
Eichornia is an excellent plant for ponds in personal plots and in parks. It can also be grown in a home aquarium, in which it is much easier to create conditions as close as possible to the natural habitat of the flower.
Planting water hyacinth is carried out as follows:
- First, the outlet is separated and placed in an aquarium with warm water. It is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting.
- There should be a lot of nutrients in the water.
- If hyacinth is bad in a new place, then with the opening of new leaves, the old ones will inevitably begin to die.
- If the climate is favorable, that is, the flower will be light and warm, then it will begin to develop very quickly. The roots will grow, and around May a young first rosette will appear.
- If the plant grows in an aquarium, then it is no longer touched. If it is planned to transfer to the pond to fresh air, then this should be done in June.
The process of planting water hyacinth is extremely simple - the plant is simply placed on water.
Hyacinth can be planted in an aquarium in a warm room in the winter, but the plant is transferred to the street only in the summer.
Plant Care Rules
It is desirable that the air temperature be around +24 ºС. When this indicator decreases to +20 ºС, the plant will cease to bloom. At low temperatures, water hyacinth will try to survive. It is also important for him that daylight hours should be at least 14 hours.
When grown in an aquarium, the flower should always be pruned. It is important to carry out the procedure with gloves, since the juice of the plant can cause severe irritation.
Throughout the summer, when growing a culture in a pond, its dead petioles are removed. They are clearly visible because they become lethargic, which is why the plant loses its decorative effect.
It should be noted that water hyacinth is very afraid of drafts. To prevent the pond from blowing, you need to plant bushes or vertical plants on the shore.
Throughout the season, make sure that there are enough nutrients in the water, providing the culture with good growth and flowering.
Propagation of water hyacinth
It is easy to propagate the flower - the sockets are separated and transferred to a new place. You can do this throughout the season.
Interestingly, with a short daylight, the plant begins to actively grow green mass than you can use to get a lot of planting material.
Eichornia is propagated by seeds, but this method is very laborious, lengthy and not popular.
How to keep an aquatic plant in winter
Growing water hyacinth is a mandatory creation of suitable conditions for wintering, because he needs heat.
With the advent of cold days, water hyacinth must be transferred to an artificial pond indoors. Any container, such as a home aquarium, can serve as a container. For filling, take the water in which the plant grew during the summer. Sludge can be added to the bottom so that eichornia is well rooted.
- It is important to consider that in winter such a high temperature is no longer needed. It is enough if the room is about +20 ºС.
- But the water must be warm.
- Eichornia must be illuminated in winter so that the sockets do not die. Daylight hours should last 14 hours.
- It is impossible that the room was stuffy, since water hyacinth loves fresh air. At the same time, you need to ensure that there are no drafts in the room.
- Be sure to control the evaporation, as the culture does not like very much high humidity.
- Eichornia should not starve in the winter. Therefore, organics and fertilizers are added to water throughout the winter.
The magnificent, bright flowering of eichornia excellent in a pond on a personal plot can become its main highlight.However, owners should not forget about one significant drawback of this unpretentious plant - it grows very quickly, which can cause the death of other residents of the reservoir. Therefore, periodically, water hyacinth must be ruthlessly thinned out.